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Today — June 12th 2024U.S.

Exclusive -- North Korean Defector Yeonmi Park: America Hatred at Universities Worse than Taught in North Korea

North Korean defector and author Yeonmi Park told Breitbart News at Turning Point USA's annual Young Women's Leadership Summit in San Antonio, Texas, on Sunday that the hatred for the United States taught on college campuses is worse than the North Korean government's.

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Yesterday — June 11th 2024U.S.

Juror in Hunter Biden Gun Trial: Lifestyle, Politics Not a Factor in Guilty Verdict

A juror in Hunter Biden's gun trial revealed that neither the lifestyle of President Joe Biden's son nor the politics were a factor in the guilty verdict.

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Breitbart Business Digest: The Dot Thickens Ahead of the Fed Announcement

All eyes will be on the dots tomorrow when the Federal Reserve releases its quarterly economic forecasts known as the Summary of Economic Projections, or SEP.

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Trump Campaign: Hunter Biden Verdict a 'Distraction from the Real Crimes of the Biden Crime Family'

Biden family members and Biden business-linked entities received more than $15 million from individuals in Ukraine, Russia, Kazakhstan, Romania, and China, according to the House impeachment inquiry.

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Convicted Felon Hunter Biden 'Disappointed' About Guilty Verdict

Convicted felon Hunter Biden, son of President Joe Biden, said he was "disappointed" that a jury held him accountable for gun violations.

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Joe Biden in 2023: 'My Son’s Done Nothing Wrong. I Trust Him'

President Joe Biden claimed during a 2023 interview that his son, Hunter Biden, did "nothing wrong." A jury convicted Hunter of three gun violations on Tuesday. 

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Biden Lets Ukraine's 'Pro-Nazi' Azov Brigade Use American Weapons

The State Department announced on Monday that Ukraine’s controversial Azov Brigade will no longer be banned from receiving American weapons and training. Russia immediately denounced the U.S. for supporting Ukrainian “ultra-nationalists” and “neo-Nazis.”

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Jury Finds Hunter Biden Guilty of All Three Gun Charges

A Delaware jury on Tuesday found Hunter Biden guilty on all three gun charges after only several hours of deliberating.

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New Polling Finds Most Americans Don’t Approve of Biden’s Student Loan Bailout Scam

Most Americans do not approve of Joe Biden’s student loan bailouts, according to new polling.

It’s hardly a surprise. Biden’s plan favors the wealthy and is nothing more than a vote-buying scam meant to appeal to young voters, who he needs and who are abandoning him at a rapid pace.

It’s also important to remember that the U.S. Supreme Court told Biden that he could not do this and he did it anyway and then bragged about defying the nation’s highest court. People see this.

The Washington Examiner reports:

Biden’s loan forgiveness faces low approval

Only 3 in 10 adults approve of President Joe Biden‘s student loan debt forgiveness, according to a recently released poll from the University of Chicago and the Associated Press.

Four of 10 say they disapprove. Combine that with the rest of those respondents saying they are either neutral or don’t know enough to say, and it is clear this move by Biden has failed.

And I mean “failed” in two different contexts.

First and foremost, the initiative was struck down by the Supreme Court in June 2023. The court ruled by a vote of 6-3 that the program doesn’t comply with federal law. Chief Justice John Roberts opined that the decision was nothing more than a simple interpretation.

Biden essentially made and broke a promise.

Yet despite the court’s decision, Biden has refused to give up on the matter and continues to claim that student loan forgiveness is on the horizon for many people. Instead of respecting the judicial branch and focusing his attention elsewhere, he has reiterated boasts about how he will push through with the program in spite of the Supreme Court.

Imagine the outrage from Democrats and the media if Trump bragged about ignoring a ruling from the Supreme Court.

Biden brags about ignoring the Supreme Court on his scheme to unilaterally cancel student loan debt: "That didn't stop us"

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) April 8, 2024

Biden is ripping off taxpayers, many of whom didn’t go to college, in order to buy the votes of college students.

Is there any wonder why this is not popular?

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REPORT: House Democrats Are Already Scrambling to Prepare for a Trump Victory in November

It looks like even House Democrats are expecting Trump to win the 2024 election in November.

They are scrambling to prepare for ways to prevent Trump from putting his agenda in place. This is why it’s important not only for Trump to win but for Republicans to win the House and Senate.

Democrats would not even bother with any of this if they thought Biden was going to sail to reelection. Their fear is very telling.

Politico reported:

House Democrats launch group to respond to possible second Trump term

A group of House Democrats is launching a new task force to respond to the possibility of former President Donald Trump’s return to office.

The group is reacting to the so-called Project 2025, a policy road map for the next presidential administration compiled by the conservative Heritage Foundation. Democrats have sought to turn the blueprint and its government overhaul proposals into a foil as campaign season ramps up.

“This stuff is going to be coming at us at lightspeed. And if we are on our heels and reacting to it, we could lose our democracy. So we’re going to need to be ready to confront it in real time. And those plans need to begin now,” said Rep. Jared Huffman (D-Calif.), one of the lawmakers spearheading the effort.

Democrats want their task force to be a hub for members of Congress, advocacy groups and others to coordinate and respond to a future Trump administration — and to raise awareness during the campaign. Huffman said it would be composed of lawmakers from across the caucus like Reps. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.), Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.), Mark Pocan (D-Wis.), Diana DeGette (D-Colo.), Ted Lieu (D-Calif.) and Nanette Barragán (D-Calif.).

What happened to the importance of our sacred democracy, Democrats?

If this were a group of Republicans, @politico would be positioning it as a "coup" or "insurrection."

— Andrea E (@AAC0519) June 11, 2024

Democrats will never again accept a president from the GOP. It’s their intention to harm the nation if they can’t be in control.

— Carl Gottlieb (@c_cgottlieb) June 11, 2024

And there it is America the Marxist Democrats wanting to keep you from controlling your government.

— Accountability Addict (@BeAccountable4u) June 11, 2024

They are everything that they falsely accuse Trump of being.

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Boston’s Logan Airport is Starting to Look Like a Refugee Camp and the Illegals Just Keep Coming (VIDEO)

Boston’s Logan Airport has been used as a makeshift shelter for illegal immigrants for months now and the numbers have grown to the point where it is starting to look like a refugee camp.

This is a health and safety hazard, not to mention a massive inconvenience for people traveling to and from Boston by plane.

The Democrat Governor Maura Healy is in completely over her head. She clearly has no idea how to deal with this and she can’t say anything negative because that is considered taboo by members of her party.

