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Source: Biden's Bomb 'Pause' Will Cause Israeli Soldiers to Die in Booby-trapped Buildings

President Joe Biden's decision to withhold bombs from Israel will cause more Israeli soldiers to die in booby-trapped buildings that would otherwise have been destroyed from the air, according to a military source in Israel.

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Exclusive — Joni Ernst: Biden ‘Playing Politics’ with Americans Held Hostage by Hamas, ‘Making Terrorists Rejoice’

President Joe Biden is “playing politics” with the lives of Americans being held hostage by the Gaza-based terrorist Hamas group, according to Iowa Republican Sen. Joni Ernst. She slammed the 81-year-old Democrat leader for “playing into Hamas’s hands” and “making terrorists rejoice, instead of tremble in fear” by withholding support from the nation's “greatest ally in the region,” Israel.

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Texas Democrat Judge Dismisses 211 Border Rioting Charges Filed Against Migrants

In a setback to the prosecution of migrants involved in a massive border breach in March, El Paso County Court at Law #7 Judge Ruben Morales dismissed 211 individual cases involving migrants charged with rioting at a border crossing. According to Morales, a procedural error transferring the cases from the local district court to his county court meant he lacked jurisdiction and was obligated to dismiss the charges.

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The Breitbart Guide to the Best and Worst of Eurovision 2024

The Eurovision Song Contest, the most flamboyant attempt to prevent World War III ever conceived, will hold its annual Grand Final on Saturday in the most emotionally charged political atmosphere in recent memory.

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Hamas Continues to Attack Humanitarian Aid Crossing at Kerem Shalom

Hamas fired rockets Friday at the Kerem Shalom border crossing, one of several points at which humanitarian aid enters the Gaza Strip from Israel.

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Record-Setting Migrant Arrests Continue in Canadian Border Sector

The escalation of migrant arrests in the Swanton Sector continues with back-to-back weekly records in April. The sector located along the U.S.-Canada border continues to experience record-shattering migrant apprehensions -- month after month.

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Exiled Saudi Colonel: MBS Ordered Troops to Kill Natives Resisting 'Neom' Megacity Project

A former colonel in the Saudi military and ex-intelligence officer told the BBC on the record Wednesday that the Saudi government ordered troops to kill indigenous people who resisted eviction on the land that Riyadh hopes to turn into the state-of-the-art "megacity" Neom.

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Report: Biden's DHS Will Start Issuing ID Cards to Migrants Crossing Border This Summer

President Joe Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is reportedly starting a pilot program to provide migrants, released into the United States and placed into deportation proceedings, with identification (ID) cards.

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Biden's NSC Intel Director, Maher Bitar, Is a Former Radical Pro-Palestinian Activst

Maher Bitar, the White House Coordinator for Intelligence and Defense Policy at the U.S. National Security Council (NSC), was a radical pro-Palestinian activist and a leader within Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP).

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Biden Administration: Attacking Hamas in Rafah Would Strengthen Them

The Biden administration tried to argue Thursday that if Israel launched an ambitious attack on Hamas in Rafah, that would strengthen Hamas, improve Hamas's leverage in hostage negotiations, and build popular support for Hamas.

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Exclusive--O'Donnell: Mail-In Ballot Fraud Is Nothing New, Occurred for the 1st Time During the Civil War

Ballot fraud occurred one hundred and sixty years ago in the presidential election of 1864, when absentee ballots were allowed for the first time because of the massive number of Union soldiers in the field and away from their home states.

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WATCH: Breitbart News' Joel Pollak Asks Israeli Gov't If Biden Is Guilty of 'Treachery'

Breitbart News' Joel Pollak asked Israeli government spokesman Avi Hyman on Wednesday if Israel believed that U.S. President Joe Biden's threat to stop weapons shipments met the dictionary definition of the word "treachery."

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DOJ Prosecutors Investigate Elon Musk's Tesla over Misleading 'Self-Driving' Claims

DOJ prosecutors are examining whether Elon Musk's Tesla committed securities or wire fraud by misleading investors and consumers about its electric vehicles' self-driving capabilities, sources familiar with the matter said.

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Exclusive: Three Dead After Suspected Migrant Smuggler Crashes During Texas Police Pursuit near Border

A United States citizen and two suspected migrants are dead after the driver of a Nissan sports utility vehicle lost control and crashed on Tuesday evening. The unidentified driver of the vehicle was fleeing sheriff's office deputies from Dimmit County, Texas.

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Xi Jinping Celebrates 'Deep Friendship' with Orban's Hungary Ahead of Visit

Genocidal Chinese dictator Xi Jinping published an article on Wednesday in the Hungarian newspaper Magyar Nemzet celebrating Beijing's ties to Budapest, emphasizing what he called a "deep friendship" with the leadership of the country.

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WATCH: Lloyd Austin Confirms U.S. Withholding Arms from Israel over Rafah

Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin confirmed Wednesday at the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense that the U.S. is withholding a shipment of weapons to Israel over concerns about its ongoing attack on Hamas in Rafah.

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Report: U.S. Admits Withholding Bombs from Israel to Stop Rafah Attack

The U.S. withheld certain bombs from Israel to prevent their use in an attack on Hamas battalions in the town of Rafah, according to multiple news reports Tuesday evening.

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Iran Announces It Is 'Broadening the Battlefront' in War on Israel, U.S.

The commander of Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), Maj. Gen. Hossein Salami, claimed on Tuesday that his rogue regime is "broadening the battlefront" against Israel and America to hasten the collapse of both nations.

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Israel: We Will Not Confirm or Deny that Biden Is Withholding Weapons

The Israeli government is declining to confirm or deny that the Biden administration is withholding weapons from the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), as reported in numerous American and Israeli news outlets this week.

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Texas Governor Joins with Bipartisan Coalition Opposing Biden Admin's National Guard Power Grab

Texas Governor Greg Abbott wrote a letter to President Joe Biden opposing a Department of the Air Force proposal to transfer National Guard units from state control to federal without the governors' authorization. The proposal calls for certain National Guard units to be transferred out of the National Guard to the newly created Space Command.

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Uyghurs, Tibetans Condemn France for Hosting 'Genocidal Ogre' Xi Jinping

Human rights activists and Uyghur organization leaders staged a protest on Monday in Paris to condemn President Emmanuel Macron's enthusiastic welcome to China's genocidal dictator Xi Jinping.

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4 Cold, Hard Facts From Social Security Trustees’ Report—and 3 Common Misconceptions

The Social Security trustees released their annual report on Monday, and the outlook is bleak.

Social Security has morphed far beyond its original intent, and absent congressional action, everyone who is of Generation X or younger will not receive a single full benefit, and even those already in retirement will experience significant benefit cuts.

To prevent benefit cuts for even the most elderly who rely on Social Security for their entire income, Congress will have to act.

Determining the best pathway for reform, however, requires understanding some crucial facts about Social Security.

Fact #1: Social Security’s retirement fund will run dry in nine years. The Social Security trustees project that the Old Age and Survivors Insurance, or retirement program, will be insolvent in 2033. At that point, Social Security benefits will be limited to the amount of Social Security payroll taxes that come into the program.

