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Today — September 27th 2024U.S.

North Carolina Removes 750,000 Ineligible Voters From Its Rolls

North Carolina has removed nearly 750,000 ineligible voter records from its rolls in the past 20 months, or more than 1,200 per day, the North Carolina State Board of Elections said Thursday. 

BREAKING: The North Carolina Election Board just revealed that they have removed 750,000 names from the voter rolls, including 130,000 dead people and 290,000 registrations that were duplicates

This comes after Republicans filed a lawsuit, showing 225,000 names were unlawfully…

— George (@BehizyTweets) September 26, 2024

The election board’s announcement also says that the board follows “careful policies” to ensure that only ineligible records are removed, not those of eligible voters, and spells out the reasons why registrants are removed.  

Those reasons include moving to a new location, inactive voter status, felony status, death, duplicate registration, requests to be removed, or lack of citizenship.  

“North Carolina election officials should be commended for taking the steps necessary to guarantee the accuracy of the state’s voter rolls by removing individuals who have died, moved out of state, been convicted of a felony, or otherwise become ineligible to vote,” says Hans von Spakovsky, manager of the Election Law Reform Initiative and senior legal fellow at The Heritage Foundation, adding:

By doing so, they are protecting the franchise of the voters of North Carolina from being diluted and offset by invalid votes. But election officials are also complying with the requirements of federal law that require states to have accurate voter registration lists.  

Von Spakovsky served two years as a member of the Federal Election Commission, the agency that enforces federal campaign finance laws and oversees public funding for presidential campaigns. Von Spakovsky was also appointed to the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity in 2017 by then-President Trump, according to The Washington Post. 

The North Carolina election board’s announcement says that the most common reason why voter registrants were removed from the rolls is due to moving to another address, with nearly 290,000 registrants being removed for that reason among the more than 747,000 total. The second leading reason for removal is that some voters hold an “inactive status,” with 33% of registrants falling into that category.  

An “inactive status” indicates that the registrants have skipped voting in at least two general federal elections and did not respond to their county board of election’s attempts to contact them, according to the state board.  

The deaths of registrants account for more than 17% of those removed from the rolls.  

The announcement of the removal of registrants comes after North Carolina residents’ complaints about voter registration forms neglecting to require a driver’s license number or the last four digits of a Social Security number, according to a late August lawsuit filed by North Carolina Republicans.  

The lawsuit was filed by the Republican National Committee and the North Carolina Republican Party, which said in the document that the state had failed to act on complaints about ineligible people remaining on voter rolls. 

North Carolina removes 747,000 from voter rolls, citing ineligibility
That’s a lot of ineligible voters removed

— Julio Rosa ?? (@combatinsight) September 27, 2024

The state election board says that North Carolina has nearly 7.7 million registered voters.  

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Yesterday — September 26th 2024U.S.
Before yesterdayU.S.

Majority of Americans Admit to ‘Self-Silencing’ on Hot-Button Issues, Survey Finds

DAILY CALLER NEWS FOUNDATION—Nearly two-thirds of Americans conceal their political opinions on contentious issues in public, according to a new Populace Research/YouGov survey.

Most Americans, 58%, said they cannot express their private opinions publicly, and 61% admit to “self-silencing” their political views, according to the survey. At the same time, Americans publicly claim to have higher trust in our institutions than they do in private.

Only 36% of Democrats publicly said that they trust the government to tell the truth, but only 5% agreed with the statement in private, according to the survey. Similarly, 42% of Democrats publicly report that they trust the media to tell the truth, while just 9% reiterated this belief in private.

Skepticism is even more apparent among Republicans, with 14% publicly saying they trust the government to tell the truth while just 2% hold this belief privately, according to the study. At the same time, just 16% of Republicans publicly trust the media to tell the truth, while just 3% agreed with the statement in private.

Just 37% of Americans publicly believe that we live in a mostly fair society, while just 7% privately agree with the sentiment, according to the survey.

While polarization is at the forefront of many political conversations, the study reveals Americans privately agree on many issues.

The vast majority of Americans, 90%, are privately on the “same side” of roughly two-thirds of political issues ranging from abortion to school choice and legal immigration, according to the survey.

When it comes to defunding the police, 28% of Gen Z and 27% of Democrats publicly supported the movement, according to the survey. However, only 2% of Gen Z and 3% of Democrats privately support the same movement, which parallels the 1% support among Baby Boomers and Republicans.

The Populace Research/YouGov study surveyed 19,879 respondents from May 16 to June 24.