The New York Post reports:

Boston’s Logan Airport sheltering over 100 migrants with more families arriving ‘at all hours’

The number of migrants being sheltered at Boston Logan Airport appears to have increased, with throngs of families lining a baggage claim surrounded by suitcases and using sparse blankets for makeshift mattresses.

Over a hundred migrants are currently spending their nights sleeping on the floor at the Boston airport, The Post’s new photos show — an apparent uptick in recent weeks from the dozens who were being housed there a few months ago.

“We continue to see migrants at the airport. They come to Logan a number of ways. They also arrive at Logan at all hours,” a representative from MassPort previously told Boston 25 News when the numbers of migrants behind housed at Logan spiked.

But without the proper staff or resources to properly take care of a large population of residents, the migrants are transported out of the airport to state welcome centers daily, then brought back by night, MassPort said.

See the videos below. This is simply not sustainable.

This is inside Logan Airport in Boston. These are illegals. This is insanity.

Do you know how stupid you have to be to vote for a democrat at this point? Voting has consequences. You’re paying for this!

— Chad Prather (@WatchChad) June 10, 2024

Groups of migrants were seen sleeping overnight at Boston’s Logan Airport.

— New York Post (@nypost) June 11, 2024

NEW: Boston’s Logan Airport is sheltering over 100 illegals, with more arriving ‘at all hours’

There's been a rise in illegals at Boston Logan Airport, with people seen gathered at baggage claim, surrounded by suitcases, and using sparse blankets as makeshift mattresses


— Unlimited L's (@unlimited_ls) June 12, 2024

At what point do Democrats admit that we can’t do this anymore? It’s not even sanitary.


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Silicon Valley Billionaire David Sacks Explains Tech World Support for Trump: ‘He is in Favor of Innovation, He is Willing to Listen’ (VIDEO)

David Sacks is the Silicon Valley billionaire who recently held a fundraiser for Donald Trump that brought in $12 million in one night.

This week he appeared on the Jesse Watters show and explained why he and other people in his orbit have thrown their support behind Trump.

To listen to David, it sounds like people in this world have completely lost faith in Biden and Kamala Harris and it’s easy to see why.

Transcript via Real Clear Politics:

DAVID SACKS, ‘ALL-IN’ CO-HOST: I think it’s getting surprisingly big, Jesse. When we agreed to do the fundraiser for President Trump the goal was just to raise $5 million and weren’t even sure we would do that because as you well know, Silicon Valley is pretty much a liberal bastion. But we ended up raising $12 million.

We had over a hundred people there and it really was a total love fest. And then out in the streets, the San Francisco newspaper has been trying all week to gin up protesters and nothing really materialized at all but hundreds of people to demonstrate in favor President Trump and they were cheering all along his motorcade so if that’s the enthusiasm gap in a liberal place at San Francisco, what is a tell you about the rest of the country?

WATTERS: It tells a lot and we have seen it across the country, in the bodegas, in Compton, pretty much everywhere, it just shocks you. You said there was a lot of love for Trump in the room, that’s obviously people definitely there to donate. Is that of the anti-Biden feeling or is it to the pro-Trump feeling? How would you define it?

SACKS: We had a lot of people in that room who had never donated to Republicans before or to Trump, they were new donors or they have always been Democrat donors and yet they came out. And I think I entreat that to the fact that Trump is making inroads into Silicon Valley and that also Biden is really alienating people.

He’s really pursued a very hostile program towards innovation. He’s been very hostile towards crypto, he’s wanted to over regulate AI, he’s basically shut down all M&A. So I think there are a lot of people in technology who are asking what good is this for us? How does it help us to have another four years of President Biden? And I believe that Trump has basically declared that he is the crypto president, he is in favor of innovation, he is willing to listen. I think he listened extremely well to people in that room and he fundamentally he wants America to do well.

I think that people in tech who get to meet the president, get to get to know him, they see that he really cares. And I think they can be won over by him and I think are being won over by him.

Watch the clip below:

Silicon Valley billionaire David Sacks tells Primetime why he’s throwing his weight (and money) behind Trump.

— Jesse Watters (@JesseBWatters) June 11, 2024

Something has shifted. When tech millionaires are openly supporting Trump and raising tons of cash for his campaign, you know that things have changed.

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“This Is Going to be a Mushroom Cloud When We’re Done” – John Solomon on FBI Targeting and Harassing Conservative Agents (VIDEO)

John Solomon and Grant Stinchfield discuss the FBI targeting and expelling conservative agents.

Just the News founder John Solomon joined Grant Stinchfield Tuesday on Stinchfield Tonight to discuss his latest explosive investigation into FBI corruption and political bias.

According to attorney Tristan Leavitt from the Empower Oversight organization, the FBI is purging agents who support President Trump or conservative causes. Tristan discussed the whistleblower who was suspended indefinitely without pay after the Agency discovered he attended the protests on January 6, 2021 at the Ellipse and US Capitol.

On Tuesday John Solomon told Grant Stinchfield that much more is coming – “There is going to be a mushroom cloud when we’re done.”

John Solomon: Well, there are definitely other security clearances have been pulled. One of those were restored this past week as a result of a deal. Actually, last week, the FBI had to admit that they wrongly took it away from Marcus Allen, who was a Marine, a great FBI employee, but they took away his security clearance because he dared to question that maybe the FBI director had given an inaccurate testimony. He just simply wanted to correct the director’s testimony. For that trouble, he went without pay for a long time, two plus years.

So yes, we know what the security plans are. The bigger question is, how many times were security plans called because a political preference question was placed into the documents. When you look at those documents you had, these questions were typed by someone. Then an agent goes out and asks witnesses to answer them. Who typed those questions? Who decided that being a supporter of President Trump, going to our Second Amendment rally, that was another one, a Richmond rally, Second Amendment rally, or expressing skepticism about a vaccine that even Dr. Fauci admits didn’t really work the way they thought it was, that that poses a security clearance.

Who posited these questions? Who made the agents go out and ask these questions? Then the second time is, how often were they asked? The Inspector General of the Justice Department, I expect tomorrow, will announce that he’s opening a full-scale investigation that this is wrong, and then it may be more widespread. We have the lawyers on the show tonight, just before you, and they said they have strong reason to believe many other people ask questions like this during the security clearance. I think this is going to get much bigger. It’s going to be a mushroom cloud when we’re done.

Does this really surprise anyone?

This is the same police force that forces pregnant women outside in freezing weather with their children as they ransack her home because her husband attended the January 6 protests and picked up trash.

