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WWII-Era Germans vs. Palestinians: An Eye-Opening Historical Comparison

Immediately after the burnings, rapes, mutilations, and killings of Jews on Oct. 7, I was not alone in noting the one moral difference between Hamas and the Nazis: The Nazis tried to hide their crimes against the Jews from the German people (and the world) while Hamas proudly publicized their crimes against the Jews to the Palestinian people (and didn’t mind that the world would inevitably see them bragging about killing Jews).

In addition to video-recording their atrocities, Hamas paraded captured Jewsβ€”dead and alive, clothed and nakedβ€”in front of cheering Palestinian crowds in Gaza.

This leads to a sobering realization.

Hamas boasting to their fellow Palestinians about what they did to Jews while the Nazis tried to hide what they did from fellow Germans means there is not only a moral difference between Hamas and the Nazis, but a moral difference between the German people during the Nazi era and the Palestinian people todayβ€”and for nearly the past hundred years.

Morally speaking, it would be difficult to name a less impressive people than the Palestinians over the past century. For those who do not understand that a generalization means, by definition, that there are exceptions, I should note that there are and have always been noble Palestinian individuals. But the cumulative Palestinian record of evil over the past century has few peers.

Let’s begin in the 1940s.

The leading Palestinian religious leader in the early 1940s, the grand mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini, was a major supporter of the Nazis and their extermination campaign against the Jews. There is a famous photo of al-Husseini meeting with Adolf Hitler in Berlin on Nov. 28, 1941. As reported in the Holocaust Encyclopedia, β€œAl-Husseini pointed out that Germany alone recognized the global threat of the β€˜Jewish problem’ and took steps to β€˜solve’ it globally … .”

The encyclopedia further notes that β€œon December 18, 1942, Arab emigres opened an β€˜Islamic Central Institute’ (Islamische Zentral-Institut) in Berlin, with al-Husseini as a senior sponsor and keynote speaker. In his speech, al-Husseini lashed out at the Jews, stating that the Koran judged the Jews β€˜to be the most irreconcilable enemies of the Muslims.’”

The Haaretz newspaperβ€”which is left-wing and rabidly anti-Benjamin Netanyahuβ€”described al-Husseini as β€œthe father of Palestinian nationalism.”

In 1945, Yugoslavia sought to indict the father of Palestinian nationalism as a war criminal for recruiting 20,000 Muslim volunteers to join the Waffen-SS and participate in its extermination of the Jews of Croatia and Hungary.

All of that Nazi-like Palestinian antisemitism predates the establishment of the state of Israel.

Before describing decades of Palestinian butchery of Jews in Israel, it is also important to note the moral record of the Palestinian people with regard to fellow Arabs. The Palestinians came to be widely loathed in the Arab world for good reason: Wherever they went in large numbers, they created havoc.

On Sept. 6, 1970, Palestinian terrorists hijacked Trans World Airlines, Swissair, and Pan Am airplanes. A few days later, they hijacked a British Overseas Airways Corp. (now β€œBritish Air”) airliner. The Palestinian terrorists segregated the flight crews and Jewish passengers, keeping the 56 Jewish hostages in custody, while releasing the non-Jews. In total, five planes were hijacked, and three of them were landed at a desert airstrip in Jordan.

These hijackings plus Palestinian violence in Jordanian cities led to a Jordanian-Palestinian civil war in September 1970, during which, according to the Palestinians, Jordan killed 25,000 Palestinians.

Seven months later, in April 1971, Yassir Arafat, the Palestinians’ leader, called for the overthrow of Jordan’s King Hussein. In November of that same year, four members of the Black September terrorist group (which took its name from the Palestinians’ September 1970 defeat in Jordan), assassinated Jordanian Prime Minister Wasfi Tal in Cairo.

As reported in The New York Times, an β€œassassin kneeled beside his victim to lick his blood.” A photo of a Palestinian assassin drinking (not merely licking) Tal’s blood was widely published.

After destabilizing Jordan and losing the civil war they caused, hundreds of thousands of Palestinians went to Lebanon, where they quickly proceeded to ruin that country. Their love of violence and terrorism led to the outbreak of the Lebanese Civil War in 1975, which lasted until 1990. That war led to an estimated 150,000 Lebanese killed, tens of thousands wounded, hundreds of thousands displaced and left destitute, and a decrease in the Christian population of Lebanon from 55% in 1970 to 35% in 2022.