Originally published by the Daily Caller News Foundation

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GOP Sues Pennsylvania on Vote-by-Mail Ballot Rule

Pennsylvania may be the most hotly contested state in the Nov. 5 presidential election. And four years ago, it was the most controversial state for its lack of mail-in ballot standards

In the closing weeks of the 2024 election, Republicans have sued the office of Pennsylvania Secretary of State Al Schmidt for what they say are inconsistent standards for allowing voters to correct—or “cure”—ballots. 

The Republican National Committee and the Pennsylvania Republican Party both sued Schmidt as the state’s top election official. 

Earlier this year, Schmidt announced that voters who don’t follow instructions for completing and returning mail-in ballots may cast provisional ballots. 

However, the GOP plaintiffs note, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court held in 2020 that voters who choose to vote by mail don’t have the legal right to cure defects in those ballots.

“Secretary Schmidt’s policy ignores the law and has caused great confusion to Pennsylvania voters,” Michael Whatley, chairman of the Republican National Committee, said in a public statement last week.  

The Republican National Committee has filed 120 lawsuits in 26 states for the 2024 election cycle.

“This clearly undermines election integrity, diminishes fairness for voters, and threatens to erode public confidence in our elections,” Whatley added. “We have filed suit to force election officials to follow the law in the Keystone State.” 

Under Schmidt’s directive, county election officials may adopt what the RNC calls “a patchwork of unlawful curing policies.” In their lawsuit, the plaintiffs note that the Pennsylvania Constitution says: “All laws regulating the holding of elections by the citizens, or for the registration of electors, shall be uniform throughout the state.”

Pennsylvania often uses the word “electors” to refer to voters.

Schmidt’s office did not respond to inquiries from The Daily Signal for this report. 

The Pennsylvania Department of State issued “Guidance Concerning Civilian Absentee and Mail-in Ballot Procedures” on Sept. 10. 

“If the voter is listed in the poll book as requesting a mail-in or absentee ballot but cannot surrender their balloting materials, or if the voter is listed in the poll book as having returned a mail-in or absentee ballot, then the voter may only cast a provisional ballot,” the guidance says. 

Voting by mail is safe and secure, and no evidence exists of widespread mail voting fraud in Pennsylvania. After every election, counties conduct two audits to ensure the accuracy of all results. Learn more about voting by mail in PA by visiting our fact-checking webpage:…

— PA Department of State (@PAStateDept) September 9, 2024

Pennsylvania had the fourth-closest state outcome in the 2020 presidential election, with about 80,000 votes boosting Joe Biden’s victory over Donald Trump. 

As described in my book “The Myth of Voter Suppression,” the controversy in 2020 dealt largely with postmarks and the deadline for absentee ballots. 

Under then-Gov. Tom Wolf, a Democrat, and the state Supreme Court, with its elected Democrat majority, the law covering mail-in ballots was changed to count ballots that arrived three days after the statutory deadline close of Election Day. Ballots also no longer had to be postmarked before Election Day. 

The changes came despite objections from the Republican-controlled state Legislature. 

A new cast is running elections in 2024, however. 

Schmidt is a Republican, but was appointed to the office by Gov. Josh Shapiro, a Democrat, in January 2023. 

That same month, President Joe Biden presented Schmidt with a Presidential Citizens Medal at a White House ceremony marking the two-year anniversary of the Capitol riot on Jan. 6, 2021.  

Biden said he did so because Schmidt, as a Republican election official in Philadelphia, resisted efforts by the Trump campaign to challenge the outcome of the 2020 election.

Schmidt had a record of tackling voter fraud when he was a member of the Philadelphia City Commission, which supervises elections in the city. In that job, Schmidt made a referral to the U.S. Justice Department, which eventually led to the convictions of Michael “Ozzy” Myers, a former Democratic member of the U.S. House, and Domenick J. Demuro, a Philadelphia election judge, in what prosecutors called an election fraud and bribery scheme. In 2017, while he was an election commissioner, Schmidt reported to the Pennsylvania Department of State that at least 317 noncitizens were registered to vote in the city, although many of those noncitizens had self-reported.

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Democrats Losing Mail-in-Voting Advantage over GOP in Swing States, Florida

Democrats are losing their advantage over Republicans regarding requests for mail-in voting in the 2024 presidential election, according to recent data.

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Senate Democrats Want Women to Enter the Draft, but Republican Representatives Are Fighting Back

Senate Democrats are attempting to require women to register for the draft. But a group of Republican lawmakers are aiming to stop them. 

Reps. Chip Roy, R-Texas, and Mary Miller, R-Ill., led a group of 22 Republican lawmakers in opposition to efforts that would force women to register for Selective Service. 

The group wrote a letter to Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., on Thursday. 

They wrote, “Forcing young women to register for the Selective Service is an affront to our nation’s values and does not enhance military readiness – the only metric by which Congress should measure an [National Defense Authorization Act]. This is yet another blatant attempt to advance a divisive agenda that seeks to eliminate all distinctions between males and females.” 