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DOJ Exonerates Themselves — Agency Investigates Themselves and Finds No Contact Between Matthew Colangelo and Alvin Bragg’s Office

Joe Biden‘s DOJ hatchet man Matthew Colangelo, and Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg

The Department of Justice (DOJ) has conducted an internal investigation and allegedly found no evidence of collusion between its officials, including Joe Biden‘s DOJ hatchet man, Matthew Colangelo, and Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s office.

The Gateway Pundit reported in April 2023 that Colangelo was the linchpin in the “get Trump” movement in New York, hired by Bragg’s office in December 2022 to spearhead politically motivated investigations against former President Donald Trump.

Bragg’s top prosecutor, Matthew Colangelo, was the Former Acting Associate Attorney General for the U.S. Department of Justice and is a lifelong left-wing activist.

Colangelo’s past is littered with partisan actions, from his role in indicting Americans for praying outside abortion clinics to his involvement in numerous witch-hunt investigations into President Trump.

According to the House Judiciary Committee, Colangelo has taken part in numerous witch hunt investigations into President Trump. Colangelo was hired to “jump start” Alvin Bragg’s unprecedented garbage indictment against Trump.

Colangelo, a former Biden DOJ official and senior attorney at the New York Attorney General’s Office, has previously taken part in multiple investigations into President Trump and was reportedly hired to “jump start” Bragg’s stalled investigation into President Trump.

— House Judiciary GOP (@JudiciaryGOP) April 7, 2023

Attorney Mike Davis, along with Steve Bannon, exposed this apparent deep-state operation in the War Room, detailing how Colangelo, an Obama White House alum, was seemingly recruited to manufacture charges against President Trump.


House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) launched an investigation in April 2024 into potential coordination between the Biden DOJ and DA Bragg’s politicized prosecution of President Trump. Jordan called out Colangelo for his role in this apparent abuse of prosecutorial authority.

Under Jordan’s leadership, the House Judiciary Committee has requested numerous documents and communications associated with Colangelo’s position in the DOJ and his involvement with DA Bragg’s office.

1. All documents and communications for the period of January 2021 to December 2022 between or among Mr. Colangelo and any employee, agent, or representative of the New York County District Attorney’s Office, the Fulton County District Attorney’s Office, the New York Attorney General’s Office, or the Department of Justice’s Special Counsel’s Office, referring or relating to:

a. President Donald J. Trump;
b. The Trump Organization; or
c. Any other entity owned, controlled by, or associated with President Donald J. Trump;

2. All personnel files related to Mr. Colangelo’s hiring, employment, and termination at
the Department of Justice, including all documents and communications with the
Office of Presidential Personnel about Mr. Colangelo’s hiring;

3. All documents and communications between or among the Justice Department and the New York County District Attorney’s Office referring or relating to the prosecution of President Donald J. Trump;

4. All documents and communications referring or relating to Michael Cohen’s conviction in United States v. Cohen, No. 18-cr-602 (S.D.N.Y. 2018), including any decisional or pre-decisional memoranda relating to the case; and

5. All documents and communications referring or relating to Michael Cohen’s conviction in United States v. Cohen, No. 18-cr-850 (S.D.N.Y. 2018).

Following the guilty verdict against Trump, House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan called Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg and Joe Biden‘s DOJ hatchet man Matthew Colangelo to testify before the Weaponization Committee on June 13.

Despite this mounting evidence, the DOJ has decided to turn a blind eye. They’ve conducted what they call a “comprehensive search” for email communications between their leadership, including Colangelo, and the District Attorney’s office regarding any investigation or prosecution of President Trump. Of course, they found none.

Biden’s gestapo DOJ claimed that it did not supervise the work of the District Attorney’s office or approve its charging decisions. It also highlighted that it did not control the District Attorney just as much as the District Attorney did not control the Department.

Read their response to Jim Jordan’s letter:

This responds to your letter to the Department of Justice (Department), dated April 30, 2024, regarding a state criminal trial brought exclusively by the Manhattan District Attorney (District Attorney). This also responds to questions regarding that prosecution and jury verdict posed to the Attorney General during his appearance before the Committee on the Judiciary (Committee) on June 4, 2024.

The Committee has demanded information from the Department because of what you describe as a “perception that the Justice Department is” behind the District Attorney’s so-called “politicized prosecution” and a “perception that the Biden Justice Department is politicized and weaponized” to that end.

The Department does not generally make extensive efforts to rebut conspiratorial speculation, including to avoid the risk of lending it credibility. However, consistent with the Attorney General’s commitment to transparency, the Department has taken extraordinary steps to confirm what was already clear: there is no basis for these false claims.

The Department has conducted a comprehensive search for email communications since January 20, 2021, through the date of the verdict, between any officials in Department leadership, including all political appointees in those offices, and the District Attorney’s office regarding any investigation or prosecution of the former President.2 We found none. This is unsurprising.

The District Attorney’s office is a separate entity from the Department. The Department does not supervise the work of the District Attorney’s office, does not approve its charging decisions, and does not try its cases. The Department has no control over the District Attorney, just as the District Attorney has no control over the Department. The Committee knows this.

The Department’s search included the email account of Matthew Colangelo, a former Department official about whom the Committee has raised numerous unfounded questions. The Department did not identify any instances of Mr. Colangelo having email communications with the District Attorney’s office during his time at the Department. This is also unsurprising.

As a member of the Associate Attorney General’s Office, Mr. Colangelo’s job was to oversee the civil litigation components that report to the Associate’s Office, including the Civil Division, Antitrust Division, Civil Rights Division, and the Environment and Natural Resources Division. Mr. Colangelo departed the Department on December 2, 2022.

Department leadership did not dispatch Mr. Colangelo to the District Attorney’s office, and Department leadership was unaware of his work on the investigation and prosecution involving the former President until it was reported in the news.

The self-justifying “perception” asserted by the Committee is completely baseless, but the Committee continues to traffic it widely. As the Attorney General stated at his hearing, the conspiracy theory that the recent jury verdict in New York state court was somehow controlled by the Department is not only false, it is irresponsible.

Indeed, accusations of wrongdoing made without—and in fact contrary to—evidence undermine confidence in the justice system and have contributed to increased threats of violence and attacks on career law enforcement officials and prosecutors. Our extraordinary efforts to respond to your speculation should put it to rest.

Indeed, the Department’s actual role with respect to the District Attorney’s office regarding this matter is already a matter of public record. As court filings show, both the District Attorney’s office and the former President’s defense team made requests for documents from the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York (SDNY).

In response to these requests, SDNY produced records to both parties, including the defense.  The documents were produced to the former President’s attorneys under a protective order imposed by the trial court. In any event, information-sharing between a U.S. Attorney’s Office and local prosecutors is standard and happens every day all over the country.

