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Today β€” June 1st 2024U.S.
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Morning Glory: Trump Derangement Syndrome and the Trump jury

Trump Derangement Syndrome is alive and unwell and living not just in New York, but across the nation. The left has limitless hatred for the former president and it's shocking to see.

Iranians Celebrate Death of President Ebrahim Raisi, the β€˜Butcher of Tehran’

The oppressive Iranian regime declared a five-day mourning period for President Ebrahim Raisi after his death in a helicopter crash on Sunday, yet many Iranians are celebrating the passing of the vicious hardliner, known as the β€œButcher of Tehran” for his role in murdering dissidents after the 1979 Islamic revolution.

The post Iranians Celebrate Death of President Ebrahim Raisi, the β€˜Butcher of Tehran’ appeared first on Breitbart.

Texas Governor Affirms 'Stand Your Ground' Law with Pardon of Army Sgt. Convicted in BLM Protest Shooting

Texas Governor Greg Abbott issued a pardon to U.S. Army Sergeant Daniel Perry, citing the state's Stand Your Ground laws and the right of self-defense. Perry was convicted by a Travis County court in April 2023 for shooting and killing Garret Foster during a Black Lives Matter protest.

The post Texas Governor Affirms β€˜Stand Your Ground’ Law with Pardon of Army Sgt. Convicted in BLM Protest Shooting appeared first on Breitbart.

Anti-Biden Uncommitted Vote on Pace to Eclipse 70k in Maryland Democrat Primary

The uncommitted vote to protest President Joe Biden’s handling of the Israel-Hamas war in Maryland’s Democrat primary on Tuesday is on pace to eclipse the 70,000 threshold, showing the pro-Palestinian anti-Biden movement continues to grow three months out from the Democrat National Convention.

The post Anti-Biden Uncommitted Vote on Pace to Eclipse 70k in Maryland Democrat Primary appeared first on Breitbart.

Democrat Judge Dismissed Charges Against Arizona State Pro-Hamas Protesters

In a packed courtroom on Tuesday, a judge dismissed charges filed against 71 protesters arrested in late April at the Arizona State University Campus. The judge dismissed the cases without prejudice at the University Lakes Justice Court in Chandler, Arizona.

The post Democrat Judge Dismissed Charges Against Arizona State Pro-Hamas Protesters appeared first on Breitbart.

This Is the Next Generation of Marxism

The protests in the summer of 2020 after George Floyd’s death in police custody and today’s antisemitic, pro-Palestine protests on college campuses are rooted in the same ideology of Marxism, Katharine Gorka says.Β 

Marxism preaches that the world β€œis divided between oppressor and oppressed,” says Gorka, co-author with Heritage Foundation scholar Mike Gonzalez of the new book β€œNextGen Marxism: What It Is and How to Combat It.” (Heritage launched The Daily Signal in 20014.)

German-born philosopher Karl Marx believed that the oppressors were the business owners and the oppressed were the workers. But Gorka says that Marxism today, or β€œNextGen Marxism,” holds that the β€œoppressors are white, Americans, Israelis, [but] some Asians … kind of the successful.”

β€œAnd the oppressed is everybody else, right?” she asks rhetorically. β€œAnybody who’s a minority of any sort, whether it’s based on race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, [or] having once been colonized.”

This movement of Marxism today has its roots in the 1960s, Gorka explains, as the student activists of those says became the community organizers who influence young people today, often via social media.Β 

Gorka joins β€œThe Daily Signal Podcast” to outline the progression of Marxism and to discuss philanthropy’s significant role in furthering Marxist ideology in America.

Listen to the podcast below:Β 

The post This Is the Next Generation of Marxism appeared first on The Daily Signal.

If You Can’t Tell the Bad Guy in Israel Vs. Hamas, You’re the Problem

The war between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza strip is the most morally clear conflict in modern history.

It pits an actual terrorist group that just engaged in the worst massacre of Jews since the Holocaust against a democratic country that protects citizensβ€”Jewish, Muslim, and Christian. It pits a monstrously evil tentacle of Iranβ€”handed control of the Gaza strip by Israel in 2005 when Israel pulled out of that area and forced 8,000 Jews out of their homesβ€”against a democratic ally of the United States.

It pits an army of atrocity-seeking villainsβ€”who are attempting to maximize Palestinian casualties by locating themselves among civilians, stealing humanitarian aid, and literally murdering anyone who gets in their wayβ€”against an actual professional army risking the lives of its own soldiers in order to protect Palestinian civilians.

And yet Joe Biden can’t quite make up his mind.