Technically, insolvency means that the notional trust fund (which currently consists of IOUs that the federal government issued to the Social Security trust fund when it borrowed payroll-tax revenues to fund non-Social Security spending) will have no more money—or IOUs—left to be reclaimed.

Fact #2: 21% automatic benefit cuts will ensue. Because Social Security is a self-financed program, it cannot spend more than it takes in. Consequently, unless Congress reforms Social Security, benefits will be reduced by 21% across the board beginning in 2033. That will equal a loss of about $4,600 for the average beneficiary, who receives about $22,000 per year from Social Security.

Beyond 2033, payroll taxes will cover a declining share of scheduled benefits, and benefit reductions will rise to 31% by 2098.

Fact #3: Social Security has $22.6 trillion in unfunded obligations. Social Security’s combined Old Age and Survivors Insurance and Disability Insurance programs have accumulated $22.6 trillion in unfunded obligations, which is effectively the additional amount required to maintain Social Security’s current benefit levels over the next 75 years. That amounts to $172,000 for every household in America.

Fact #4: Large tax hikes would be required to prevent benefit reductions. To prevent any benefit reductions, the Social Security trustees estimate that payroll taxes would have to rise immediately from 12.4% to 15.7%. That estimate may be too conservative, however. The Congressional Budget Office estimates that payroll taxes would have to rise immediately to 17.5% to maintain current benefits.

Those estimated tax hikes would add between $2,500 and $3,800 in annual Social Security taxes for a median household with about $75,000 of income. When Social Security was established, it started out as a 2% tax, and its founders promised the program would never take more than 6% of workers’ paychecks.

In addition to the basic facts presented in the trustees’ report, understanding some common misconceptions about Social Security can help Americans assess the best options for reform.

Misconception #1: Social Security is a retirement savings program. Today, not a single dollar of workers’ Social Security payroll taxes is saved. Decades ago, a significant portion of workers’ payroll taxes were designated to the Social Security trust fund and earned interest (because the money was lent to the federal government to finance deficits in other, non-Social Security government spending).

Since 2011, however, Social Security has paid out more in benefits than it has collected in tax revenues, and every dollar of workers’ payroll taxes has gone straight out the door to current retirees. Thus, Social Security is not a retirement savings program, but an intergenerational income-transfer program.   

Misconception #2: Social Security is a good deal. Social Security was a good deal for early generations of beneficiaries who received far more than they paid into the system.

Social Security continues to seem like a good deal to many people because a $2,000 monthly benefit check is very noticeable, whereas workers never see the 6.2% Social Security tax that employers pay on their behalf and with automatic deductions and direct deposit of paychecks, many workers don’t notice the 6.2% taken from those paychecks.

Moreover, most workers have no idea what they could have received if their payroll taxes had instead been put into a personal retirement account.

My colleagues and I at The Heritage Foundation estimated that the average worker could receive three times as much from a personal retirement account, compared to what Social Security provides. Even minimum-wage workers could receive 40% more from a personal retirement account. (The Heritage Foundation founded The Daily Signal in 2014.)

Misconception #3: Making everyone pay their “fair share” of Social Security taxes would fix the program’s shortfalls. To increase Social Security revenues, some lawmakers have called for subjecting all earnings (and potentially unearned income) to Social Security’s 12.4% tax. Currently, Social Security’s tax applies up to $168,600 of earnings in 2024. The current cap is already 2.5 times as large, in inflation-adjusted dollars, as the original earnings cap.

Social Security’s tax cap also functions as a benefit cap. Since benefits are a function of the income on which workers paid taxes, the tax cap prevents very wealthy individuals from receiving very large Social Security benefits.

Eliminating the Social Security tax cap entirely would only solve about half of Social Security’s shortfalls. Since eliminating Social Security’s tax cap would bring the top federal income tax rate to 51.8% and the top combined state and federal income tax rate to 65.8% (in 2026 and beyond), this would leave little room to raise taxes to cover the federal government’s regular deficits or Medicare’s more than $50 trillion in shortfalls.

As Brian Riedl of the Manhattan Institute noted, “even 100% tax rates on million-dollar earners would not come close to balancing the budget, and seizing all $4.5 trillion of billionaire wealth—every home, car, business, and investment—would merely fund the federal government one time for nine months.”

Social Security’s outlook is dismal, and the politics of reform are even worse. But the good news is that Social Security truly is solvable.

By slowly shifting to a system of universal benefits, modernizing outdated features, and adding an ownership option, policymakers can preserve Social Security, improve benefits for those who need them most, and increase all Americans’ lifetime incomes.  

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Families of Oct. 7 Victims Rally at U.S. Embassy to 'Let Israel Win'

Families of victims of the October 7 terror attack, and fallen Israeli soldiers, rallied Tuesday at the Tel Aviv branch office of the U.S. embassy in Israel to demand the Biden administration allow Israel to win the war against Hamas.

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Report: Biden Withholding Weapons from Israel; Dems Impeached Trump over Ukraine Aid

A new report appears to confirm earlier claims that the Biden administration has been withholding arms from Israel in an attempt to send a message of disapproval about Israel's policy of entering Rafah to finish off Hamas terrorists.

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Report: Russia Doubles Oil Revenue Year-on-Year in April

A report published on Monday by Bloomberg, citing the Russian Finance Ministry, found that Moscow generated over double the amount of revenue in April 2024 from oil sales and taxes compared to April 2023.

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Police Clear Pro-Palestinian 'Encampment' at UC San Diego

State and local police cleared a pro-Palestinian "encampment" at the University of California San Diego (UCSD) on Monday after several days in which activists occupied an area on campus and invited outside activists to join them.

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Israeli Officials Say U.S. Blindsided Them with Surprise Hamas 'Agreement'

Israeli officials said Monday that Biden administration officials had secretly worked with mediators, without Israel's knowledge, to craft a Hamas "agreement" to ceasefire terms in an attempt to deter an attack on Hamas in Rafah.

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Israeli Troops Fight Through Rafah, Seize Border Crossing, Key Road

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) attack on Hamas positions in Rafah, in southern Gaza, began Monday with a fight to seize two key strategic points: the Rafah-Egypt border crossing, and the Philadelphi road along the Egyptian border.

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Army Confirms Russia Has Detained an American Soldier

The United States Army confirmed reports that Russia detained an American soldier. He is accused of "stealing from a woman," officials said.

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Israeli War Cabinet Votes Unanimously to Continue War in Rafah, Reopen Talks

The Israeli war cabinet voted unanimously on Monday to continue the attack on Hamas's last stronghold in Rafah -- while also sending diplomats to Cairo, Egypt in an effort to explore whether Hamas is really interested in ceasefire.

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White House Refuses to Say or Speculate What Is in Hamas Ceasefire 'Deal'

The Biden administration welcomed Hamas's sudden declaration Monday that it accepted a ceasefire in Gaza -- though the White House would not say what terms, exactly, Hamas had accepted.