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Gross. Joe Biden Can’t Help Himself – Kisses Young Grandson on the Mouth Following Hunter Conviction (VIDEO)

Credit: CSPAN Screenshot

This will not put an end to the “Creepy Joe” taunts from conservatives.

As the Gateway Pundit reported earlier today, jurors returned a guilty verdict in Hunter Biden’s gun trial after merely three hours of deliberations. He now faces up to 25 years in prison.

His dad, Joe Biden, released a noxious statement afterward slobbering over his son while ignoring his crimes. But he did not stop there.

The Regime leader then dared to deliver a disgusting speech pushing gun control and THREATEN Trump supporters in the process, while rambling about banning “assault weapons.”

But before the speech, Biden went straight to Wilmington Delaware rather than returning to the White House. There, he met Hunter, his wife, and four-year-old son Beau Biden Jr. in his home state for a little reunion.

Things proceeded to get a bit strange. In a video making its way around social media, Joe Biden bears down on his grandchild, whispering something in his ear (or sniffing his hair?).

Then he wraps the child’s head with both hands and kisses him right on the lips.


NEW VIDEO: Joe Biden meets with son Hunter after felony gun conviction, kisses grandchild on the mouth

— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) June 11, 2024

Look at how shaken the little kid is afterward!

Credit: @Breaking911

Hunter and his wife finally lead a visibly uncomfortable little Beau, Jr. away from his weird grandpa and toward safety.

While some people will dismiss this episode and say this is just his grandchild, we all know how Joe Biden acts in a similar fashion around little kids who he has no relation with.

Of course, we all know how Ashley feels about him.

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Hunter Biden Juror Reveals One Critical Mistake Defense Lawyers Made That Ultimately Led to Guilty Verdict

Jurors on Tuesday returned a verdict in Hunter Biden’s criminal gun trial after three hours of deliberations.


Hunter Biden is facing 25 years in prison.

One Hunter Biden juror told The New York Post that the defense team made a critical mistake by calling Hunter’s daughter, Naomi, to the stand to testify.

Another juror told The New York Post that Naomi’s testimony did not help Hunter’s case.

Naomi Biden, 30, testified that her father texted her at 2 am just days after he illegally purchased a revolver asking her to meet up so they can swap cars.

Naomi said that she was sad her crack-addicted father missed another planned event.

The jurors said Naomi’s testimony didn’t work out as the defense team hoped.

The New York Post reported:

Two of the jurors who convicted first son Hunter Biden on federal gun charges Tuesday told The Post they were particularly affected by his eldest daughter Naomi’s testimony – with one panelist saying the defense team made a mistake calling her as a witness.

Naomi Biden, 30, recounted her father’s erratic behavior in the days after he illegally lied about his crack cocaine addiction to purchase a .38-caliber revolver on Oct. 12, 2018.

At one point, she said, Hunter had texted her at 2 a.m. on Oct. 18, asking if Naomi could meet him somewhere in Manhattan to exchange cars after she used his Ford Raptor pickup to help move her then-boyfriend Peter Neal into her apartment.

“I’m really sad, dad,” Naomi texted Hunter later that day after he missed out on another planned rendezvous. “I can’t take this. I don’t know what to say. I just miss you so much. And want to hang out with you.”

“It just seemed so sad for her to see her father in such a state,” one juror, a 51-year-old black woman from upper Delaware, told The Post. “She was happy when she thought he was getting better, then he relapsed.”

“I just think she probably just wants her dad to be like he was before her uncle [Beau Biden] died [in May 2015],” she added. “And to be able to depend on him.”

Prosecutors proved that Hunter Biden was smoking crack when he purchased a firearm in 2018.

According to text messages sent to Hallie Biden (Hunter’s sister-in-law-turned lover), Hunter Biden set up a drug deal with “Mookie” one day after he illegally purchased his gun on October 12, 2018.

One day after purchasing his gun on Oct. 12, 2018, Hunter Biden sets up a drug deal with “Mookie” at the 7/11 on Greenhill and Lancaster.

“He has my money mad I’m getting pissed,” Hunter texts Hallie Biden.

— Andrew Kerr (@AndrewKerrNC) June 3, 2024

A couple days later he went on a crack-smoking bender and passed out in his car.

Hunter proceeded to go on a bender and fell asleep in his car.

— Andrew Kerr (@AndrewKerrNC) June 3, 2024

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Elon Musk Rolls Out Another Cool X Feature to Protect Free Speech and Promote User Privacy

By: Ben Kew

Business mogul Elon Musk has confirmed that the X platform will hide “likes” from public view to protect user privacy and protect free speech.

According to The Verge, the change will be rolled out from Tuesday:

X is rolling out private likes as soon as today, according to a source at the company. That means what users like on the platform will be hidden by default, which is already an option for X’s Premium subscribers.

A few weeks ago, X’s director of engineering, Haofei Wang, said the upcoming change is meant to protect users’ public image — because “many people feel discouraged” to like “edgy” content. The Likes tab on user profiles will be gone. Users will still be able to see who liked their posts and the like count for all posts, but they will not see the people who liked someone else’s post, according to X senior software engineer Enrique Barragan. (He also hinted at the launch today in a post.)

Musk confirmed the change on his own X feed, pointing out that it was “important to allow people to like posts without getting attacked for doing so.”

Important to allow people to like posts without getting attacked for doing so!

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) June 11, 2024

The move may help defeat cancel culture, with many conservatives losing their jobs, positions of reputations over content that they had “liked.”

Since taking over the platform in October 2022, Musk has rolled out a range of new features including ad revenue payouts for creators, subscriptions and account verificiation.

Most importantly, he has ended the previous censorship regime under former CEOs Jack Dorsey and Parag Agrawal and reinstated thousands of previously banned accounts, including that of The Gateway Pundit and President Donald Trump.

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Thundering Loudspeakers, Leaflets and Excrement Balloons: North and South Korea Restart Cold War-Era Psychological Warfare

Gigantic South Korean loudspeakers blare BTS music. Large North Korean balloons carry manure, cigarette butts, and waste batteries. Small South Korean civilian leaflets slam North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.

This dystopian psychological warfare scenario is starting to play again like the height of the Cold War era, leaving the distension of 2018 so far in the past that it’s like it never even happened.

The heavily fortified border is again filled with tensions.

Associated Press reported:

“On Sunday, South Korea redeployed its gigantic loudspeakers along the border for the first time in six years and resumed anti-Pyongyang propaganda broadcasts. The broadcasts reportedly included K-pop sensation BTS’s mega-hits like ‘Butter’ and ‘Dynamite’, weather forecasts, and news on Samsung, the biggest South Korean company, as well as outside criticism of the North’s missile program and its crackdown on foreign video.

