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Yesterday — June 6th 2024FOX News

How to crop or rotate a photo on your Android

Transferring photos from your Android to your computer to crop or rotate them is no longer necessary. Kurt "CyberGuy" Knutsson explains the process.

Before yesterdayFOX News

How to connect your AirPods to your Mac, MacBook

Tech wizard Kurt "CyberGuy" Knutsson explores how to set up your AirPods for both a MacBook and iMac. If you connected your AirPods Pro to your iPhone, they should connect to your Mac.

Five crazy ways President Joe Biden is ruining America's summer fun

Bidenomics has driven consumer sentiment to a six-month low, but we’ve persevered through tough times before and will again. Still, don't be afraid to get out and enjoy your summer.

How to change camera zoom levels on your iPhone

The iPhone 15 Pro and Pro Max offer customizable camera zoom settings to easily switch between standard, ultrawide and precise zoom levels. Kurt “CyberGuy" Knutsson shows you how.