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Hamas Suddenly Begs for Ceasefire, with Israeli Attack on Rafah Looming

The Palestinian Hamas terror organization rushed Monday to claim that it had accepted a ceasefire -- just hours after Israel warned residents of Rafah, the last Hamas stronghold in Gaza, to evacuate due to an imminent invasion.

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Israel: Rafah Operation Imminent, Not a Bluff; 'Liberate Gaza from Hamas'

Israeli government spokesman David Mencer said Monday that Israel's warning to residents of Rafah to evacuate was not a bluff and marked the beginning of a long-promised operation by the Israel Defense Force (IDF) to win the war.

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Report: Too Much Aid in Northern Gaza; Int'l Orgs Request Reduction

Israel's Coordination of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT) agency reported Sunday that it had been told by international organizations that there was too much aid being sent to northern Gaza, and it should be reduced.

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IDF Urges Rafah Evacuations; Drops Flyers in Gaza; Attack Imminent

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) urged residents of Rafah, in the southern Gaza Strip, to evacuate to nearby "safe" zones on Monday as a long-delayed attack by Israel against the last Hamas strongholds appeared to be imminent.

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CIA Chief Heads to Qatar as Hostage Deal Talks with Hamas Near 'Collapse'

Central Intelligence Agency Director William Burns is heading to Doha, Qatar, in a last-ditch effort to save talks on a potential hostage deal between Israel and Hamas after the terror group balked at Israel continuing the war against it.

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Hamas Fires on Kerem Shalom Crossing, Where Humanitarian Aid Enters Gaza

Hamas claimed responsibility Sunday for a barrage of rockets fired from the town of Rafah toward the Kerem Shalom border crossing, which is responsible for the entry of trucks of humanitarian aid into the Gaza Strip.

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Netanyahu: We Will Not Agree to Hamas Demand to End the War in Hostage Deal

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu issued a video statement on Sunday insisting that Israel will not agree to Hamas's demand that it end the war as a condition of a deal to release the remaining Israeli hostages in Gaza.

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PHOTOS: Biden’s Released Migrants Still Camp on Streets of El Paso

Despite a marked slowdown in migrant crossings into Texas in recent months, migrants released by the Biden administration can still be found sleeping and congregating in the heart of downtown El Paso.

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Iran in Talks to Refurbish Sugarcane Factories in Cuba

The Islamic regime in Iran has held talks with Cuba's communist Castro regime to renovate 160 run-down sugarcane factories in Cuba, the Iranian state-run Tasmin News Agency reported Wednesday.

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Nearly 50 Dead as Mountain Highway Collapses in China

The death toll from a collapsed mountainside highway in China's southern Guangdong province has risen to 48 as of Thursday.

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Turkey Announces Trade Embargo on Israel

Islamist Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan confirmed reports on Friday that Ankara will ban all imports from and exports to Israel in support of the jihadist terror group Hamas.

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Pentagon Confirms Americans Sharing Air Base with Russian Troops in Niger

U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin confirmed on Friday that American troops are sharing space in Niger with Russian military forces.

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Pro-Hamas U.S. Students Receive Offers from Houthis, Tehran University

Officials at two universities run by radical jihadist terror entities -- Iran's public Tehran University and the Houthi-controlled Sanaa University in Yemen -- offered enrollment this week to students in America and Europe facing disciplinary action for supporting the Hamas terrorist organization.

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Arizona Cranks Up More Criminal Charges

(John Hinderaker)

Politico reports that Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes (a Democrat, of course) is accelerating an investigation that may lead to prosecutions of people close to President Trump’s 2020 campaign. Which is odd on its face, since the events that are the basis for the investigation happened more than three years ago. Why the sudden hurry? Obviously, Democrats see that Joe Biden is losing, and are throwing the kitchen sink at Trump:

Arizona prosecutors in recent weeks issued grand jury subpoenas to multiple people linked to Donald Trump’s 2020 campaign, a sharp acceleration of their criminal investigation into efforts to overturn Joe Biden’s victory in the state.

The new steps, first reported here, are a sign that Attorney General Kris Mayes, a Democrat, is nearing a decision on whether to charge Trump’s allies in the state, including GOP activists who falsely posed as presidential electors in December 2020.

“Falsely posed as electors.” What an absurd characterization! In a number of states, Trump’s campaign had people lined up to be electors on his behalf in the event that his various legal challenges might succeed before the Electoral College met. There is nothing wrong with this, let alone illegal. The same thing happened in Hawaii in 1960, and would have happened in Florida in 2000 if the Supreme Court hadn’t first put the matter to rest.

The “fake elector” theory is one of several ways in which the Democrats have tried to criminalize making claims of voter fraud. In the wake of the 2020 election, Donald Trump and many others believed that the election had been stolen by the Biden campaign. Were they right? I doubt it, but we will never know for sure. There wasn’t enough time between the election and Biden’s inauguration for claims of voter fraud to be litigated on the merits, and in no case did any court ever permit the necessary discovery, conduct a trial and make findings on the extent of voter fraud by the Democrats.

In multiple criminal proceedings, Trump is accused of “trying to overturn” — or “plotting to overturn” — the result of the 2020 election. Again, there is nothing wrong with this. Al Gore tried to overturn the result of the 2000 election, and Al Franken got into the U.S. Senate by overturning the result of an election. There is nothing wrong with pursuing legal election remedies. And where extensive voter fraud is suspected, an attempt to investigate, litigate and overturn a fraudulent result is commendable, not criminal. But the reality is that voter fraud can only be prevented; it can’t be litigated and corrected after the fact. The Democrats have blocked common-sense ballot security measures at every opportunity, and they have no one but themselves to blame if the public widely suspects that our elections are rigged.

Sadly, it appears that some Trump associates have been bullied into guilty pleas in shameful criminal proceedings alleging that they were “fake electors.” This reflects the reality that government at either the federal or the state level can destroy your life at will. At some point, nearly everyone will surrender rather than go through bankruptcy and see his or her life destroyed.

The misuse of criminal proceedings by the Democratic Party to punish its political opponents is the most vicious legacy of our current political crisis.

Whole lotta lyin’ goin’ on, cont’d

(Scott Johnson)

Attorney Terrence Bradley testified last week in the hearing on the possible disqualification of Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis and Special Counsel Nathan Wade in the “conspiracy so immense” charges against President Trump et al. pending in Georgia state court. Bradley is Wade’s former law partner and lawyer in his divorce proceeding. He knows when the Willis/Wade romance began because Wade told him.

Indeed, Bradley had previously stated in text messages to Ashleigh Merchant (attorney for defendant Michael Roman) that: (1) the relationship between Willis and Wade started before he was appointed special prosecutor, (2) the relationship started while they were both magistrate judges, and (3) the motion to disqualify Willis, which alleged the start date of the relationship, was accurate.

However, that’s not the way it turned out on the witness stand. After long pauses, Bradley disavowed his previous statements. He couldn’t recall. He was speculating. As in the old Jack Benny joke, he was thinking about it. He knew nothing. It made for painful viewing. Everyone in the room knew that Bradley was lying. Which means that Willis and Wade had lied in their testimony, which was almost as obvious.