South Korean officials say the ear-piercing broadcasts were retaliation against North Korea’s recent series of balloon launches that dumped trash into South Korea, though it suffered no major damages. The North says its balloon campaign was a tit-for-tat action against South Korean activists flying political leaflets critical of its leadership across the border.”

For North Korea, the broadcasts and leafleting campaigns are a huge provocation. They reinstalled its own propaganda loudspeakers at the border, but haven’t switched them on.

The psychological warfare, that the two Koreas agreed to halt in 2018, is fully back on.

“Some frontline North Korean soldiers testified after their defections to South Korea that they had enjoyed South Korean broadcasts that contained pop songs and accurate weather forecasts that warned of potential rain and advised them to gather up laundry hung on outdoor clotheslines.

In 2015, when South Korea restarted loudspeaker broadcasts for the first time in 11 years, North Korea fired artillery rounds across the border, prompting the South to return fire, according to South Korean officials. No casualties were reported.”

Back in 2018, things were much calmer, and North Korea even received some of the South’s biggest pop stars for a rare performance. Kim reportedly called it a ‘gift to Pyongyang citizens’.

The psychological warfare increases the risks of direct military clashes between the Koreas.

“Diplomacy between the two countries remains derailed since a broader U.S.-North Korea nuclear diplomacy collapsed in 2019. So it could be difficult for the rivals to set up talks as an off-ramp to get off the cycle of tit-for-tat tensions.”

And the threat of escalation and direct conflict is by no means simply a theory, since it now arises that a skirmish at the border has led to South Korean troops firing warning shots:

Daily Beast reported:

“South Korea’s military fired warning shots when a group of around 20 North Korean soldiers crossed the nations’ land border over the weekend, Seoul’s Joint Chiefs of Staff said Tuesday.

The northern troops crossed the military demarcation line inside the DMZ separating the two countries at around 12:30 p.m. on Sunday, according to a JCS spokesman. The breach took place amid heightened tensions between the two countries over the waves of balloons carrying trash and excrement which Kim Jong Un’s regime has floated southwards over the border.”

Read more:

North Korea’s ‘Rocket Man’ Kim Jon Un Halts the ‘Excrement Balloon War’ Against South Korea

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Wayne Root Explains How World War 3 Has Already Begun, You Just Don’t Know it Yet… How Horrible the Open Border Truly Is…and Much More! (VIDEO)

Wayne Allyn Root with the most important stories in America: Wayne explains how World War 3 has already begun, you just don’t know it yet… how horrible the open border truly is… how tragic and deadly the Covid vaccines really are… and how dreadful the economy really is.

Watch Wayne’s “America’s Top Ten Countdown” with his World-Famous “Final Four” airing every Friday at 10pm ET and Saturday at Noon ET on Real America’s Voice TV Network. Also watch Wayne’s new nightly show, “The ROOT Reaction” every night at 10pm ET on Real America’s Voice TV.


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Clinton-Appointed Judge Strikes Down Florida’s Ban on Sex Changes for Children – DeSantis to Appeal

Ron DeSantis” by Gage Skidmore

A federal judge on Tuesday struck down Florida’s ban on sex changes for children.

Last year the Florida legislature passed a law banning anyone under the age of 18 from undergoing sex change surgeries or taking cross-sex hormones.

Governor Ron DeSantis (R) signed the legislation and now a Clinton-appointed activist in a black robe has overturned Florida’s law protecting children from being mutilated.

US District Judge Robert Hinkle struck down Florida’s ban on child mutilation, calling it “unconstitutional.”

“Gender identity is real,” Judge Hinkle wrote in his 105-page decision. “Those whose gender identity does not match their natal sex often suffer gender dysphoria. The widely accepted standard of care calls for appropriate evaluation and treatment.”

The judge continued, “For minors, this means evaluation and treatment by a multidisciplinary team. Proper treatment begins with mental-health therapy and is followed in appropriate cases by GnRH agonists and cross-sex hormones – referred to in this order as gender-affirming care. Florida has adopted a statute and rules that ban gender-affirming care for minors even when medically appropriate. The ban is unconstitutional.”

A spokesperson for DeSantis told Fox News that the governor will appeal the judge’s decision.

Excerpt from Fox News:

A federal judge in Florida has ruled that the state government’s rules on transgender treatments for children are unconstitutional.

U.S. District Judge Robert Hinkle ruled against the state regulations in his 105-page decision, in which he asserted that restricting children’s access to transgender procedures was an act of “animus.”

DeSantis signed SB 254 into law last year, prohibiting anyone under age 18 from undergoing sex-reassignment surgeries or taking cross-sex hormones to treat gender dysphoria.

The bill was passed by both houses of the Florida state legislature prior to DeSantis’s final approval.

Jeremy Redfern, DeSantis’ press secretary, told Fox News Digital that the Florida government plans to appeal the decision.

“Through their elected representatives, the people of Florida acted to protect children in this state, and the Court was wrong to override their wishes. We disagree with the Court’s erroneous rulings on the law, on the facts, and on the science,” he said in a Tuesday statement.

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“Everything With Hunter Was Gone!” – Lunden Roberts Reveals Her Cell Phones Were Mysteriously Wiped After She Found Out She Was Pregnant with Hunter Biden’s Baby (VIDEO)

Lunden Roberts, the mother of Hunter Biden’s ‘love child’ Navy Joan Roberts, appeared on Megyn Kelly’s podcast “The Megyn Kelly Show” to discuss what she has been through since finding out she was pregnant with Hunter’s baby.

Hunter had a child with Lunden Roberts after meeting her at a DC strip joint where she worked as a stripper.

The lovechild, Navy Joan Roberts, was born in August 2018.

Lunden Roberts with daughter fathered by Hunter (Joe Biden’s granddaughter), Navy Joan Roberts

Navy Joan

Roberts told Megyn Kelly how her cell phones were mysteriously wiped shortly after she found out she was pregnant with Hunter’s baby, and how it appeared someone was deleting records of her relationship with Hunter.

“What happened with your cell phones the night you found out you were pregnant?” Megyn Kelly asked Lunden Roberts.

Roberts said she had two cell phones and they both crashed at the same time the night she found out she was pregnant with Hunter’s baby.

“That night at the same time they both crashed in front of me and my friends,” Lunden Roberts said.

“And what did the screens look like when they were crashing?” Megyn Kelly asked.

