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Today — May 21st 2024Your RSS feeds
Yesterday — May 20th 2024Your RSS feeds

Things to know about an AI safety summit in Seoul

A mini-summit is set to be held this week in South Korea regarding the regulation and risks of artificial intelligence, and aims to build upon work done at last year's AI safety meeting in Britain.

Before yesterdayYour RSS feeds

How artificial intelligence is reshaping modern warfare

Harnessing AI is key to the United States staying ahead of adversaries in a competitive battlefield. Software companies are showing off their latest AI tools to military officials.

First AI talks begin between Chinese and US envoys

China and the United States held their first meeting on the topic of artificial intelligence on May 14, 2024, a historic step for governance of emerging AI technology.

Fox News AI Newsletter: Jobs AI can't take

Stay up to date on the latest AI technology advancements and learn about the challenges and opportunities AI presents now and for the future.

Don't use science fiction to inspire public policy on AI

If policymakers rely on fictional scenarios as reasons to regulate AI, America risks losing its global lead on AI and may never realize the full benefits of the technology.