Judge Scott McAfee heard oral argument on the disqualification motion this past Friday. He announced that he would render a decision within two weeks. I think he left the bench knowing what he would do.

Now comes counsel for defendant David J. Shafer to add to the lyin’ record on the matter of disqualification. According to counsel in a three-page filing setting forth Notice of Proposed Testimony, Cobb County prosecutor Cindi Lee Yeager had “numerous, in-person and other conversations” with Bradley in which they discussed information about Willis and Wade. Bradley told Yeager that the two met during a 2019 judicial conference and that Wade “began his romantic relationship” with the future DA “at or around this time.”

The filing also describes a meeting around September 2023 when Bradley was visiting Yeager in her office and got a phone call. “Ms. Yeager could hear that the caller was District Attorney Willis. District Attorney Willis was calling Mr. Bradley in response to an article that was published about how much money Mr. Wade and his law partners had been paid in this case,” according to the filing. “Ms. Yeager heard District Attorney Willis tell Mr. Bradley: “They are coming after us. You don’t need to talk to them about anything about us.”

The Daily Mail runs it all down along with exhibits and videos in “Fani Willis warned Nathan Wade’s divorce lawyer to stay quiet about their affair, bombshell new court filing claims: Trump prosecutor case gets another twist with NEW witness that could deliver devastating testimony.” Jonathan Turley provides a link to the new filing in the tweet below.

My guess is that Judge McAfee has heard enough. He knows how he wants to decide the disqualification motion. Anyone with half a brain could see that Bradley was lying. Bradley could not have made it more obvious if he had wanted to, although (with apologies to the great Jeremiah Denton) he might have blinked out “I-M-L-Y-I-N-G” in Morse Code if he knew it.

There is a new filing in the Fani Willis case that contradicts the much maligned testimony of Nathan Wade’s former partner Terrence Bradley. A prosecutor has come forward to say that Bradley told him with clarity of the personal relationship began earlier.

— Jonathan Turley (@JonathanTurley) March 4, 2024

“A global laughingstock”

(Scott Johnson)

Atlanta attorney Harry MacDougald is our old Rathergate friend. He helped us get the ball rolling in “The 61st minute” on the morning of September 9, 2004. Writing under the screen name Buckhead, Harry observed in comment number 47 of Free Republic’s Rathergate thread: “I am saying these documents are forgeries, run through a copier for 15 generations to make them look old. This should be pursued aggressively.” Life has never been quite the same since we took his cue and followed up.

Harry is the managing partner of Atlanta’s Caldwell, Carlson, Elliott & DeLoach law firm. He represents defendant Jeffrey Clark in the “conspiracy so immense” case brought by Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis. We have followed defendants’ motion to disqualify Willis from prosecuting the case. It turns out that Willis appointed her boyfriend Nathan Wade as special prosecutor in the case. Willis, Wade, and others have testified under oath on the facts underlying the conflict issues raised by defendants. I commented, most recently, in “Whole lotta lyin’ goin’ on.”

Yesterday Judge Scott McAfee held a three-hour hearing for oral argument by the attorneys on the disqualification motion. Harry was the star of the show. His thirteen-minute argument begins at 01:12:40 of the video of the hearing at the bottom. Students of ancient history may recall the role of CBS News in Rathergate. It has posted a decent account of the hearing.

I have my doubts that Judge McAfee will grant the disqualification motion, but I have no doubt that he should or that Harry accurately captured the essence of the evidence before the court. Referring to the Office of the Fulton County District Attorney and the Willis/Wade matter, Harry concluded: “This office is a global laughingstock because of their conduct.”

I reached out to Harry for a comment after the hearing yesterday. He declined to comment one way or the other on the hearing, although he did comment favorably on Power Line. My comment is that Harry was right about Rathergate and he is right about the disgrace to be resolved by the court on the pending motion.

Whole lotta lyin’ goin’ on

(Scott Johnson)

Attorney Terrence Bradley testified yesterday in the hearing on the possible disqualification of Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis and Special Counsel Nathan Wade in the “conspiracy so immense” charges against President Trump et al. pending in Georgia state court. Bradley is Wade’s former law partner and lawyer in his divorce proceeding. He knows when the Willis/Wade romance began because Wade told him.

Indeed, as Techno Fog notes, Bradley has previously stated in text messages to Ashleigh Merchant (attorney for defendant Michael Roman) that: (1) the relationship between Willis and Wade started before he was appointed special prosecutor, (2) the relationship started while they were both magistrate judges, and (3) the motion to disqualify Willis, which alleged the start date of the relationship, was accurate.

However, that’s not the way it turned out on the witness stand. After long pauses, Bradley disavowed his previous statements. He couldn’t recall. He was speculating. As in the old Jack Benny joke, he was thinking about it. He knew nothing.

Mr. Fog offers pierces the fog with this clear summary of Bradley’s testimony: “[Bradley] speculated about the start of the relationship, only had one meeting with Wade about the relationship, and has no personal knowledge as to when the relationship started. All of that, of course, was contradicted by his prior representations to Ms. Merchant.”

It made for painful viewing. Everyone in the room knew that Bradley was lying. Which means that Willis and Wade had lied in their testimony, which was almost as obvious. Below is an excerpt of Bradley’s testimony that ran in full over two hours. As I say, it makes for painful viewing.

Ramadan in Nigeria: Army troops invade Christian areas, burn markets, loot shops during Western Easter celebrations

Ramadan in Nigeria: Army troops invade Christian areas, burn markets, loot shops during Western Easter celebrations
Just in case there was any doubt about where the Nigerian government stands regarding the ongoing jihad in that country. “EXCLUSIVE: Nigerian Army Personnel Resume Invasion Of Communities In Imo State, Burn Markets, Loot Several Shops During Easter,” Sahara Reporters, April 11, 2023: SaharaReporters reliably gathered that troops of the Nigerian military on Sunday, during […]

Afghanistan: ‘The Taliban are offering money for Afghans to turn in any Christians they know’

Afghanistan: ‘The Taliban are offering money for Afghans to turn in any Christians they know’
Building a Sharia paradise through terror. And why not? Muhammad is depicted in a hadith as having said: “I have been made victorious through terror” (Bukhari 4:52.220). “Taliban puts bounty on Afghan Christians,” Mission Network News, April 3, 2023: Afghanistan (MNN) — Famine fears loom in Afghanistan. Multibillion-dollar aid packages have kept 20 million Afghans alive – […]

Ramadan in Nigeria: Muslims murder young boy, kidnap three people at church on Western Palm Sunday

Ramadan in Nigeria: Muslims murder young boy, kidnap three people at church on Western Palm Sunday
Will the Islamophobia never end? “Young boy killed and three kidnapped in Palm Sunday attack in Nigeria,” Open Doors, April 2, 2023: A young boy has been killed and at least three people kidnapped, including a pastor, in an attack on a church in northern Nigeria on Palm Sunday (2 April) by suspected Fulani militants.  […]