The lawmakers addressed the effect this change to Selective Service would have on American families

“Under no circumstances should the House of Representatives greenlight a future that cripples the American family by sending mothers and daughters to the frontlines – drafted to be combat replacements for casualties on the battlefield – while fathers and sons stay home,” the Republican lawmakers said. “A country that pursues radical social ideology over basic principles will not remain a strong, resilient nation.” 

The group called on Johnson to oppose the provision.  

“This radical proposal has been defeated in the past and must be defeated once again,” the Republican lawmakers said. 

Senate Armed Services Committee Chair Jack Reed, D-R.I., defended the Selective Service proposal.

“Women are doing a remarkable job in our forces today, and if we were in a situation requiring a draft, I think we would need all able-bodied citizens 18 and above,” Reed told The Hill.

The National Defense Authorization Act approves funding and delegates resources for the U.S. military and other critical defense priorities every year. On June 13, The Senate Armed Services Committee voted 22-3 to advance the NDAA for Fiscal Year 2025 to the Senate floor. 

Although this Act is critical in equipping U.S. servicemembers, the group of Republican lawmakers said it does not agree with the provision that would require women to register for Selective Service. 

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Speaker Mike Johnson's Spending Bill Vote Expected to Fail

Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) is barreling forward with a Wednesday evening vote on a six-month spending bill despite its expected defeat.

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Dem Rep. Himes: GOP Blaming Dems for Trump Assassination Attempt, Saying They Don't Trust Feds Is 'Dangerous'

On Monday’s broadcast of CNN’s “The Source,” Rep. Jim Himes (D-CT) said that it’s “dangerous” for the Trump campaign to blame Democratic rhetoric for the recent attempted assassination of 2024 Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump and that doing

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Capehart: 'Frightening' Half of the Country Is Buying What Trump Is Selling

By: Pam Key · Pam Key

MSNBC host Jonathan Capehart said Friday on "Chris Jansing Reports" it was "frightening" that roughly half the country supports former President Donald Trump.

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The Political Chasm Between Taylor Swift and Michael Jordan

In 1990, in the midst of a heated—and racially charged—U.S. Senate race in North Carolina between Republican incumbent Jesse Helms and Democratic challenger Harvey Gantt, Chicago Bulls superstar guard Michael Jordan issued one of his most famous lines.

Jordan, who grew up in Wilmington, North Carolina, and won a national championship in 1982 for the famed University of North Carolina Tar Heels basketball program, was asked whether he would endorse Gantt. Jordan’s memorable response, which OutKick founder and syndicated radio host Clay Travis subsequently adopted for a book title, was: “Republicans buy sneakers too.” Jordan, in other words, refused to politicize his brand and thus risk sacrificing sales of his signature Air Jordan sneakers, which Nike had first unveiled six years earlier.

It was an admirable assertion of political neutrality—a refusal to bend the knee to those mandating a stifling and homogenous political correctness. As Jordan would later tell ESPN during the filming of its docuseries “The Last Dance,” which aired in 2020, “I never thought of myself as an activist. I thought of myself as a basketball player.”

Jordan’s neutrality from decades ago was criticized, during the ESPN miniseries, by someone who knows a lot about exacerbating race relations: former President Barack Obama. In response to that criticism, Jordan doubled down, effectively flipping two middle fingers to the 44th president: “It’s never going to be enough for everybody, and I know that. Because everybody has a preconceived idea for what I should do and what I shouldn’t do.”

As a lifelong college basketball fan of University of North Carolina archrival Duke and a 1990s-era childhood pro hoops fan of the Bulls’ perennially hapless Eastern Conference rival, the New York Knicks, I am loath to credit Michael Jordan. But in this instance, “MJ” was spot-on. In today’s hyper-politicized era, it raises an obvious question: Do Republicans still buy sneakers too?

Taylor Swift seems to think not. In a viral Instagram post earlier this week, the megastar singer-songwriter endorsed Kamala Harris for president. Citing a litany of left-wing pet causes, such as “LGBTQ+ rights,” in vitro fertilization, and the pro-abortion euphemism of “a woman’s right to her own body,” Swift concluded that Harris is a “steady-handed, gifted leader” who has earned her vote.

Swift is the first-ever music industry billionaire, so perhaps she has cynically concluded that she simply does not need conservative or Republican patronage. It’s been at least a decade and a half since Swift sang something approximating country music, and she may simply no longer care about alienating the southerners and churchgoers who disproportionately constitute country music’s fanbase.

Swift, who is dating Kansas City Chiefs all-pro tight end Travis Kelce, was on hand in Las Vegas in February to see Kelce’s Chiefs prevail in a thrilling Super Bowl overtime victory over the San Francisco 49ers. She stood just offstage as NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell recognized star Kansas City quarterback Patrick Mahomes, for the third time this decade, as Super Bowl MVP.