Meanwhile, throughout Israel’s history, Palestinians killed Jews in Israel whenever possible, blowing up school and municipal buses filled with passengers, blowing up Passover Seders and weddings and pizza parlors full of families, and wherever else Jews were assembled. On a regular basis, they stabbed and shot to death Jews who were simply going about their daily business.

To cite a few examples:

  • On May 8, 1970, Palestinian terrorists crossed into Israel and carried out the Avivim school bus massacre, a bombing that killed 13 civilians, nine of whom were children, and injured 25 other children.
  • On May 22, 1970, Palestinians fired rocket-propelled grenades into an Israeli school bus, killing nine children and three adults, and wounding 25.
  • On May 30, 1972, Japanese terrorists working on behalf of a Palestinian terrorist group killed 26 and injured 80 passengers at Israel’s international airport (then called Lod).
  • On May 15, 1974, Palestinians went to a school in Ma’alot, Israel, where they took hostage 105 high school students and more than 10 others. They eventually killed 25 of the hostages, including 22 students, and injured 68 others.
  • On March 11, 1978, Palestinians hijacked a bus and killed 38 Israeli civilians, including 13 children, and injured 76 more.
  • On Oct. 19, 1994, a Palestinian suicide bomber blew himself up on a bus during the morning rush hour in Tel Aviv, killing 22 people and injuring 50 more. Hamas claimed responsibility.
  • On March 2, 2002, a Palestinian suicide bomber killed 11 people and injured more than 50 at a Saturday evening bar mitzvah celebration. The terrorist detonated the bomb next to a group of women waiting with their baby carriages for their husbands to leave the nearby synagogue.
  • On March 27, 2002, 30 people were killed and 140 injured in a Palestinian suicide bombing in a hotel in the coastal city of Netanya in the midst of the Passover Seder with 250 guests.
  • On July 31, 2002, nine people were killed and 85 wounded when a bomb exploded in the student center cafeteria on the Hebrew University campus. Hamas claimed responsibility.
  • On Aug. 19, 2003, 23 people were killed and more than 130 wounded when a Palestinian suicide bomber detonated himself on a bus in Jerusalem. Hamas claimed responsibility.

This brief list is nowhere near exhaustive.

According to the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research, as of 2022, a majority of Palestinians support terrorist attacks against Israeli Jews. Moreover, the Palestinian Authority on the West Bank has been paying more than $300 million annuallyβ€”about 8% of the Palestinian budgetβ€”to the families of imprisoned terrorists and of terrorists killed while engaging in an act of terrorism against Jews. Another Palestinian poll states that the vast majority of Palestinians in the West Bankβ€”more than 75%β€”support Hamas at this time.

The Palestinian people love killing Jews and have loved doing so for nearly a century. Palestinian women routinely pass out candy in the streets in celebration of terrorist attacks against Jews. Compare this to Israel, which has many human rights organizations holding Israel to account regarding its treatment of Palestinians. Compare this to Israelis, who for years had volunteered to drive Palestinians from the West Bank and Gaza to receive medical treatment in Israeli hospitals.

To be β€œpro-Palestinian” today means being pro-Hamas, just as to be β€œpro-German” during World War II was the same as being pro-Nazi. The only difference is that the Germans as a whole were a better people than the Palestinians. If you support the Palestinians, you should know who you support.


We publish a variety of perspectives. Nothing written here is to be construed as representing the views of The Daily Signal.

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The West Is Sick of the New Woke Jihadism

What are the mobs in Washington defiling iconic federal statues with impunity and pelting policemen really protesting?

What are the throngs in London brazenly swarming parks and rampaging in the streets really angry about?


They could care less that the Islamist Turkish government still stations 40,000 troops in occupied Cyprus. No one is protesting against the Chinese takeover of a once-independent Tibet or the threatened absorption of an autonomous Taiwan.


None of these mobs are agitating on behalf of the nearly 1 million Jews ethnically cleansed since 1947 from the major capitals of the Middle East. Some 200,000 Cypriots displaced by Turks earn not a murmur. Nor does the ethnic cleansing of 99% of Nagorno-Karabakh’s ancient Armenian population just last year.

Civilian casualties?

The global protestors are not furious over the 1 million Uyghurs brutalized by the Communist Chinese government. Neither are they concerned about the Turkish government’s indiscriminate war against the Kurds or its serial threats to attack Armenians and Greeks.