Kyrgyzstan: Police fine Catholic nun for alleged evangelization

Kyrgyzstan: Police fine Catholic nun for alleged evangelization
It’s the same story the world order: so many Muslims, like Leftists, are desperately insecure and fearful of any kind of challenge. Thus they move to crush free speech regarding Islam as well as proselytizing for any other religion. Indeed, proselytizing for any other religion among Muslims is a Sharia offense. “Kyrgyz police fine Catholic […]

Ramadan in Nigeria: Muslims murder nine Christians in Plateau State

Ramadan in Nigeria: Muslims murder nine Christians in Plateau State
Ramadan is the month in which Muslims redouble their efforts to please Allah. So Ramadan would be the ideal time for jihad attacks against non-Muslims, as it is the month in which observant Muslims try to do more of what Allah wants them to do. “Kill them wherever you find them,” says the Qur’an (2:191, […]

Egypt: Muslim authorities deny Coptic Christian couple custody in adoption case

Egypt: Muslim authorities deny Coptic Christian couple custody in adoption case
The Christian family is being denied custody because every child is born Muslim. “Abu Huraira, narrated that the Prophet (ﷺ) said, ‘Every child is born with a true faith (i.e. to worship none but Allah Alone) but his parents convert him to Judaism or to Christianity or to Magainism, as an animal delivers a perfect […]

Ramadan in Nigeria: Muslims abduct ten Christian students in jihad raid on secondary school

Ramadan in Nigeria: Muslims abduct ten Christian students in jihad raid on secondary school
My contact in Nigeria informs me that as this was Southern Kaduna, where Christians predominate, this was a Muslim-on-Christian attack. The taking of hostages is for money-making purposes. “As for the captives, the amir [ruler] has the choice of taking the most beneficial action of four possibilities: the first to put them to death by […]

Ramadan in Nigeria: Muslim raid town, attack church service, murder Christian pastor

Ramadan in Nigeria: Muslim raid town, attack church service, murder Christian pastor
“Ramadan is not a month of laziness but rather a month of activity, of effort, and of hard work, and as it also was in the life of the Prophet, a month of jihad, conquest, and victory.” — Palestinian Authority Supreme Sharia Judge Mahmoud Al-Habbash “Ramadan is a month of holy war and death for […]

Uganda: Muslims attack pastor and his son as they were preparing for all-night prayer vigil

Uganda: Muslims attack pastor and his son as they were preparing for all-night prayer vigil
“Make ready for them all that you can of force and of warhorses, so that by them you may strike terror in the enemy of Allah and your enemy…” (Qur’an 8:60) “Muslim Extremists Attack Pastor, Son in Uganda,” Morning Star News, March 22, 2023: NAIROBI, Kenya (Morning Star News) – Muslim extremists on March 15 […]

Ramadan in Pakistan: Muslims murder a Hindu, a Christian and a Sikh in targeting of religious minorities

Ramadan in Pakistan: Muslims murder a Hindu, a Christian and a Sikh in targeting of religious minorities
“Kill them wherever you find them…” (Qur’an 2:191, 4:89, cf. 9:5) “Christian man shot dead in ‘targeted’ attack,” The Nation (Pakistan), April 2, 2023 (thanks to The Religion of Peace): PESHAWAR – Unknown motorcyclists killed a member of the Christian community in Sufaid Dheri area, police said on Saturday. Kashif Maseeh was an employee in […]

Iraq: Christian population declines by 80% since 2003

Iraq: Christian population declines by 80% since 2003
The U.S. invasion of Iraq and toppling of Saddam Hussein was disastrously ill-conceived, as I explained before it started back in 2003. The resulting vacuum was filled by jihad groups who targeted the Christians, which they associated with the U.S. even though there has been a Christian presence in Iraq for 2000 years. “Two Decades […]

Nigeria: Muslims murder over 60 Christians, at least one in jihad attack on worship service

Nigeria: Muslims murder over 60 Christians, at least one in jihad attack on worship service
“Make ready for them all that you can of force and of warhorses, so that by them you may strike terror in the enemy of Allah and your enemy…” (Qur’an 8:60) “Terrorists Kill More than 60 Christians in Benue State, Nigeria,” Morning Star News, April 3, 2023: ABUJA, Nigeria (Morning Star News) – Fulani herdsmen […]

Nigeria: Muslims storm mass mourning priest jihadis previously murdered, abduct 56 Christians

Nigeria: Muslims storm mass mourning priest jihadis previously murdered, abduct 56 Christians
Islamic jihadis burned Fr. Isaac Achi to death in January. The taking of hostages is for money-making purposes. “As for the captives, the amir [ruler] has the choice of taking the most beneficial action of four possibilities: the first to put them to death by cutting their necks; the second, to enslave them and apply […]

Nigeria: Muslims invade grammar school, attack students and teachers with machetes

Nigeria: Muslims invade grammar school, attack students and teachers with machetes
The herdsmen are Fulanis, who are Islamic jihadis waging jihad to establish a caliphate in West Africa. The victims here, as you can see from the names “Paul” and “Grace,” are Chrisians. “Suspected herdsmen injure students, teachers in Oyo school,” by Adeola Badru, Vanguard, March 30, 2023: Suspected herdsmen, on Thursday morning, allegedly invaded one […]

44 Retired Generals and Admirals Ask Biden Administration to Provide Israel with the Weapons It Needs

44 Retired Generals and Admirals Ask Biden Administration to Provide Israel with the Weapons It Needs
Joe Biden has assured the world that Iran will not acquire nuclear weapons “on my watch.” How much credence ought the people of Israel, who will be the ones most affected should Iran acquire a nuclear weapon, give to this assurance? None at all. Israelis cannot entrust their national survival to assurances from Joe Biden […]

Swedish Security Police help Muslim get to the country, but he’s wanted for serious war crimes in Syria

Swedish Security Police help Muslim get to the country, but he’s wanted for serious war crimes in Syria
Did the Security Police know he was wanted for war crimes and Syria and just didn’t care? Or did they not know, which is even worse? “Syrian migrant requested to be detained for serious war crimes in Syria,” translated from “Syrisk migrant begärs häktad för grova krigsbrott i Syrien,” by Mattias Albinsson, Samnytt, March 23, […]

Spain: Muslim uses AirDrop to send terrorist threats to people on flight to Tel Aviv

Spain: Muslim uses AirDrop to send terrorist threats to people on flight to Tel Aviv
“Make ready for them all that you can of force and of warhorses, so that by them you may strike terror in the enemy of Allah and your enemy…” (Qur’an 8:60) “A Vueling flight between Barcelona and Tel-Aviv postponed due to terrorist threats,” translated from “Ajornat un vol de Vueling entre Barcelona i Tel-Aviv per […]

Canada: Alleged ‘civil liberties groups’ call for ‘immediate moratorium’ on ‘prejudiced audits’ of Muslim charities