Mahomes is an evangelical Christian who has spoken about how he prays before every game to “thank God for those opportunities.” Mahomes’ wife, Brittany, furthermore, “liked” an Instagram post last month from former President Donald Trump. It is thus not a very well-kept secret that Kelce’s own quarterback Mahomes, as well as Mahomes’ wife, Brittany, are a contemporary conservative Christian power couple.

All of that makes it even more remarkable that Mahomes, when asked at a press conference earlier this week what he thought of Swift’s high-profile presidential endorsement and whether he himself would be issuing an endorsement of his own, stuck to Jordan’s neutrality position. As Mahomes put it: “I don’t want my place and my platform to be used to endorse a candidate. … I think my place is to inform people to get registered to vote. It’s to inform people to do their own research, and then make their best decision for them and their family.” Hear, hear.

Mahomes—like Jordan before him—intuitively understands something that Swift does not. Americans routinely tune into sports games on their TVs and listen to music on their radios as a distraction from our chaotic news cycles and the political tumult of the day. It is not merely a commercial proposition—that Republicans might also buy Air Jordans, and pro-lifers might also purchase Swift albums. It is certainly that. But it is also a matter of basic decency—of using one’s massive platform in order to assuage, and not exacerbate, the domestic tensions that have brought our politics to a frenzied fever pitch. Swift’s endorsement won’t move the needle. But it is condemnable.

Let’s seek out celebrities who would elevate us and play into our better angels—not those who would tear us apart and tear us down.


We publish a variety of perspectives. Nothing written here is to be construed as representing the views of The Daily Signal.

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Bob Good to Resign as House Freedom Caucus Chair

Rep. Bob Good, R-Va., will resign shortly as chairman of the House Freedom Caucus, a group of the chamber’s most conservative members, after losing his primary election.

Good told reporters Monday that he had submitted his resignation to the caucus board, but didn’t provide a timeline for his official resignation as chairman.

Sources familiar with the matter, however, told news outlets that Good’s resignation would become official by week’s end.

In June, Good lost his primary in Virginia’s 5th Congressional District to his challenger, state Sen. John McGuire.

McGuire had the endorsement of former President Donald Trump working on his behalf, as well as the political apparatus of former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif.

The challenger had a 374-vote lead over Good before the primary headed for a recount. That recount solidified McGuire’s victory in early August.

Good attempted to fend off the influence of Trump and McCarthy in the primary. He found himself on Trump’s bad side because, before endorsing Trump, he supported Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis in the GOP presidential primary. Good was also one of the House members who voted to oust McCarthy as speaker last October. 

In the coming weeks, the House Freedom Caucus will decide who will become Good’s successor as chairman. With the caucus looking to expand its membership after contested House races throughout the country in the Nov. 5 election, it seems likely that members will move quickly on appointing a new leader, at least on an interim basis.

Recent reports suggest that Reps. Andy Biggs, R-Ariz., and Andy Harris, R-Md., are on the short list to replace Good as chairman of the caucus.

This is a developing story and may be updated.

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Who Holds the Future of America, Harris or Trump? 

Is Vice President Kamala Harris the future of the Democratic Party? Her ascendancy has been meteoric, fueled by Democrats eager to retain control of the White House.

The youthful Harris was the answer to President Joe Biden‘s old blood. At a glance, she was younger and more spirited. Harris embodied the diversity exalted by Democratic voters.

Trifecta: a woman, part black, part Indian American, with the woman angle being first among equals— especially as regards reproductive rights placed in jeopardy by the overturning of Roe v. Wade. Mixed with hatred of former President Donald Trump, Democrats find Harris electrifying. 

But political honeymoons do not last forever. The hard work of campaigning follows.

And there is where Harris, 59, stumbles. Unemployment is troubling. Prices are climbing. Terrorists are racing through our porous borders, leaving appalling crimes in their wake.

Are voters better off today than they were four years ago? A positive answer is unconvincing. Voters do not see a future of wealth, safety, and leisure under a Democratic administration. Everyone feels left behind but billionaires and the multitrillion-dollar military-industrial-security complex. 

The yawning gap between Harris’ promises and reality is in plain view. For three and a half years, Harris has copiloted the nation with Biden into terra incognita. Americans are worried about the future, which remains fraught with uncertainty. 

The border is Harris’ Achilles heel. A staggering number of illegals enter every day, wreaking havoc on the lives of citizens peacefully residing in border towns. They are bankrupting New York City and Chicago. They are committing crimes.

Biden and Harris have been reactive rather than proactively going to the source (i.e., penalizing failed states for driving their people to desperation in tens of millions). 