The new woke jihadist movement is instead focused only on Israel and β€œPalestine.” It is oblivious to the modern gruesome Muslim-on-Muslim exterminations of Bashar al-Assad and Saddam Hussein, the Black September massacres of Palestinians by Jordanian forces, and the 1982 erasure of thousands in Hama, Syria.

So woke jihadism is not an ecumenical concern for the oppressed, the occupied, the collateral damage of war, or the fate of refugees. Instead, it is a romanticized and repackaged anti-Western, anti-Israel, and antisemitic jihadism that supports the murder of civilians, mass rape, torture, and hostage-taking.

But what makes it now so insidious is its new tripartite constituency.

First, the old romantic pro-Palestine cause was rebooted in the West by millions of Arab and Muslim immigrants who have flocked to Europe and the U.S. in the last half-century.

Billions of dollars in oil sheikdom β€œgrant” monies swarmed Western universities to found β€œMiddle Eastern Studies” departments. These are not so much centers for historical or linguistic scholarship as political megaphones focused on β€œZionism” and β€œthe Jews.”

Moreover, there may be well over a half-million affluent Middle Eastern students in Western universities. Given that they pay full tuition, imbibe ideology from endowed Middle Eastern studies faculty, and are growing in number, they logically feel that they can do anything with impunity on Western streets and campuses.

Second, the diversity, equity, and inclusion movement empowers the new woke jihadis. Claiming to be non-white victims of white Jewish colonialism, they pose as natural kindred victims to Blacks, Latinos, and any Westerner now claiming oppressed status.

Black radicalism, from Al Sharpton to Louis Farrakhan to Black Lives Matter, has had a long, documented history of antisemitism. It is no wonder that its elite eagerly embraced the anti-Israeli Palestine movement as fellow travelers.

The third leg of woke jihadism is mostly affluent white leftist students at Western universities. Sensing that their faculties are anti-Israel, their administrations are anti-Israel (although more covertly), and the most politically active among the student body are anti-Israel, European and American students find authenticity in virtue-signaling their solidarity with Hamas, Hezbollah, and radical Islamists in general.

Given the recent abandonment of standardized tests for admission to universities, the watering-down of curricula, and rampant grade inflation, thousands of students at elite campuses feel that they have successfully redefined their universities to suit their own politics, constituencies and demographics.

Insecure about their preparation for college and mostly ignorant of the politics of the Middle East, usefully idiotic students find resonance by screaming antisemitic chants and wearing keffiyehs.

Nurtured in grade school on the Marxist binary of bad, oppressive whites versus good, oppressed nonwhites, they can cheaply shed their boutique guilt by joining the mobs.

The result is a bizarre new antisemitism and overt support for the gruesome terrorists of Hamas by those who usually preach to the middle class about their own exalted morality.

Still, woke jihadism would never have found resonance had Western leadersβ€”vote-conscious heads of state, timid university presidents, and radicalized big-city mayors and police chiefsβ€”not ignored blatant violations of laws against illegal immigration, vandalism, assault, illegal occupation, and rioting.

Finally, woke jihadism is fueling a radical Western turn to the right, partly due to open borders and the huge influx into the West from non-Western illiberal regimes.

Partly the reaction is due to the ingratitude shown their hosts by indulged Middle-Eastern guest students and green card holders.

Partly, the public is sick of the sense of entitlement shown by pampered, sanctimonious protestors.

And partly the revulsion arises against left-wing governments and universities that will not enforce basic criminal and immigration statutes in fear of offending this strange new blend of wokism and jihadism.

Yet the more violent campuses and streets become, the more clueless the mobs seem about the cascading public antipathy to what they do and what they represent.

Originally published by Tribune Content Agency.

We publish a variety of perspectives. Nothing written here is to be construed as representing the views of The Daily Signal.

The post The West Is Sick of the New Woke Jihadism appeared first on The Daily Signal.

Who’s the Big Money Bankrolling Pro-Hamas Protests in US? You Might Be Surprised

Noted left-wing organizations such as Arabella Advisors and the Soros network are bankrolling the pro-Hamas, anti-Israel protests across the United States, according to a new website documenting the organizations and their funders.

The Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project has launched a new website,, that details the nonprofit organizations, academic and financial institutions, and foreign governments that have put financial resources behind the anti-Israel protests after the Hamas terrorist attack in Israel last Oct. 7.Β 

β€œThe stakes not only for the American way of life, but for Western civilization itself, could not be higher,” Mike Howell, executive director of the Heritage Oversight Project, told The Daily Signal.