Canada: Alleged ‘civil liberties groups’ call for ‘immediate moratorium’ on ‘prejudiced audits’ of Muslim charities
A renewed and aggressive launch is underway to smear the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as “Islamophobic” for investigating highly questionable Islamic charities. A relentless effort to stop the CRA has been ongoing. Now comes a portentous news item from the Hill Times: “Civil liberties groups call for immediate moratorium on ‘prejudiced audits’ of Muslim charities […]

Indonesia: Muslims block Christians’ construction of a church

Indonesia: Muslims block Christians’ construction of a church
Islamic law forbids the construction of new churches. Christians are “forbidden to ring church bells or display crosses, recite the Torah or Evangel aloud, or make public display of their funerals and feastdays, and are forbidden to build new churches” – Reliance of the Traveller o.11.5 (6,7) “Muslims Block Christians’ Construction in Indonesia,” Morning Star News, March […]

Nigeria: Muslims murder 17 Christians in Southern Kaduna

Nigeria: Muslims murder 17 Christians in Southern Kaduna
“The militants came at night using sophisticated weapons.” Who is funding them? Other Muslims who believe that they are waging jihad for the sake of Allah. “17 Christians Killed by Militants in Nigeria’s Southern Kaduna,” International Christian Concern, March 15, 2023: 03/15/2023 Nigeria (International Christian Concern) – Muslim militants recently killed 17 unarmed Christians in […]

UN Security Council Adopts Unanimous Resolution Asking Someone Else to Fix Afghanistan

UN Security Council Adopts Unanimous Resolution Asking Someone Else to Fix Afghanistan
Why do we have a UN again? Why do we have a UN again? To tackle the tough issues. Like Afghanistan. The United Nations Security Council admitted it does not know how to deal with Afghanistan’s Taliban government. The Security Council unanimously adopted a resolution Thursday calling for independent recommendations on how to combat challenges in […]

France: Muslim with ‘record of Islamist radicalization’ disrupts church service, breaks crucifix into pieces

France: Muslim with ‘record of Islamist radicalization’ disrupts church service, breaks crucifix into pieces
Celebrate diversity! “Paris: a man on file S arrested after disrupting a religious service,” translated from “Paris : un homme fiché S arrêté après avoir perturbé un office religieux,” by Aude Blacher, France 3, March 17, 2023 (thanks to Medforth): A man was arrested on Thursday after disrupting a religious service. The man, who is […]

Uganda: Muslims violently assault Christian pastor after 37 Muslims convert to Christianity

Uganda: Muslims violently assault Christian pastor after 37 Muslims convert to Christianity
That’s one way to win a debate. “Pastor Attacked after Invitation to Christian-Muslim Debate,” Morning Star News, February 28, 2023: NAIROBI, Kenya (Morning Star News) – A pastor invited to participate in a religion debate by mosque leaders in Uganda was attacked after his arguments ostensibly led to 37 Muslims accepting Christ, sources said. Muslims […]

China, Russia and Iran hold joint naval drills in Gulf of Oman, NSC’s Kirby isn’t concerned

China, Russia and Iran hold joint naval drills in Gulf of Oman, NSC’s Kirby isn’t concerned
Once again, the Biden Administration is factoring itself out of a critical global event. With Russia demonstrating its determination by threatening to use nuclear weapons, along with its suspension of a nuclear arms control treaty and its threat to resume nuclear tests, there’s big reason to be concerned. Add to that the fact that Iran […]

Austria: Increased police presence in Vienna over threat of jihad attacks at churches

Austria: Increased police presence in Vienna over threat of jihad attacks at churches
Apparently the jihadis wish to target Muslims who refused to join the jihad, and are planning on hiding out in churches. Welcome to the new, diverse Austria! “Terrorist alert: risk of attack on churches in Vienna,” translated from “Terroralarm: Anschlagsgefahr auf Kirchen in Wien,” Kronen Zeitung, March 15, 2023 (thanks to L.): Increased police presence […]

France: Three Muslim migrants arrested as police intercept large weapons delivery

France: Three Muslim migrants arrested as police intercept large weapons delivery
Investigators suspect that these weapons “were intended for Toulouse delinquents,” who are themselves largely Muslim migrants. For some of these, the overall goal is to destabilize the state and ultimately replace it with an Islamic state. “Tarbes: A large delivery of weapons intercepted in the parking lot of a hotel,” translated from “Tarbes : Une […]

BREITBART NEWS: Seattle Imposes Ad Ban to Annul Pamela Geller’s Free Speech Lawsuit Victory

Another city bans free speech. Chilling. Read this.


Seattle Imposes Ad Ban to Annul Pamela Geller’s Free Speech Lawsuit Victory

Officials who oversee Seattle’s transit system moved to ban political, religious, and other ads from its facilities and public transportation vehicles soon after Pamela Geller’s American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI) prevailed in a freedom of speech lawsuit against the city, earning the right to run FBI’s Most Wanted terrorist posters, Breitbart News has learned.

By: Edwin Mora, Breitbart, April 16, 2019:

“People should realize that this is a struggle for the very foundation of any free society: the freedom of speech. If there is a group you can’t criticize, then that group can impose tyranny over you. If we lose this free speech battle, all our other freedoms are lost” Geller recently told Breitbart News via email.

She argued the advertisement ban sidestepped the September 2018 U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit ruling in AFDI’s favor, which allowed the group to advertise the Most Wanted terrorist list in Seattle.

However, the new restrictions, dubbed the “Geller ban” and instituted in December 2018 by the King County Department of Transportation’s Transit Division that oversees Seattle’s public transportation system, have ended up preventing AFDI from running the terrorist wanted ads, Geller pointed out, noting that her free speech lawsuit victory was bittersweet.

Before the appeal court’s ruling, judges had denied AFDI the right to place public service ads featuring images of the FBI’s Most Wanted Terrorists on Seattle’s public transportation system, due to a perceived disparagement of Islam.

The city’s rejection prompted AFDI to sue the King County Metro system for its suppression of free speech.

“We won the right to run the FBI wanted terrorist poster that Seattle prevailed upon the FBI to withdraw [ in 2013]. And as soon as we triumphed, Seattle transit imposed the infamous Geller ban, banning political, religious and cause-related ads in Seattle (following NY, Washington DC, Boston, Miami, Chicago, San Francisco, etc),” Geller told Breitbart News in the email.

In a document outlining the transit agency’s advertising restrictions, King County officials noted that the policy bans advertising on transit facilities and vehicles that fall within the categories of political, religious, government (except for the county’s), and other forms of “speech.”

“They banned all political ads, as that was the only course of action they could possibly take in order to continue to avoid running my ads,” Geller said. “They’re so determined to continue whitewashing Islam and denying and obfuscating the roots of jihad terror that they are willing to lose immense amounts of revenue from all political advertising.”

Transit agency officials argued that their “viewpoint neutral” ban seeks to prohibit “advertisements that interfere with and divert resources from transit operations, that detract from transit purposes by creating substantial controversy, and/or that pose significant risks of harm, inconvenience, or annoyance to transit passengers, operators, and vehicles.”