This is where Trump, 78, the former president, sees his opportunity.

Illegal immigration on Trump’s watch dwindled to a trickle. He built an insurmountable wall that provided reassurance that all was under control. He upgraded vetting to screen out terrorists.

Trump boosted the economy with punishing tariffs and indulgent tax cuts. He is attracting voters who see him as more competent on economic and immigration issues. Harris should worry that Trump’s character flaws are being overlooked. Instead, voters are more focused on her policy positions and the past four years of foreign conflict, economic downturn, rising inflation, and migrants invading our borders. 

Trump’s advantage is particularly pronounced in key battleground states like Pennsylvania, where Harris’ position has been weakened by earlier opposition to fracking that appealed only to Democratic progressives in that state.

Fracking is welcomed by Democrats in other states as a generator of jobs. Harris opportunistically flip-flopped to attract more votes, which could estrange voters who would rather lose than compromise to win. 

As the 2024 race comes into sharper focus after Tuesday night’s presidential debate, Harris must awaken from her reverie. Her rise was swift, but the road to victory is steep. The honeymoon is over, and promises will not do. Harris needs to deliver, and deliver now, by jump-starting the economy and creating an impermeable border campaign.

The proof of the pudding is in the eating. If Harris is unable to gain more electoral votes than Trump, she will be defeated.

History will define Harris as a loser who failed to deliver in contrast to Trump, who succeeded in everything he promised—including ending the constitutional right to abortion, bringing a close to forever wars, and building a wall. If Harris wins, however, a new chapter will open for women and minorities. 


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Nolte: Far-left New Republic Slams Kamala Harris for Lack of Policy Proposals

On top of ridiculing sitting Vice President Kamala Harris for plagiarizing a whole lot of the “issue” page on Joe Biden’s campaign website, the far-left New Republic is also warning CacklyMcNeverBorderCzar that her lack of concrete policy proposals is not sustainable.

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Rep. Ro Khanna Not a Fan of Dems Labeling Republicans as 'Weird'

Rep. Ro Khanna (D-CA) revealed that he is not a fan of his Democratic colleagues labeling Republicans as "weird," adding that it does not advance "American Democracy."

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Liz Cheney: Voting for Trump 'Is to Abandon the Constitution'

By: Pam Key · Pam Key

Former Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) claimed Sunday on ABC’s "This Week" that voting for former President Donald Trump or writing in a name was "to abandon the Constitution."

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Emily Austin: Jews Have a Duty to Speak Out, Elect Trump

Boxing reporter and pro-Israel activist Emily Austin told the Republican Jewish Coalition (RJC) annual leadership meeting in Las Vegas, Nevada, last week that Jews had a duty to speak out, and to elect Donald Trump in November.

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Trump to Republican Jews: Tell Other Jewish Voters Israel and America Are on the Line

Former President Donald Trump told attendees at the Republican Jewish Coalition (RJC) annual leadership meeting in Las Vegas, Nevada, on Thursday that they must convince other Jews to vote Republicans to save Israel, and America.

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Republican Jewish Coalition Gathers, as More Jews Consider Trump

The annual leadership meeting of the Republican Jewish Coalition kicked off Wednesday amid speculation that more Jews could vote for former President Donald Trump over concerns about Israel and antisemitism.

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Media Bias Makes It Easier to Run a ‘Flawless’ Campaign  

There is never a level playing field in an American election. For example, the two major political parties have major advantages that third parties can’t muster. Another example is the major Democratic Party advantage of the home-team announcers calling the action on the playing field. Our national media set the terms and the tone of our democracy. 

The pro-Democrat tilt of every election comes to mind when the pseudo-conservative Alyssa Farah Griffin gushed on ABC’s “The View” on Sept. 3 that “the momentum is on Kamala Harris’ side right now.” The electorate is highly polarized and the polls are tight, Griffin said, but “she’s running a flawless campaign … she’s running really smart.” 

In every election cycle, it is abundantly easier for Democrats to appear to have “momentum” when the media prattle on about their supposed momentum. It is easier to declare Democratic campaigns are “flawless” when the media steamroll over any flaw that emerges. It is easier to look “really smart” when journalists tell everyone you’re smart, and if voters don’t understand you have a stunning intellect, then you’re “misunderstood.” 

The media act like the wind beneath Kamala’s wings, and then they praise her flying skills. 

Her weaknesses are buried as Donald Trump’s strengths are attacked. She fails to empathize with Gold Star parents whose children were killed in Afghanistan, and the media attack Trump for having the chutzpah to show up at Arlington National Cemetery at their invitation. The only scandals that aren’t fake news are the Republican scandals. 