β€œOur country is being overthrown from the inside. They’re not afraid. They’re blatantly and publicly celebrating terrorist causes,” Howell added. β€œThis United States needs to get its pride and resolve back, or else we’re going to lose it all.” 

The website contends this funding resembles a β€œcolor revolution in the United States.”

The website’s β€œabout” section describes color revolutions as β€œuprisings supported by actors whose interests in protests are not primarily the protest topic.”

It continues:Β 

The actors are distinct in terms of demographics, economic class, nationality, etc. from the bulk of the protestors. They use their significant resources to leverage a divisive event into self-serving political change that is substantially broader than the original protest topic. …

This site makes the case to Americans that behind the current outbreak of protests are well-resourced groups with a history of driving for radical social change that most Americans rightly identified as harmful and have come to reject.

The New Venture Fund, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization operating under the umbrella of Arabella Advisors, has funded anti-Israel protests at Georgetown University and The George Washington University, both schools based in Washington, D.C.Β 

Numerous other organizations funded by major institutional left-wing donors are engaged in organizing anti-Israel or pro-Hamas protests and activities.Β 

For example, the website reports that billionaire funder of left-wing causes George Soros’ family’s Open Society Foundations have funded protest organizers Jewish Voice for Peace and U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights.Β 

The progressive political fundraising group ActBlue has funded organizing efforts by the groups MPower Change, an organization that purports to fight Islamophobia and white supremacy, and Until Freedom Inc., a group that says it seeks β€œintersectional social justice.” 

The traditional left-leaning philanthropy group Tides Foundation financially supports the Adalah Justice Project, Jewish Voice for Peace, Justice and Education Fund, and Students for Justice in Palestine.

Beyond typical left-leaning organizations, the Chinese Communist Party is working with American millionaire entrepreneur Neville Roy Singham. Singham has a network that has funded protest organizers Justice and Education Fund and The People’s Forum.Β 

It was The People’s Forum that organized the protests at Columbia University, according to The Washington Free Beacon.Β 

The New York Times reported in May 2023 that Singham’s network pushed Chinese Communist Party talking points in its progressive advocacy. And The Jerusalem Post reported that Singham, a consultant for Chinese telecommunications giant Huawei, was bankrolling the efforts. Singham has denied that he promotes Chinese propaganda.

Other American Muslim organizations are backing the anti-Israel efforts. These include American Muslims for Palestine, founded in 2005. The Anti-Defamation League called American Muslims for Palestine β€œthe leading organization providing anti-Zionist training.”

The Americans for Justice in Palestine Educational Foundation, for Americans for Justice in Palestine, is a fiscal sponsor of American Muslims for Palestine.Β 

The Goldman Sachs Philanthropy Fund also donated to the Justice and Education Fund and The People’s Forum.

β€œThis was not Goldman Sachs money.Β  We administer a Donor Advised Fund in our asset and wealth management business, and as with all donor advised funds, donations are made to 501c3 charities, at the client’s direction, using a client’s contributions to the fund,” a Goldman Sachs spokesperson told The Daily Signal in a statement after the initial publication of the story.

The Daily Signal reached out to all the funders listed on the Color Revolutions website. None responded by publication time.

Some responded afterwards.

β€œAs a donor-advised fund, Schwab Charitable facilitates grants recommended by donors to 501(c)(3) charitable organizations deemed eligible by the IRS and state regulators,” Schwab Charitable Trusts said in a written statement after publication. β€œGrants recommended by donors do not reflect the values or beliefs of Schwab Charitable or its management. Schwab Charitable is an independent 501(c)(3) public charity regulated by the IRS and a separate legal entity from Charles Schwab.Β We encourage anyone with concerns about a charitable organization to contact the IRS ( or state regulators (”

This story was updated to included responses from some of the identified donors.

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Voters Trust Trump on 4 Most Important Issues

FIRST ON THE DAILY SIGNALβ€”Former President Donald Trump holds a double-digit lead over President Joe Biden on the four most important issues facing Americans today, according to new polling from Scott Rasmussen.

The RMG Research survey asked registered voters to rank the most important issues and then pick the candidate they trust more: Biden or Trump. Topping the list were inflation, the economy, immigration, and crime.

Trump has the largest lead on immigration (+17), followed by inflation (+11), the economy (+11), and crime (+10). He also has a big edge over Biden on the war between Israel and Hamas (+12) and a smaller advantage on gun laws (+4).