On the one hand, Biden mouths platitudinous support for Israel in its battle against Hamas. On the other, he continues to grant the central premise Hamas promotes, which is that Israel is a human rights violator and indiscriminate killer of Palestiniansβ€”even as Hamas holds Americans hostage in Gaza.

Biden has spent the last several weeks pressuring Israel not to go into Rafah, the sole major repository of the Hamas terror apparatus, where some four brigades of terrorists are digging in. Instead, he has deployed his head of the CIA, his secretary of state, and a wide variety of other officials to promote β€œnegotiations” between Israel and Hamas.

In fact, he’s done more than that for Hamas. While fully articulating his understanding that Hamas seeks a permanent end to the conflict in Gaza, which would leave them in control and hand them a victory they could never earn on the battlefield, Biden has pushed just that: a permanent end to the conflict leaving Hamas in place. Biden has not explained just how this would benefit the United States, Israel, the Palestinians themselves, or the region more broadly. He has simply calculated that an end to conflict is an end in and of itself.

To that end, Biden has been slow-walking aid to the Israelisβ€”including ammunition that allows for better targeting, which would minimize civilian casualties. He has deployed his negotiators to play both sides of the table, even going so far as to allow his CIA head, William Burns, to negotiate with Egypt and Qatar a series of terms without submitting them to the Israelisβ€”and then allowing Hamas itself to declare its acceptance of such nonsensical and irrelevant terms, presumably in an effort to humiliate the Israelis into accepting their own quasi-surrender.

Biden has trotted out spokespeople to claim that America continues to back Israel, while simultaneously claimingβ€”falselyβ€”that Israel is engaging in human rights abuses.

The result is the worst of all possible worlds for Biden: a dissatisfied radical base convinced that Biden is behind the war in Gaza; an angry pro-Israel citizenry bewildered by Biden’s inability to call evil by its name; and a stalemate in Gaza, which means that radical protesters will undoubtedly descend on the Democratic National Convention in Chicago in order to harass Biden as he receives his renomination.

It’s all stupid.

But it does raise an obvious question: Why?

Why is this so seemingly tough for Joe Biden? Is it all just a misread of the political momentβ€”adherence to a stunningly imbecilic belief that if Biden appeases extremists within his party, he’ll be able to win the 2024 election?

Or is it something deeperβ€”a moral malaise that has taken root in the upper echelons of our politics, in which Western powers, including Israel, are seen as inherently problematic while the West’s enemies, including Hamas, are seen as inherently victimized?

If the tens of thousands of protesters on America’s streets are any indicator, the latter seems more likely than the former. Which spells doom for a West that cannot see the difference between decency and barbarity.


The Daily Signal publishes a variety of perspectives. Nothing written here is to be construed as representing the views of The Heritage Foundation.Β 

The post If You Can’t Tell the Bad Guy in Israel Vs. Hamas, You’re the Problem appeared first on The Daily Signal.

Greta Thunberg Joins Mass Anti-Israel Protest at Eurovision Song Contest

By: Simon Kent Β·Β Simon Kent

Professional activist Greta Thunberg joined thousands of anti-Israel protesters in Malmo, Sweden, on Thursday adding her voice to their anger at Israel being allowed to competeΒ in this year's Eurovision Song Contest.

The post Greta Thunberg Joins Mass Anti-Israel Protest at Eurovision Song Contest appeared first on Breitbart.

Stanford called out over man in Hamas headband 'terrorizing' Jewish students

Stanford University administrators haven't done enough to address antisemitism on the northern California campus following the Oct. 7 attack on Israel, student Kevin Feigelis says.

House GOP Bill Proposes Sending Anti-Israel, Pro-Hamas College Rioters to Gaza for Community Service

A bill proposed by House Republicans seeks to send individuals convicted of illegal activities at anti-Israel college protests to Gaza for a minimum six-month community service sentence, asserting that β€œpro-Hamas” campus activists β€œshould get a taste of [their] own medicine.”

The post House GOP Bill Proposes Sending Anti-Israel, Pro-Hamas College Rioters to Gaza for Community Service appeared first on Breitbart.

NYC Mayor Eric Adams donates $5K of own money to catch anti-Israel agitators who defaced World War I memorial

Anti-Israel agitators vandalized a World War I memorial Monday night in NYC as protests carried on near Central Park. New York City Mayor Eric Adams called for the arrest of the vandals, while putting up some his own money as a reward.

WWI statue vandalized in NYC by anti-Israel agitators to be treated with 'seriousness' as mayor offers reward

Anti-Israel agitators vandalized a World War I memorial Monday night in NYC as protests carried on near Central Park. New York City Mayor Eric Adams called for the arrest of the vandals, while putting up some his own money as a reward.