Lunden Roberts said her phones went black with horizontal lines so she went to get a new phone the next day and that is when she discovered just about everything related to Hunter Biden was deleted from her iCloud.

“So what do you think happened there?” Megyn Kelly asked.

“That is still up in the air,” Lunden Roberts said. “I can’t explain. I don’t know what happened.”

Megyn Kelly asked if she believes there were government forces trying to protect Hunter and Joe Biden.

“You always wonder that. It’s been in the back of my mind,” Lunden Roberts said.


Hunter Biden has fought Lunden Roberts over child support payments and even asked a judge to prevent his daughter Navy Joan from taking the Biden name.

It took FIVE YEARS for Joe Biden to acknowledge his granddaughter Navy Joan.

In 2019, Joe Biden lashed out at Fox News reporter Peter Doocy for asking about his new granddaughter born to Hunter and Lunden Roberts.


Here’s a different angle provided via Fox News that shows Biden’s facial expression as he was asked the question, which is a legitimate news question

Biden clearly seems agitated

— Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) November 21, 2019

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WATCH: Kevin Spacey Breaks Down in Tears, Says He Owes Millions in Legal Bills, Is Broke and His House Is Being Foreclosed

Academy award winner Kevin Spacey broke down in tears on TV, as he told British host Piers Morgan that he is broke, owes millions for his extensive legal bills, and the house he has lived in since 2016 is being foreclosed.

In an appearance in Piers Morgan Uncensored, Spacey spoke of the devastating effects that the multiple allegations of sex offenses against him have had on his career, with the #metoo movement leaving him unable to work, sending him from stardom to insolvency.

Read more: Kevin Spacey is Found ‘Not Guilty’ by London Jurors on His 64th Birthday – Academy Award Winner Now Wants to Restart Career

AND Kevin Spacey Is Plotting a Hollywood Comeback – Author Friend Goes To Bat for Him, Expects ‘Good Things’ From Disgraced Star – But Can He Really Get Uncanceled?

Spacey was cancelled, can’t work, and is broke.

“Piers Morgan: Where do you live now? 

Kevin Spacey: Well, it’s funny you ask that question, because this week where I have been living in Baltimore is being foreclosed on.  My house is being sold at auction.  Really? So I have to go back to Baltimore and put all my things in storage.

So the answer to that question is I’m not quite sure where I’m going to live now, but I’ve been in Baltimore since we started shooting House of Cards there.

Piers Morgan: So how long is that?

Kevin Spacey:  I moved there [Baltimore] in 2012. […] This [house] has been my home and Evan and Lucy’s home since 2016.

Piers Morgan: Why is it being foreclosed? 

Kevin Spacey: Because I can’t pay the bills that I owe. 

Piers Morgan:  Are you facing bankruptcy? 

Kevin Spacey: Been a couple of times when I thought I was going to file, but we’ve managed to sort of dodge it, at least as of today. 

The usual suspects: Specey with Prince Andrew, Bill Clinton, Ghislaine Maxwell and Harvey Weinstein.

Piers Morgan:  How much money do you have? 

Kevin Spacey: None.

Piers Morgan: Really? 

Kevin Spacey: Well, I mean, you know, you have some sense of legal bills.

Piers Morgan: Yeah.

Kevin Spacey: I still owe a lot of legal bills that I have not been able to pay.

Piers Morgan:  You’re actually in debt? 

Kevin Spacey: Yes.

Piers Morgan: Do you mind me asking how much you owe?

Kevin Spacey: It’s considerable. 

Piers Morgan: Millions? 

Kevin Spacey: Many millions, yes.”


Kevin Spacey breaks down in tears, revealing that his property is facing foreclosure.

His house will be sold and auctioned.

Kevin Spacey has no idea where he will live now and admits that he has no money.

Kevin Spacey visited Africa with Jeffrey Epstein along with Chris Tucker…

— Shadow of Ezra (@ShadowofEzra) June 11, 2024

Read more:

The Kevin Spacey Comeback: London Movie Theater Cancels Premiere of Film Featuring Him – In Oxford, Embattled Actor Performs His First Monologue Since Acquittal


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Biden Regime Lifts Ban on Arming Ukraine’s Neo-Nazi Azov Battallion


The Ukrainian military’s Azov Division is famous for promoting Nazism and Nazi symbols.

Back in 2019, 40 Democrats signed a letter saying they condemned the Nazi Azov Battalion in Ukraine.

Kanekoa The Great dug up this letter from 2019.

On October 16, 2019, the top Democrat on the House Homeland Security Committee’s counterterrorism subpanel, Rep. Max Rose (NY), led a letter signed by forty Democrats asking the State Department why they had not placed Ukraine’s Azov Battalion on the U.S. list of “foreign terrorist organizations” (FTOs).

In the letter, the lawmakers compared the Azov Battalion to the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), and discussed how, Brenton Tarrant, the Christchurch, New Zealand mosque shooter, who massacred fifty-one people in 2019, had been radicalized by the “ultranationalist militia organization” which “openly welcomes neo-Nazis into its ranks”.

“For Example, the Azov Battalion is a well-known ultranationalist militia organization in Ukraine that openly welcomes neo-Nazis into its ranks. The group is so well-known, in fact, that the 115th Congress of the United States stated in its 2018 omnibus spending bill that ‘none of the funds made available by this act may be used to provide arms, training or other assistance to the Azov Battalion.’ The United Nations has chronicled human rights abuses and incidents of torture in this group’s relatively short history. Despite these facts, Azov has been recruiting, radicalizing, and training American citizens for years according to the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

The Christchurch, New Zealand massacre was a turning point for counterterrorism efforts. In his manifesto, the shooter claimed he had trained with the Azov Battalion in Ukraine, and he routinely wore a neo-Nazi symbol associated with them. Both the Poway, CA and El Paso, TX shooters said they were directly influenced by the terrorism committed at Christchurch. The link between Azov and acts of terror in America is clear.”

The letter was signed by prominent Democrats such as Rep. Bennie G. Thompson, Rep. Eliot L. Engel, Rep. Jamie Raskin, Rep. Stephen F. Lynch, Rep. Jim Cooper, Rep. Gregory Meeks, Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, Rep. Ro Khanna, and Rep. Al Green.

Read the rest here.

And here are the 40 Democrats who signed on to the letter.

page 2

page 3

But this week Joe Biden lifted restrictions on arming the Azov Battalion in Ukraine.

Via The National Pulse.

Joe Biden has lifted restrictions on arming the Azov Battalion, a Neo-Nazi Ukrainian military formation founded by a politician who believes it is the Ukrainian nation’s mission to “lead the white races of the world in a final crusade … against Semite-led Untermenschen [subhumans]”.