Biden dominates on climate change (+18) and polls ahead of Trump on abortion (+10), health care (+9), and education (+6).

The full chart below from RMG Research shows the percentage breakdown for each candidate.

Source: RMG Research

On nearly every issue surveyed, Trump has gained ground since Rasmussen’s previous poll in April and earlier surveys comparing the two presidential front-runners. His survey did not include third-party candidates.

  • Immigration: Trump leads Biden 49% to 32%, a net gain of 1 percentage point since April.
  • Israel-Hamas war: Trump leads Biden 42% to 30%, a net gain of 5 percentage points since April.
  • Inflation: Trump leads Biden 46% to 35%, a net gain of 3 percentage points since April.
  • Economy: Trump leads Biden 46% to 35%, a net gain of 4 percentage points since April.
  • Crime: Trump leads Biden 45% to 35%, the same margin as April.
  • Gun laws: Trump leads Biden 42% to 38%, a net gain of 4 percentage points since April.
  • Education: Biden leads Trump 43% to 37%, a net loss of 3 percentage points since April.
  • Health care: Biden leads Trump 45% to 36%, a net loss of 5 percentage points since April.
  • Abortion: Biden leads Trump 43% to 33%, a net loss of 5 percentage points since April.
  • Climate change: Biden leads Trump 46% to 28%, the same margin as April.

The RMG Research poll was conducted June 10 and has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.1 percentage points.

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Hezbollah Fires Hundreds of Rockets After Israel Takes Out Senior Commander

Hezbollah, the Iran-backed terrorist illegally occupying southern Lebanon, fired hundreds of rockets at Israel overnight into Wednesday morning after an Israel Defense Forces (IDF) strike on a senior Hezbollah commander.

The post Hezbollah Fires Hundreds of Rockets After Israel Takes Out Senior Commander appeared first on Breitbart.

Exclusive -- Sources Say Joe Biden's Gaza Pier Is Endangering Troops' Lives for a 'Photo-Op'

The Biden administration has publicly praised American troops who are part of the risky mission to deliver aid to Gaza via a temporary pier, but behind the scenes, sources tell Breitbart News that the troops' safety is being endangered for a "photo-op."

The post Exclusive β€” Sources Say Joe Biden’s Gaza Pier Is Endangering Troops’ Lives for a β€˜Photo-Op’ appeared first on Breitbart.

Poll: Support for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Surges Domestically

Domestic support for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is on the rise as the Jewish State’s war against the Iran-backed Islamic terror group Hamas advances, according to poll numbers showing the right-wing bloc in Israel nearing 60 seats.

The post Poll: Support for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Surges Domestically appeared first on Breitbart.

Hamas Welcomes UN Security Council Ceasefire Resolution, Without Agreeing

Hamas welcomed, but did not accept, a United Nations Security Council resolution that passed Monday, introduced by the U.S., outlining the plan President Joe Biden presented last month for a ceasefire and hostage exchange.

The post Hamas Welcomes UN Security Council Ceasefire Resolution, Without Agreeing appeared first on Breitbart.

WATCH: 'I Am Hamas'; Pro-Palestinian Protester Outside White House

A pro-Palestinian protester screamed "I am Hamas!" during a demonstration outside the White House on Saturday as she confronted members ofΒ Young Americans for Freedom (YAF) as they interviewed both pro- and anti-Israel activists.

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WATCH: Israeli Hostages Freed Under Heavy Fire in Gaza

The Israel Police released dramatic helmet camera footage Monday of the daring hostage rescue on Saturday that sawΒ Noa Argamani, 25, Almog Meir Jan, 21, Andrey Kozlov, 27, and Shlomi Ziv, 40, freed and returned to Israel.

The post WATCH: Israeli Hostages Freed Under Heavy Fire in Gaza appeared first on Breitbart.

9 Things I Saw at the Pro-Hamas White House Rally

Thousands gathered around the White House Saturday to demand that President Joe Biden stop all military aid to Israel amid its war against the terrorist group Hamas. The β€œShut it Down for Palestine” movement, comprised of controversial groups such as Students for Justice in Palestine, organized the giant rally against Israel’s β€œgenocide” in Gaza.Β 

Several organizations in the movement previously praised the Oct. 7 attack in which Hamas killed around 1,200 Israelis, raped women, and took hundreds of hostages. SJP, for example, referred to the terror onslaught as β€œa historic win” days after the news broke.Β 

Saturday’s gathering proved a striking display of unity between Muslim, Marxist, LGBTQ, and even Jewish activists. Many organizers and demonstrators made it clear that they were not just demanding a β€œcease-fire” between Israel and Hamas. β€œResistance” against the Jewish state–and fierce anti-American sentiment–were the overall themes.