Here’s another advantage that can be maddening to Republicans. The Washington Post published a story on Labor Day headlined “Trump aims to drag down Harris as he scrambles to keep up in tight race.” The subhead underlined the spin: “The Republican nominee’s advisers and allies are clear-eyed about the unlikelihood of improving his standing. That leaves one option: damaging hers.” 

Can we turn that the other way? Isn’t Harris aiming to “drag down Trump”? Isn’t her goal “damaging Trump”? Do the political editors at the Post really think the Democrats don’t criticize their opponents? Do these Posties understand that nearly everyone thinks their primary goal in journalism since 2015 has been to destroy and even imprison Trump? Any notion of their objectivity died in darkness decades ago. 

On Tuesday, National Public Radio senior political editor Domenico Montanaro blared out a similar spin: “Former President Trump is ramping up attacks on Harris, trying to drag her down. So expect the race to get even uglier.” 

A listener to taxpayer-funded radio might detect a bullying flavor, as in the Big Bad Wolf is aiming to ruin Little Red Riding Hood. Or if that makes Harris sound too vulnerable, she might be Wonder Woman, and Trump is imagined as Wonder Woman’s evil nemesis Doctor Poison, or maybe Doctor Psycho. 

Journalists don’t see their own work as “ramping up attacks” on Republicans and making the race “even uglier.” In their egotistical dreams, they are never adding ugliness to politics. By opposing Trump, they’re opposing ugliness, and writing a flawless first draft of history. 

In her convention speech, Harris called for moving “past the bitterness, cynicism, and divisive battles of the past.” But everything Harris and her media allies are doing is bitterly attacking Trump, dividing voters, and then cynically insisting they are not the bitter dividers. 

This explains why Gallup found only 11% of Republicans and 29% of independents have a “great deal” or a “fair amount” of confidence in the media’s performance. They sound like they deliver DNC advertising instead of the old-fashioned straight news.  


We publish a variety of perspectives. Nothing written here is to be construed as representing the views of The Daily Signal.

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Exclusive -- General Amir Avivi: Israel Needs to Be Independent from U.S. Aid

Brigadier General Amir Avivi (Res.) has a surprising message: Israel needs to wean itself from U.S. aid -- while deepening U.S.-Israel relations through joint investments in the military technology of the future.

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Rick Scott: It's Schumer's Fault If Government Shuts Down over Noncitizens Voting

Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL) told reporters at the Republican Jewish Coalition (RJC) annual leadership meeting that if Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) refuses to allow a vote on a bill to require proof of citizenship to vote in U.S. elections, and the government shuts down as a result, that will be his own fault.

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NYU Professor Galloway: Young Men 'Don't Feel Seen' by the Democratic Party

By: Pam Key · Pam Key

Professor of Marketing at NYU Stern School of Business Scott Galloway said Tuesday on MSNBC's "The Reid Out" that young men "don't feel seen" by the Democratic Party.

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Democratic Republic of the Congo: 129 Killed During Attempted Jailbreak

A jailbreak attempt at the overcrowded Makala Central Prison in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo, turned into a bloodbath on Monday.

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GOP Lawmakers Defend Trump over Arlington Cemetery Visit

Several Republicans have jumped to former President Donald Trump's defense after he was criticized for having a photographer during his visit to Arlington National Cemetery.

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About That List of ‘Republicans’ Endorsing Kamala Harris

Legacy media outlets have trumpeted the news that “more than 200″ people who used to work for former Presidents George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush, and former Republican presidential nominees John McCain and Mitt Romney, have endorsed Democratic nominee Vice President Kamala Harris in an open letter.

But who, exactly, are the 200?

Left-leaning media may claim this list represents a tidal wave of Republicans defecting to Harris, but this letter is far less impressive than meets the eye. As it turns out, many of the signatories were interns or apolitical staff, and many of them went on to work for then-President Barack Obama and current President Joe Biden.

?Legacy media outlets are touting the 200 "Republicans" who signed an open letter backing Kamala Harris and Tim Walz.? I was curious, so I teamed up with @TheElizMitchell and did a little digging.
As it turns out, this list has three groups of "former Bush, McCain, and Romney…

— Tyler O'Neil (@Tyler2ONeil) August 30, 2024

The Interns

The list features eight interns: Chad Adler, a finance intern for Romney 2012; Katie Daryl, a communications department intern for McCain’s Senate office; Anne Dixon, a political intern for the 2008 McCain presidential campaign; Daniel Edwards, an intern in McCain’s Senate office; Danny Mazza, another McCain Senate office intern; Brooks Nelson, an intern from Bush’s USA Freedom Corps; Meghan K. Reilly, a McCain Senate office intern, and Anne Wisniewski, a political intern for McCain’s 2008 campaign.