“This is a new page in our unit’s history,” Azov bragged in a statement on the policy change. “Azov is becoming even more powerful, even more professional and even more dangerous for occupiers,” they boasted.

“Obtaining Western weapons and training from the United States will not only increase the combat ability of Azov, but most importantly, contribute to the preservation of the lives and the health of personnel.”

Azov founder Andriy Biletsky, who also leads the National Corps political party, has described his ideology as “Ukrainian racial social-nationalism.” However, he has minimized this rhetoric since the Euromaidan coup and the subsequent onset of hostilities with Russia in 2014. Azov gained prominence as an effective fighting force against Russian and separatist forces, and President Volodymyr Zelensky depended on them to perform much of the fiercest fighting in the early stages of the 2022 invasion, despite his Jewish heritage.

Read the rest here.


Today’s Ukrainian War Heroes were Yesterday’s White Supremacists and Neo-Nazis Fighting Russia (VIDEO)

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New Jersey’s Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control Reviews Liquor Licenses at Trump’s Golf Course Following Sham Conviction

The New Jersey Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) has once again targeted the liquor licenses of properties owned by him.

This action comes in the wake of Trump’s recent sham conviction, aimed at tarnishing the reputation of a president who dared to challenge the status quo.

The ABC is currently assessing whether Trump’s conviction infringes upon a clause in the state law that restricts licenses based on criminal history.

The scrutiny involves the licenses of Trump National Golf Club Colts Neck, Trump National Golf Club Pine Hill, and the Lamington Farm Club.

“ABC is reviewing the impact of President Trump’s conviction on the above referenced licenses, and declines further comment at this time,” stated Attorney General Matthew Platkin’s office to Fox News on Tuesday.

More from Fox News:

According to New Jersey state law, “No license of any class shall be issued to any person under the age of 18 years or to any person who has been convicted of a crime involving moral turpitude.”

Trump was convicted on 34 counts of falsifying business records in a New York City court on May 30, but that appears to have had little effect on his level of support.

Former Attorney General of New Jersey Gurbir Grewal tried to pull the liquor license from Trump National Golf Club Colts Neck in 2019, citing a fatal car accident caused by an intoxicated driver leaving the club.

The case ultimately resulted in the club paying approximately $400,000 to the ABC and restricting the availability of alcohol on the premises to specific areas.

The Gateway Pundit previously reported that the New York City Police Department (NYPD) is reportedly preparing to revoke former President Donald Trump’s license to carry a gun, a senior police told far-left CNN.

Trump’s New York concealed carry license was quietly suspended on April 1, 2023, following his indictment on sham charges in New York. Two of the three pistols he was licensed to carry were turned over to the NYPD on March 31, 2023. The third gun listed on Trump’s license was “lawfully moved to Florida,” according to the same source.

After Trump was convicted of 34 felonies on May 30, 2024, in made-up crimes, he could potentially be in violation of multiple state and federal laws if he still possesses that third gun in Florida.

Under federal law, specifically the Gun Control Act of 1968, it is illegal for anyone who has been convicted of a felony to own or possess a firearm or ammunition.

NYC Police Department Set to Revoke Former President Trump’s Gun License — Violation of State and Federal Laws Looms if Third Gun Remains in Florida: Report

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BREAKING: Four Democrat Leaders Arrested and Charged with Election Fraud in Bridgeport, Connecticut

Four Democrat leaders were arrested and charged this week with election fraud in Bridgeport, Connecticut.

The voter fraud was tied to a 2019 mayoral primary race.

Bridgeport City Councilman Alfredo Castillo, Vice Chair of Bridgeport’s Democrat Party Wanda Geter-Pataky were charged with election tampering.

Two campaign workers Nilsa Heredia and Josephine Edmonds were charged with election fraud and unlawfully possessing another person’s absentee ballot.

Wanda Geter-Pataky was also charged with witness tampering, the Connecticut Mirror reported.


The Connecticut Mirror reported:

Connecticut prosecutors charged four Bridgeport political operatives on Tuesday with abusing the absentee balloting system during the city’s 2019 Democratic primary for mayor.

Bridgeport city councilman Alfredo Castillo and Wanda Geter-Pataky, the vice chairwoman of the city’s Democratic Party who became the face of another major election scandal last year, are among those charged.

The Connecticut Chief State’s Attorney also charged Nilsa Heredia and Josephine Edmonds, two other campaign workers who were involved in the 2019 primary between Bridgeport Mayor Joe Ganim and his Democratic challenger, Marilyn Moore.

It took several years to finally arrest the Democrats who engaged in election fraud in 2019.

Wanda Geter-Pataky, one of the bad actors involved in the 2019 fraud continued her illegal ballot dumps in the 2023 primary mayoral race.

The election fraud in Bridgeport was so bad in 2023 that a judge overturned the mayoral primary results

Last November Superior Court Judge William Clark ordered a new election to be held, citing bombshell video evidence of election fraud as the basis for his decision.

The Gateway Pundit reported in September that mayoral candidate John Gomes’ campaign released a damning video showing evidence of election fraud in the Bridgeport Democratic primary. The video has prompted an investigation by the Bridgeport Police Department for “possible misconduct.”

The video on the Gomes campaign’s Facebook page shows a woman dropping stacks of ‘illegal’ ballots into an absentee ballot box outside the Bridgeport government center, where the city’s Registrar of Voters office is located.


This is the OUTRAGEOUS video of the Democrat Clerk stuffing illegal ballots into the City drop box and visiting it multiple times in one day

This video was leaked by a whistleblower inside the City and @gatewaypundit helped share it with the world

— George (@BehizyTweets) November 1, 2023

The Gomes campaign was able to identify the woman in the footage as Wanda Geter-Pataky, the Vice Chairwoman of the Democratic Town Clerk and a vocal supporter of incumbent Mayor Joe Ganim, who is seeking reelection. Gomes’ campaign claims that the video shows Geter-Pataky dropping off stacks of absentee ballots ahead of the September 12th primary.

Incumbent Mayor Joe Ganim (L); Challenger John Gomes (R)

To be clear, Tuesday’s charges did NOT address the crimes committed by the Democrat operatives during the 2023 mayoral primary between incumbent Joe Ganim and challenger John Gomes.

There is a separate investigation into the 2023 election fraud in the 2023 primary mayoral race in Bridgeport, Connecticut.

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Hunter’s Laptop Helped Secure a Conviction. Its Suppression May Have Swung an Election.