Here’s what I saw:Β 

Support for Terrorism

A group of masked individuals carried a sign calling for β€œjihad”—an Islamic term for holy war cited by those who believe God commands them to kill unbelieversβ€”and β€œAl Qassam,” a reference to Hamas’ military unit.Β 

Near the White House lawn, a group of people in head scarves hold a sign calling for "jihad" and "martyrdom" and referencing Al Qassam, the military unit of Hamas.

β€” Hudson Crozier ?? (@L0neStarTrooper) June 8, 2024

A man walking by told the protesters to be careful about their β€œmessaging,” to which one replied, β€œshut up.” 

At least two others wore green Hamas headbands, one carrying a megaphone with a sticker on it that read, β€œI voted.” They frequently stuck together and led groups of people in pro-Palestinian chants.Β 

At least two protesters are wearing Hamas-style green headbands.

β€” Hudson Crozier ?? (@L0neStarTrooper) June 8, 2024

Another protester, an elderly man, attracted lots of attention by carrying a β€œstand with Hamas” sign. The Daily Signal talked to him to see whether he was serious.

A man who identified himself as Mike smiled as I photographed him holding this sign.

When I asked him about his stance, he said "resistance" is "the only way forward" against the "Jewish-supremacist state of Israel."

He denied that Hamas wants genocide against Jews.

β€” Hudson Crozier ?? (@L0neStarTrooper) June 8, 2024

His smile quickly faded as he declared that Palestinians are enduring β€œgenocide” and must beat Israel β€œby any means necessary.” The Daily Signal asked what he thought about the genocidal elements of Hamas’s founding charter, which describes a β€œDay of Judgment” when Muslims will kill every Jew. Hamas is only β€œresisting genocide,” he said, his voice quivering and his body shaking with rage.Β 

β€œGot that?” he asked sharply.Β 

More than a few fringe actors explicitly praised terrorists at the event, however.

A leader with the Black Alliance for Peace said during his speech, "Oct. 7 was the beginning of the end of the genocide," prompting a round of applause and cheers.

It's safe to say this is a pro-Hamas rally.

β€” Hudson Crozier ?? (@L0neStarTrooper) June 8, 2024

Protesters celebrated other violent anti-Israel groups, in addition to Hamas.

A young person at the protest told me he is selling T-shirts of Leila Khaled, calling her an "O.G." for the "Palestine freedom fight."

Khaled is a member of the designated terrorist group known as the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and she helped hijack planes.

β€” Hudson Crozier ?? (@L0neStarTrooper) June 8, 2024

A few demonstrators made explicit attempts to distance themselves from antisemitism. Some signs claimed that β€œantizionism [is not] antisemitism” or that supporting the Palestinians β€œdoesn’t make you anti-Jew.” Still, pushback against the more radical protesters proved scarce.


The small police presence failed to stop protesters as they spray-painted historic monuments and property surrounding the White House. To date, no arrests have been reported. The U.S. Capitol Police referred The Daily Signal to U.S. Park Police for comment, and the Park Police did not immediately respond when asked about arrests.

Monuments in front of the White House are being vandalized β€” the second time anti-Israel demonstrators have done this in recent memory.

β€” Hudson Crozier ?? (@L0neStarTrooper) June 8, 2024

Protesters also left graffiti on a truck parked on a nearby curb and at least one park bench.

America Portrayed as an Enemy

Activists presented the U.S. as a force for evil due to its stance on Israel.

"Death to AmeriKKKa" written on a monument in front of the White House.

β€” Hudson Crozier ?? (@L0neStarTrooper) June 8, 2024

Calls for an End to Israel

Demonstrators strongly condemned β€œZionism,” the view that Jews have a right to their own state in the current land of Israel. Speakers onstage told their allies to help β€œsmash” or β€œabolish Zionism.” One man scrawled β€œdeath to Israel” on a monument.Β 

A protester writes "death to Israel" on the monument to Marquis de Lafayette, a Revolutionary War figure.

β€” Hudson Crozier ?? (@L0neStarTrooper) June 8, 2024

Agitators wrote, β€œAl Qassam, you make us proud[.] Kill another soldier now!” on another monument.