The Bush, McCain, and Romney Alumni for Harris letter, obtained by USA Today (USA Today)

The offices of Romney and George W. Bush did not respond to The Daily Signal’s questions about whether the letter artificially inflated the number of former staff to give a false impression.

Apolitical Staff

Many of the former Bush 41, Bush 43, McCain, and Romney staffers who signed the letter held apolitical positions that do not necessarily reflect alignment with the Republicans for whom they worked. Many of them stayed on under Democrats because their jobs did not involve partisan affiliation.

Letter-signer Daniel Connor held the apolitical position of pilot for presidential helicopter Marine One under George W. Bush. He remained in the role into the Barack Obama administration.

Lauren Dorff, who worked as outreach coordinator for the U.S. Agency for International Development’s Center for Faith-Based and Community Partnerships in the Bush administration, stayed in the agency under Obama until August 2009, according to LinkedIn.

Eric Eberhard worked on the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs under McCain, but he was later appointed to the Udall Foundation (a federal agency, despite the name) by both Republican and Democratic presidents (Clinton, Bush, and Obama).

David Blaszkowsky worked for the Bush administration’s Securities and Exchange Commission, but he stayed with the SEC under the Obama administration for three years before moving to the Obama-era Treasury Department.

Are These Republicans?

Some signatories either went on to work for Democrats in more political positions or endorsed left-leaning stances on various issues. That raises the question of whether their support for Harris (and opposition to Trump) actually means anything.

Obama appointed Bush administration alumnus Felice Gorordo to serve as a White House fellow in 2011-12, where he worked on the rollout of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, which protects from deportation illegal aliens brought to America as minors. The program also provides DACA recipients—dubbed “Dreamers”—with work permits, and according to Biden, more than 800,000 people have qualified for DACA since its inception.

Brooks Nelson, a former Bush intern, demonstrated that he doesn’t support the 43rd president’s conservative pro-life stance. He commented on a post announcing a woman starting a new job at abortion giant Planned Parenthood Federation of America with “This makes me so happy!! Congratulations! You’re going to make a huge impact!”

Nelson praised a fellow LinkedIn user for a new job at Planned Parenthood. (LinkedIn)

Jeffrey Bobeck, who served in Bush’s Department of Energy, now leads a group called Innovators for Democracy that endorsed Biden in 2020 and has now endorsed Harris.

Join Senator Kamala Harris for a Virtual Conversation this Thursday. Secure your spot here:

— Innovators4Democracy (@innovators4dem) September 16, 2020
A post from Bobeck’s Innovators for Democracy promoting Harris. (Innovators for Democracy/X)

Matthew Filter worked as a McCain legislative assistant from 2009 to 2011, but he jumped ship in 2012, working for two Democrats. First, he worked as a summer policy intern for then-Mayor Michael Bloomberg in New York in 2012, then as a policy extern for then-Mayor Cory Booker in Newark, New Jersey, in 2012-2013. Booker is now a Democratic senator from New Jersey. He also served under Democratic mayors of Durham, North Carolina.

The post About That List of ‘Republicans’ Endorsing Kamala Harris appeared first on The Daily Signal.

Palin libel lawsuit against New York Times reinstated by federal court

Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin's defamation lawsuit against the New York Times is reinstated after an appeals court found her initial trial was compromised by a series of errors made by the judge.

Palin libel lawsuit against New York Times reinstated by federal court

Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin's defamation lawsuit against the New York Times is reinstated after an appeals court found her initial trial was compromised by a series of errors made by the judge.

Dem Rep. Crockett: GOP Used to Be Party of Law and Order — MAGA 'Definitely Not That'

By: Pam Key · Pam Key

Harris-Walz campaign co-chair Rep. Jasmine Crockett (D-TX) said Wednesday on MSNBC's "All In" that the Republican Party once supported law and order, but former President Donald Trump's MAGA wing is "definitely is not that."

The post Dem Rep. Crockett: GOP Used to Be Party of Law and Order — MAGA ‘Definitely Not That’ appeared first on Breitbart.

Detroit Faces GOP Lawsuit Over Poll Worker Imbalance

DETROIT (Michigan News Source)—The Republican National Committee is raising alarms, accusing Detroit of failing to ensure a balanced hiring of Republican election inspectors. The RNC’s lawsuit claims that during the August primaries, Detroit’s Election Commission appointed a whopping 2,337 Democratic inspectors, while only assigning 310 Republicans.

Election inspectors—also known as poll workers—are hired, trained, and paid to greet voters, check them in, assist them when needed and manage ballot counting, as well as identify and report issues that come up during the election process. They can also assist with absentee ballots.