“Such advertisements create an environment that is not conducive to achieving increased revenue for the benefit of the transit system or to preserving and enhancing the security, safety, comfort, and convenience of its operations,” the officials added.

Responding to the agency’s argument Geller noted, “I see ads that annoy me all the time. If that is the criterion [for the ban], whose annoyance counts, and whose doesn’t, and why?”

She told Breitbart News that King County’s decision to ban FBI wanted posters featuring some jihadis amounts to the “enforcement of Sharia blasphemy law in another American city.”

King County officials described the transit agency’s advertising ban as“restrictions” that “foster the maintenance of a professional advertising environment that maximizes advertising, revenue, and protects the interests of the captive audience that uses Metro’s transit services.”

In other words, the county’s transportation department believes that banning certain ads will allow the county to generate more revenue.

“The ban will, obviously, drastically curtail their ad revenues. To argue otherwise is plain deception” Geller noted.

Nevertheless, the county asserted that the advertising policy intends to fulfill the following goals:

Maximizing advertising revenue; maintaining a position of neutrality and preventing the appearance of favoritism or endorsement by the county; preventing the risk of imposing objectionable, inappropriate or harmful view on a captive audience; preserving the value of the advertising space; maximizing ridership and maintaining a safe environment for transit customers and other members of the public; avoiding claims of discrimination and maintaining a non-discriminatory environment for riders; preventing any harm or abuse that may result from running objectionable, inappropriate, or harmful advertisements; [and] reducing the diversion of resources from transit operations that is caused by objectionable, inappropriate or harmful advertisements.

Geller vowed to keep fighting for free speech all the way to the Supreme Court if necessary to ensure Seattle upholds the appeal court’s ruling.

Pamela Geller, Breitbart News: Hijab Hypocrisy

Geller: Iran Arrests 29 Women for Appearing in Public Without a Hijab While Western Feminists Impose World Hijab Day

By Pamela Geller, Breitbart News, February 3, 2018:

The Daily Mail reported Thursday that “Tehran police have arrested 29 women for appearing in public without a headscarf as protests against the dress code in force since the Islamic revolution of 1979 intensify,” citing Iranian police.

“Those arrested were accused of public order offences and referred to the state prosecutor’s office, Iranian nnews [sic] agencies reported without elaborating,” the report noted.

Thursday was also “World Hijab Day,” which its organizers say is designed to “fight discrimination against Muslim women through awareness and education. It is a day on which women of diverse backgrounds and persuasions are encouraged to wear the Islamic head veil in solidarity with Muslim women.”

And so under the hashtag #StrongInHijab, Islamic supremacists and their willing gophers on the left – middle-class Western feminists – observed the first annual “World Hijab Day” yesterday. In one of the most pathetic and destructive shows of “virtue signaling,” non-Muslim women were urged to wear the garment of oppression, subjugation, and misogyny. While women are fighting and dying for their most basic rights in countries ruled under Islamic law, left-wing goons in the West are working to impose the misogyny of the sharia.

Look, no cares if you wear the hijab. No one cares if you wear purple hair, for that matter. But what about the women forced to wear the hijab. American girls like Jessica Mokdad, Amina Said, Sarah Said, Noor Almaleki, and so many others who were honor murdered for not wearing the hijab, for wanting to live free. Who speaks for them? The real world recognition day should be in tribute to women who are forced to wear the hijab, beaten and/or arrested if they don’t.

One campaign fighting against the enforced hijab in Iran set up by Ms. Masih Alinejad is My Stealthy Freedom. It is “dedicated to Iranian women inside the country who want to share their ‘stealthily’ taken photos without the veil,” and aims to be a “living archive” of their fight.

For years, my work in defense of Muslim women wanting to live free, be free, out from under the boot of sharia misogyny, was smeared, mocked, labeled “Islamophobic.” Girls such as Rifqa Bary and the now-dead girls, including Aqsa Parvez, Amina and Sarah Said, Jessica Mokdad, Noor Almaleki, et al, wanted to be free not to wear the hijab – in America. Our calls for such an elemental freedom were viciously attacked amid the constant cries of “racism” (Islam is not a race) and absurd claims that we were making it hard for Muslim women to wear the hijab. That was laughable, of course, because I never so much as addressed Muslim women and their choices, no matter how submissive and subdued, but this was uniformly repeated and chanted by Islamic supremacists and their leftwing lapdogs, most especially in the “feminist movement.”

And now we see an entire nation of women, Muslim women, standing up against the hijab. Are they, too, “Islamophobes”?

Remember: the Islamic Republic of Iran is the country that the Democrats are fighting for today, opposing President Trump’s efforts to stop Iran from arming itself with nuclear weapons.

As David Kurten in Breitbart News points out, punishments for removing a hijab can be brutal – Islamic regimes are known to physically beat women for non-compliance with their dress codes. This is true not only in the Middle East, but increasingly on a local level in the West.

A brave headteacher in a London primary school recently took action to ban children under the age of eight from wearing hijabs in her school. The school is in an area of east London that has undergone almost total population replacement of the white working-class there 50 years ago to mostly people of Bangladeshi and Pakistani Muslim origin today. The response of the local community was to organize a campaign of intimidation against her until she backed down.

World Hijab Day is a stunning indictment of the hypocrisy of the evil left as much as choosing the sharia-promoting, forced marriage advocate Linda Sarsour for their leader. The real “feminists” are the women who are fighting for a fraction, a sliver of the freedoms their Western “sisters” enjoy.

Pamela Geller is the President of the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI), publisher of The Geller Report and author of the bestselling book, FATWA: Hunted in America, as well as The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration’s War on America and Stop the Islamization of America: A Practical Guide to the Resistance. Follow her on Twitter or Facebook.


BREITBART NEWS: Seattle Imposes Ad Ban to Annul Pamela Geller’s Free Speech Lawsuit Victory

Another city bans free speech. Chilling. Read this.


Seattle Imposes Ad Ban to Annul Pamela Geller’s Free Speech Lawsuit Victory

Officials who oversee Seattle’s transit system moved to ban political, religious, and other ads from its facilities and public transportation vehicles soon after Pamela Geller’s American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI) prevailed in a freedom of speech lawsuit against the city, earning the right to run FBI’s Most Wanted terrorist posters, Breitbart News has learned.

By: Edwin Mora, Breitbart, April 16, 2019:

“People should realize that this is a struggle for the very foundation of any free society: the freedom of speech. If there is a group you can’t criticize, then that group can impose tyranny over you. If we lose this free speech battle, all our other freedoms are lost” Geller recently told Breitbart News via email.

She argued the advertisement ban sidestepped the September 2018 U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit ruling in AFDI’s favor, which allowed the group to advertise the Most Wanted terrorist list in Seattle.

However, the new restrictions, dubbed the “Geller ban” and instituted in December 2018 by the King County Department of Transportation’s Transit Division that oversees Seattle’s public transportation system, have ended up preventing AFDI from running the terrorist wanted ads, Geller pointed out, noting that her free speech lawsuit victory was bittersweet.