After a protester wrote β€œall Zionists are bastards” on the nearby Treasury Department building, a woman remarked, β€œthat’s factual!”

Marxist Ideology

Protesters advocated for socialism, signaled support for the brutal Cuban Revolution leader Che Guevara, and offered copies of β€œThe Communist Manifesto” and other Marxist writings to passersby. Protesters held signs from the Party for Socialism and Liberation, a communist political party founded in 2004.Β 

Protesters advertise communism and denounce "AmeriKKKa" in front of a historic U.S. war monument.

β€” Hudson Crozier ?? (@L0neStarTrooper) June 8, 2024

A socialist group demands, "free all Palestinian political prisoners."

β€” Hudson Crozier ?? (@L0neStarTrooper) June 8, 2024

Another activist holds a sign praising Che Guevara, who led the bloody regime of the late communist dictator Fidel Castro. Others fly the Cuban flag alongside the Palestinian flag or display the Soviet hammer and sickle symbol.

β€” Hudson Crozier ?? (@L0neStarTrooper) June 8, 2024

β€œFβ€” Joe Biden”

The crowds painted President Joe Biden as a mass murderer of Palestinians in tandem with Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Some held giant posters showing the heads of the two leaders with blood dripping from their mouths. Others held a small severed head of the president.Β 

Protesters occasionally chanted, β€œFβ€” Joe Biden!”

LGBTQ Allies

Several protesters carried signs or flags promoting gay and transgender rights as they rallied for Gaza, where male homosexual activity is illegal.

The LGBT movement also made a strong showing today alongside Marxist and pro-Hamas groups.

β€” Hudson Crozier ?? (@L0neStarTrooper) June 8, 2024

Jewish Support

A few people presenting themselves as Jewish joined with pro-Palestinian protesters at Washington, D.C.’s Farragut Square shortly before heading to the White House event.

A young man wearing a yarmulke also walked around White House protesters with a sign that read, β€œIsrael uses me as a human shield.”

One Angry Israel Supporter

The number of demonstrators significantly dwindled after around four and a half hours. At that time, a young man began kicking their signs off of the grass surrounding a monument, cursing them out, and flipping them off.

β€œI stand with Israel!” he yelled.

Another man followed the agitator as he walked away, filming him on his phone and asking repeatedly, β€œDo you support genocide?” 

The counter-protester declined an interview.Β 

The post 9 Things I Saw at the Pro-Hamas White House Rally appeared first on The Daily Signal.

CNN guest calls out network for saying Israelis rescued from Hamas was 'hostage release'

Eurasia Group president Ian Bremmer said that he was "disappointed to see" CNN's misleading news chyron calling an Israeli operation to rescue hostages a "release."

WATCH: Israelis Gather to Honor Fallen Hero Arnon Zamora

Thousands of mourners gathered at Jerusalem’s Mount Herzl military cemetery Sunday to pay tribute to the fallen hero, Israel Police Chief Inspector Arnon Zamora, who died in Saturday’s daring hostage rescue in Gaza.

The post WATCH: Israelis Gather to Honor Fallen Hero Arnon Zamora appeared first on Breitbart.

Benny Gantz, Rival to Netanyahu, Leaves Israeli Government; Coalition Remains Solid

Benny Gantz, an opposition leader who brought his party into Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's government after the October 7 attacks, announced Sunday that he would be leaving, accusing Netanyahu of bungling the war.

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Sen. Cotton: Biden Catering to 'Pro-Hamas Wing of the Democratic Party Instead of Backing Israel'

By: Pam Key Β·Β Pam Key

Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) said on this week's broadcast of "Fox News Sunday" that President Joe Biden was catering to the "pro-Hamas wing of the Democratic Party instead of backing Israel."

The post Sen. Cotton: Biden Catering to β€˜Pro-Hamas Wing of the Democratic Party Instead of Backing Israel’ appeared first on Breitbart.

Gaza 'Journalist' Who Doubled as Hamas-run Agency Spox Killed in Israeli Hostage Rescue

Abdallah Aljamal, a journalist for theΒ Palestine Chronicle -- a 501(c)3 non-profit in the U.S. -- was killed in Israel's hostage rescue in Gaza Saturday and was revealed to have been a spokesman for a Hamas government department.

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IDF CONFIRMS: All 3 Rescued Male Israeli Hostages Held by Gaza 'Journalist'

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) confirmed Sunday that all three of the male hostages rescued on Saturday were held byΒ Abdallah Aljamal, a "journalist" who contributed to the Palestine Chronicle and Al Jazeera.