The RNC claims the disparity in Detroit flies in the face of Michigan’s election laws, which require nearly equal representation from both major political parties. Michigan election law states that the board of election commissioners “shall appoint an equal number, as nearly as possible, of election inspectors in each election precinct from each major political party” to help ensure election fairness and transparency.

RNC Chairman Michael Whatley and Co-Chair Lara Trump said in a statement, “Detroit’s failure to hire Republican poll workers is the kind of bad-faith Democrat interference that drives down faith in elections. The RNC is bringing suit to remedy this completely unacceptable breach of public trust, and our unprecedented election integrity campaign will continue to fight in Michigan and nationwide to protect the rights of every voter to have fair, accurate, secure, and transparent elections.”

Lara Trump added in an interview with Maria Bartiromo on Fox News, “We are fighting tooth and nail to make sure Donald Trump wins in Michigan. We believe if it’s a free, fair, and transparent election, he will.”

Detroit’s Election Commission Under Fire

The lawsuit against the city of Detroit’s Election Commission highlights that out of 675 Republican nominees, only 52 were selected as inspectors, leaving 200 precincts without a single Republican on duty, according to Fox News Digital. The RNC, along with Michigan GOP leaders, insists that Detroit’s actions erode public trust in election integrity and demand that the commission appoint an equal number of inspectors by Oct. 15.

The RNC is demanding compliance with state law to ensure fair representation—and say officials have a duty to appoint an equal number of GOP and Democratic poll workers for the upcoming November election.

A Recurring Battle

This isn’t the RNC’s first rodeo. It previously filed a similar lawsuit against Flint, Michigan, which was dismissed by a judge. However, the stakes are higher this time, with the presidential election looming.

The RNC argues that Detroit’s decision to hire significantly more Democratic inspectors is a deliberate attempt to sway the election outcome, leading to what they describe as “bad-faith Democrat interference.”

As of now, Detroit’s officials, including City Clerk Janice Winfrey and Council President Mary Sheffield, have remained tight-lipped about the lawsuit, with the mayor’s office declining to comment on the pending litigation.

The RNC, however, is far from silent, with Whatley and Lara Trump vowing to continue their “unprecedented election integrity campaign” to safeguard what they believe is every voter’s right to a fair and transparent election.

With the November election on the horizon, and Michigan on the front lines of deciding the presidency, this legal battle is just one of many that could shape how the votes are counted—and who does the counting.

Originally published by Michigan News Source

The post Detroit Faces GOP Lawsuit Over Poll Worker Imbalance appeared first on The Daily Signal.

The incredible shrinking majority

(Scott Johnson)

John and I found the protracted humiliation of Kevin McCarthy in connection with his election to be Speaker of the House a clown show. By contrast, Steve Hayward looked mostly on the bright side in “In re: Speaker McCarthy — dissents and concurrences.”

It is at least worth noting that the GOP majority is dissipating. The clown show set the stage for the shrinking of the small GOP House majority to a number asymptotically approaching zero.

It empowered Matt Gaetz to trigger the chain of events leading to McCarthy’s ouster from the Speaker’s chair. I decried that development in “Gaetz of Eden.” Has anyone asked Gaetz what good he did in sacking McCarthy?

McCarthy was deposed this past October. It seems like ancient history. McCarthy subsequently resigned his House seat effective December 31.

I have here in my hand a list of names. According to the list, among the Republicans getting out of Dodge with McCarthy are Reps. Bill Johnson (effective January 21), Ken Buck (effective yesterday), Mike Gallagher (effective April 19), and George Santos, whose departure was involuntary.

“Normally they’re trying to talk people out of [retiring],” one House Republican told Axios. “Now we’re at a point where we’re trying to talk them out of leaving early.” It may or may not be a portent of trouble for Speaker Johnson and it may or may not be a portent of the coming Democratic majority, but it’s not good.

Glazov Gang: Couy Griffin on ‘Holding Republicans Accountable for their Lack of Action’

Glazov Gang: Couy Griffin on ‘Holding Republicans Accountable for their Lack of Action’
This new Glazov Gang episode is hosted by Anni Cyrus and features Couy Griffin, the Otero County Commissioner and founder of Cowboys for Trump. Couy discusses Holding Republicans Accountable for their Lack of Action, zeroing in on The Alarming Issues of Hidden J6 Footage and J6 Political Prisoners.  Don’t miss it! [Show your support for […]

Lyin’ Joe Biden Says MAGA Republicans Want to Defund the Police

Lyin’ Joe Biden Says MAGA Republicans Want to Defund the Police
New in PJ Media: Somewhere in his confused and deteriorating mind, Old Joe Biden knows that the only way that Democrats can win in 2024, other than shenanigans with ballot harvesting and mail-in ballots, is by running as far away as they possibly can from the disastrous record of his dumpster-fire presidency. Since Old Joe […]