Before the appeal court’s ruling, judges had denied AFDI the right to place public service ads featuring images of the FBI’s Most Wanted Terrorists on Seattle’s public transportation system, due to a perceived disparagement of Islam.

The city’s rejection prompted AFDI to sue the King County Metro system for its suppression of free speech.

“We won the right to run the FBI wanted terrorist poster that Seattle prevailed upon the FBI to withdraw [ in 2013]. And as soon as we triumphed, Seattle transit imposed the infamous Geller ban, banning political, religious and cause-related ads in Seattle (following NY, Washington DC, Boston, Miami, Chicago, San Francisco, etc),” Geller told Breitbart News in the email.

In a document outlining the transit agency’s advertising restrictions, King County officials noted that the policy bans advertising on transit facilities and vehicles that fall within the categories of political, religious, government (except for the county’s), and other forms of “speech.”

“They banned all political ads, as that was the only course of action they could possibly take in order to continue to avoid running my ads,” Geller said. “They’re so determined to continue whitewashing Islam and denying and obfuscating the roots of jihad terror that they are willing to lose immense amounts of revenue from all political advertising.”

Transit agency officials argued that their “viewpoint neutral” ban seeks to prohibit “advertisements that interfere with and divert resources from transit operations, that detract from transit purposes by creating substantial controversy, and/or that pose significant risks of harm, inconvenience, or annoyance to transit passengers, operators, and vehicles.”

“Such advertisements create an environment that is not conducive to achieving increased revenue for the benefit of the transit system or to preserving and enhancing the security, safety, comfort, and convenience of its operations,” the officials added.

Responding to the agency’s argument Geller noted, “I see ads that annoy me all the time. If that is the criterion [for the ban], whose annoyance counts, and whose doesn’t, and why?”

She told Breitbart News that King County’s decision to ban FBI wanted posters featuring some jihadis amounts to the “enforcement of Sharia blasphemy law in another American city.”

King County officials described the transit agency’s advertising ban as“restrictions” that “foster the maintenance of a professional advertising environment that maximizes advertising, revenue, and protects the interests of the captive audience that uses Metro’s transit services.”

In other words, the county’s transportation department believes that banning certain ads will allow the county to generate more revenue.

“The ban will, obviously, drastically curtail their ad revenues. To argue otherwise is plain deception” Geller noted.

Nevertheless, the county asserted that the advertising policy intends to fulfill the following goals:

Maximizing advertising revenue; maintaining a position of neutrality and preventing the appearance of favoritism or endorsement by the county; preventing the risk of imposing objectionable, inappropriate or harmful view on a captive audience; preserving the value of the advertising space; maximizing ridership and maintaining a safe environment for transit customers and other members of the public; avoiding claims of discrimination and maintaining a non-discriminatory environment for riders; preventing any harm or abuse that may result from running objectionable, inappropriate, or harmful advertisements; [and] reducing the diversion of resources from transit operations that is caused by objectionable, inappropriate or harmful advertisements.

Geller vowed to keep fighting for free speech all the way to the Supreme Court if necessary to ensure Seattle upholds the appeal court’s ruling.

Pamela Geller, Breitbart News: Hijab Hypocrisy

Geller: Iran Arrests 29 Women for Appearing in Public Without a Hijab While Western Feminists Impose World Hijab Day

By Pamela Geller, Breitbart News, February 3, 2018:

The Daily Mail reported Thursday that “Tehran police have arrested 29 women for appearing in public without a headscarf as protests against the dress code in force since the Islamic revolution of 1979 intensify,” citing Iranian police.

“Those arrested were accused of public order offences and referred to the state prosecutor’s office, Iranian nnews [sic] agencies reported without elaborating,” the report noted.

Thursday was also “World Hijab Day,” which its organizers say is designed to “fight discrimination against Muslim women through awareness and education. It is a day on which women of diverse backgrounds and persuasions are encouraged to wear the Islamic head veil in solidarity with Muslim women.”

And so under the hashtag #StrongInHijab, Islamic supremacists and their willing gophers on the left – middle-class Western feminists – observed the first annual “World Hijab Day” yesterday. In one of the most pathetic and destructive shows of “virtue signaling,” non-Muslim women were urged to wear the garment of oppression, subjugation, and misogyny. While women are fighting and dying for their most basic rights in countries ruled under Islamic law, left-wing goons in the West are working to impose the misogyny of the sharia.

Look, no cares if you wear the hijab. No one cares if you wear purple hair, for that matter. But what about the women forced to wear the hijab. American girls like Jessica Mokdad, Amina Said, Sarah Said, Noor Almaleki, and so many others who were honor murdered for not wearing the hijab, for wanting to live free. Who speaks for them? The real world recognition day should be in tribute to women who are forced to wear the hijab, beaten and/or arrested if they don’t.

One campaign fighting against the enforced hijab in Iran set up by Ms. Masih Alinejad is My Stealthy Freedom. It is “dedicated to Iranian women inside the country who want to share their ‘stealthily’ taken photos without the veil,” and aims to be a “living archive” of their fight.

For years, my work in defense of Muslim women wanting to live free, be free, out from under the boot of sharia misogyny, was smeared, mocked, labeled “Islamophobic.” Girls such as Rifqa Bary and the now-dead girls, including Aqsa Parvez, Amina and Sarah Said, Jessica Mokdad, Noor Almaleki, et al, wanted to be free not to wear the hijab – in America. Our calls for such an elemental freedom were viciously attacked amid the constant cries of “racism” (Islam is not a race) and absurd claims that we were making it hard for Muslim women to wear the hijab. That was laughable, of course, because I never so much as addressed Muslim women and their choices, no matter how submissive and subdued, but this was uniformly repeated and chanted by Islamic supremacists and their leftwing lapdogs, most especially in the “feminist movement.”

And now we see an entire nation of women, Muslim women, standing up against the hijab. Are they, too, “Islamophobes”?

Remember: the Islamic Republic of Iran is the country that the Democrats are fighting for today, opposing President Trump’s efforts to stop Iran from arming itself with nuclear weapons.

As David Kurten in Breitbart News points out, punishments for removing a hijab can be brutal – Islamic regimes are known to physically beat women for non-compliance with their dress codes. This is true not only in the Middle East, but increasingly on a local level in the West.

A brave headteacher in a London primary school recently took action to ban children under the age of eight from wearing hijabs in her school. The school is in an area of east London that has undergone almost total population replacement of the white working-class there 50 years ago to mostly people of Bangladeshi and Pakistani Muslim origin today. The response of the local community was to organize a campaign of intimidation against her until she backed down.

World Hijab Day is a stunning indictment of the hypocrisy of the evil left as much as choosing the sharia-promoting, forced marriage advocate Linda Sarsour for their leader. The real “feminists” are the women who are fighting for a fraction, a sliver of the freedoms their Western “sisters” enjoy.

Pamela Geller is the President of the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI), publisher of The Geller Report and author of the bestselling book, FATWA: Hunted in America, as well as The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration’s War on America and Stop the Islamization of America: A Practical Guide to the Resistance. Follow her on Twitter or Facebook.