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Netanyahu Tells Story of Arnon Zamora, Israeli Hero Who Fell in Hostage Rescue

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu opened a cabinet meeting Sunday by telling the story of Israel Police Chief Inspector Arnon Zamora, leader of the Yamam anti-terror unit, who fell in Saturday's hostage rescue in Gaza.

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Tragedy: Father of Freed Israeli Hostage Dies of 'Grief' Hours Before His Rescue

Yossi Meir Jan, 57, the father of freed Israeli hostage Almog Meir Jan, 21, died just hours before his son was rescued by Israeli forces Saturday. The cause of death, his family said, was a broken heart after eight months of his son's captivity.

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Kamala Harris Mourns 'Innocent Lives' Lost in Israeli Hostage Rescue in Gaza

Vice President Kamala Harris told a Democratic Party dinner in Michigan on Saturday evening that she mourned the "innocent lives" lost among Palestinians in Gaza during an Israeli rescue mission that freed four hostages.

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WATCH: Pro-Hamas Protesters Circle White House, Attack Federal Officer

Hundreds of pro-Palestinian protesters -- some openly supporting Hamas and other terror groups -- surrounded the White House on Saturday, vandalizing a statue and assaulting a U.S. Park Police officer who tried to protect it.

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CAIR Condemns Israeli Hostage Rescue: 'Horrific Massacre'

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) condemned an Israeli raid Saturday in Gaza that led to the rescue of four Israeli hostages held by Hamas terrorists, saying that Israeli forces had committed a "horrific massacre."

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Rescued Israeli Hostage Noa Argamani Reunited with Terminally Ill Mother

One of the Israeli hostages who was rescued by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and the Israel Security Agency (ISA) was reunited with her mother, who is terminally ill with cancer. Noa Argamani, 25, was one of the four hostages

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PHOTOS: Rescued Israeli Hostages Reunite with Families After Daring Raid

Israel released photographs Saturday of the happy reunions of four rescued hostages with their families after a daring special forces raid in Nuseirat, in central Gaza -- and a photograph of one of the Israeli soldiers who was killed in the operation.

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Turkish FM Asks China to Let Uyghurs 'Live Their Values,' Fails to Condemn Genocide

Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan concluded a visit to occupied East Turkistan on Thursday, declaring the region "Turk-Islamic" but failing to condemn the colonial Chinese government for its ongoing genocide of the indigenous Uyghur people of the region.

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Iran-Backed Houthis Abduct U.N. Workers in Yemen

The Iran-backed Houthi insurgency detained at least 15 Yemeni employees of international organizations, including the United Nations.

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U.N. to Blacklist Israel -- with Hamas -- as Threat to Children; Netanyahu Responds: 'Delusional'

The United Nations (UN) is set to add Israel, and the Hamas terrorist group, to a blacklist of countries and groups that harm children -- provoking an angry response from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who called the decision "delusional."

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IDF Kills Hamas Terrorists in Container at UN School in Gaza

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) announced Friday that it had eliminated Hamas terrorists in an airstrike on a shipping container located on the grounds of a United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) school in Gaza.

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Netanyahu Set to Address Joint Session of U.S. Congress

By: Simon Kent Β·Β Simon Kent

IsraelΒ Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is set to address a joint session of Congress on July 24 at the behest of U.S. congressional leaders.

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Report: Half of Hamas Terrorists Killed; 7,000 Remain in Rafah

Half of all the Hamas terrorists in Gaza have been killed during the war, according to Reuters, citing U.S. officials Thursday, and most of the remaining ones are holed up in the town of Rafah, where Israel has been advancing slowly.

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Briahna Joy Gray Fired After Scorning Israeli Hostage’s Sister, Pushing Hamas Propaganda

Leftist political commentator Briahna Joy Gray, the former national press secretary to Bernie Sanders, was fired from the Hill days after repeatedly demeaning an Israeli hostage’s sister and dismissing her pleas, while pushing common pro-Hamas talking points, including Israel’s culpability for the stall in hostage talks, denial of October 7 atrocities, and even the suggestion that support for Israel led to the 9/11 terror attacks in a β€œdisturbing” interview.

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George Clooney Called White House to Defend Wife's Role in Netanyahu Indictment

Hollywood A-lister George Clooney called the White House last month to defend his wife's work on the International Criminal Court (ICC) in seeking arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu over the Gaza war.

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