Nightmares at Chicago Universities Set Stage for Nuclear Democrat Convention

As police finally clear the anti-Israel encampment at the University of Chicago, and Northwestern University appeases its protesting occupiers, the Democratic National Convention set for August in the Windy City ticks ever closer.Β 

Unsatiated protesters may have been cleared from some of their camps at college campuses, but the more lucrative target of national Democrats’ gathering to renominate President Joe Biden has many worried that the protests may only be getting started.

Although the two Chicago universities caved weakly to the strange demands of the anti-Israel protesters, Biden has not been well-received by the pro-Hamas youth.

The agitators’ slapping Biden with the nickname β€œGenocide Joe” and their joining pro-Israel protesters at UCLA and University of Alabama in chants of β€œFβ€” Joe Biden” led many to suspect that stormy weather is in store for a left-wing political convention that is little more than three months away.

Biden’s unpopularity with radical groups on the political and cultural Left has been largely attributed to his attempt to β€œsplit the baby” by backing Israel in its war against Hamas while criticizing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s methods, placing conditions on aid to America’s biggest Middle Eastern ally, and sympathizing with anti-Israel and pro-Hamas protesters.

Hamas terrorists invaded southern Israel on Oct. 7, slaughtering 1,200, torturing or raping many first, and taking over 200 hostages. Ever since, the Israeli military has targeted the adjacent Gaza Stripβ€”where Hamas is the elected government and uses civilians as shieldsβ€”with the goal of β€œeradicating” the terrorist group.

The Biden administration has warned Israel not to invade Rafah, the southern region of the Gaza Strip bordering Egypt, where the last four regiments of Hamas are believed to hold dozens of hostages, including five American citizens.

Anti-Israel protesters have set up encampments on public and private university campuses around the nation, often trespassing and vandalizing on campus as well asΒ  intimidating, obstructing, and entrapping Jewish students.Β 

Although the published rationale for these protests varies from encampment to encampment, most center on the rage of left-wing students that their university is doing business with businesses that do business with (or appear to do business with) Israel.

Protesters at the University of Chicago and Northwestern demanded full-ride scholarships for Palestinian students, HIV tests, medical supplies for treating combat wounds, dental dams, Plan B, and other contraceptives.

Northwestern reportedly β€œpaid off” some protesters by agreeing to give scholarships to five Palestinian students and special pay to Palestinian staff for two years. School administrators also agreed to reestablish an Advisory Committee on Investment Responsibility that would allow students and staff to shame the university officially for accepting β€œIsraeli or Israel-adjacent endowments,” and to allow protesters to continue their encampment until at least June 1.

Now Northwestern is facing a lawsuit and two civil rights complaints over concessions to the leaders of theΒ  anti-Israel encampments. The plaintiffs claim that Northwestern failed to β€œfulfill a modest core promise” to students that all β€œstudent peers and faculty will be governed by rules” by looking the other way when certain groups participated in antisemitic harassment.

Although the encampment at the University of Chicago was cleared by police Tuesday morning, students and faculty members have proclaimed their willingness to be arrested while β€œprotesting for Palestine.”

Given the inflammatory support for these anti-Israel protests from far-left House Democrats such as Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, Rashida Tlaib of Michigan, Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, Andre Carson of Indiana, and Pramila Jayapal of Washington, it’s unlikely that organizers of the Democratic National Convention would be able to discourage these anti-Israel protesters from setting up camp outside United Center for the duration of the convention Aug. 19 to 22.

One need not look back too far to recall the upheaval at the 1968 Democratic National Convention in Chicago, when Vietnam War protesters tangled with police was upheaved by protesters against the Vietnam War.Β 

At the time, 56 years ago, Illinois Gov. Samuel Shapiro, a Democrat, honored a request from Chicago Mayor Richard Daley, also a Democrat, to deploy the Illinois National Guard to help provide convention security. It is unlikely that today’s mayor, Democrat Brandon Johnson, would ask for the Guard to be deployed.

In a press conference Friday, Johnson told reporters that β€œindividuals who wish to demonstrate … work within parameters.” But the mayor declined to outline what β€œparameters” meant, or whether he would request police or Guard assistance.

If such a protest turned out to be as violent as the β€œSummer of Love” in 2020, in which entire city blocks were burned by Black Lives Matter-inspired rioters, then this Democratic National Convention could turn very nasty very quickly.

Last month, representatives of 75 organizations gathered in Chicago to plan disruptions at August’s convention.

Joe Iosbaker, a leader of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization, told a screaming crowd: β€œThis is Chicago, [expletive] it, we’ve got to give them a 1968 kind of welcome!”

The post Nightmares at Chicago Universities Set Stage for Nuclear Democrat Convention appeared first on The Daily Signal.