Prosecutors in the gun case against Hunter Biden attested to the authenticity of a laptop he left at a repair shop in 2019, and a jury convicted Biden on Tuesday in part based on that evidence, even though at least two polls suggested that constant denials that the laptop was his from Democrats, social media, and legacy media helped President Joe Biden get elected in 2020. 

“This is not a point the news media wanted to acknowledge during trial coverage,” Tim Graham, director of media analysis at the Media Research Center, a conservative media watchdog, told The Daily Signal. “It was the shame of the liberal media since the FBI had the laptop all along.” 

Graham was referring to the fact that the FBI was in possession of Hunter Biden’s laptop and knew it was his when the story of its existence broke in 2020.

Had a sizable number of Joe Biden’s supporters been aware of the authenticity of the laptop that suggested the elder Biden financially benefited from foreign dealings that his son was involved in, a late 2020 Media Research Center/Polling Company survey shows that then-incumbent President Donald Trump would have won the election with 289 electoral votes. 

A TIPP Insights poll in 2022 also showed two-thirds of respondents believed the election would have turned out differently if the public had been more aware of the laptop contents. The survey was done after internal files from Twitter revealed the FBI’s efforts to block the story from getting out. 

“We did the poll, and it does show that suppression of this story on Twitter and the suggestion that the New York Post wasn’t real news impacted the election based on people who might have voted for Trump or just not voted,” Graham said. 

Prosecutors used the laptop, first reported on by the New York Post in 2020, in their case against Hunter Biden, who was found guilty Tuesday on three charges related to lying on a gun-purchase form about his drug addiction. 

But during a 2020 presidential debate, then-candidate Joe Biden called the laptop—which documented Hunter Biden’s drug use and questionable foreign business deals and also implicated the elder Biden in those business deals—“Russian disinformation.” 

Joe Biden’s claim was backed by 51 former intelligence officials who—at the behest of Biden campaign surrogate and now-Secretary of State Antony Blinken—signed an open letter alleging the laptop had the hallmarks of Russian disinformation. 

The discovery of the laptop and its contents were largely suppressed on social media, and many large news organizations refused to cover the story. 

“The irony to all of this is that liberals get upset when you say something is fake news or is biased. But that is precisely what they did with the New York Post story,” Graham said. “The liberal media says if you don’t believe us, you don’t believe in democracy.”

However, by mid-2022, most legacy media outlets, such as The New York Times and The Washington Post, acknowledged the authenticity of the laptop. Yet before the Hunter Biden gun trial, the government had not formally acknowledged it. 

In December 2022, TIPP Insights, a right-leaning polling outlet with a A+ rating from news and analysis website FiveThirtyEight, conducted a poll of 501 people and asked, “Would knowing the laptop contents were real and not ‘disinformation’ have changed your vote?” 

Over one-quarter—or 28%—answered “Very likely.” 

In late 2020, a Media Research Center/Polling Company survey of 1,750 self-described Biden voters showed that 45.1% did not know about Hunter Biden’s laptop and that 9.4% said had they known, they would have changed their votes from Biden to Trump, to a third-party candidate, or would not have voted at all. 

The analysis of the survey results determined Trump would have won the election with 289 electoral votes. Both the Media Research Center and the Polling Company are right-leaning organizations,

In February 2023, the left-leaning Washington Post’s Fact Checker column by Glenn Kessler questioned the methodology and questions of the Media Research Center/Polling Company’s poll and gave “Two Pinocchios” to Republican lawmakers who cited the poll as evidence that the lack of media coverage influenced the election. 

The emails on the laptop suggested that Joe Biden—despite his repeated denials—was personally involved in Hunter Biden’s business deals in China. There was also a reference to “10% for the big guy,” suggesting Joe Biden financially benefited from those business deals as well. 

The post Hunter’s Laptop Helped Secure a Conviction. Its Suppression May Have Swung an Election. appeared first on The Daily Signal.

Dr. Ben Carson Reveals If President Trump Has Talked to Him About Vice President Position

Dr. Ben Carson was recently interviewed by Newsmax’s Katrina Szish and was asked if he has been in talks with President Trump about being a possible running mate.

Szish asked Dr. Carson, “Have you talked to President Trump about the potential of being his running mate?”

Carson responded, “We’ve talked about many things but not that particular topic.”

“And, you know, the real interest here is how do we save this country, recognizing that it’s in dire straits right now,” added Carson.

The former HUD Secretary concluded his answer by adding, “And unless we stay laser-focused on those things that are causing problems for the average American, we’ll be in the same boat as the current administration.”


Ben Carson Tells Newsmax He Hasn’t Talked to Trump About Being Trump’s Running Mate

— The Triune Times (@TriuneTimes) June 11, 2024

Per Newsmax:

Commenting to Newsmax on reports of being vetted as former President Donald Trump’s running mate, Dr. Ben Carson said that he had not talked to the real estate magnate about it.

“Well,” “American Agenda’s” Katrina Szish began, “a number of high-profile Republicans, eight to be exact, have been floated as prospective running mates for former President Trump. One person whose name he has been clearly saying a lot, as you just heard, is our next guest, Dr. Ben Carson. Have you talked to President Trump about the potential of being his running mate?”

“We’ve talked about many things,” Carson replied, “but not that particular topic. And, you know, the real interest here is how do we save this country, recognizing that it’s in dire straits right now.

“And unless we stay laser-focused on those things that are causing problems for the average American, we’ll be in the same boat as the current administration,” he said.

As The Gateway Pundit previously reported, Carson is one of eight people the Trump campaign has vetted as a potential running mate.

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16-Time Champion Joey Chestnut Banned from Nathan’s Hot Dog Contest Over Deal with Rival Vegan Hot Dog Brand

Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Joey Chestnut, the reigning champion of Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Contest, has been banned from this year’s July 4 showdown.

The decision, confirmed by Major League Eating (MLE), comes after Chestnut opted to represent a rival hot dog brand that focuses on vegan products.

Joey is currently ranked No. 1 in the world by Major League Eating. Chestnut won his first Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Contest in 2007, defeating Taer “Tsunami” Kobayashi.

A spokesperson for MLE disclosed to ESPN that Chestnut had opted to “represent another hot dog brand,” thereby disqualifying him from the annual competition held at Coney Island, New York City.

Chestnut, who is widely regarded as competitive eating’s biggest star and has won the event eight consecutive years, is said to have prioritized his new partnership over his long-standing relationship with MLE and Nathan’s Famous Hot Dogs.

“We are devastated to learn that Joey Chestnut has chosen to represent a rival brand that sells plant-based hot dogs rather than competing in the 2024 Nathan’s Famous Fourth of July Hot Dog Eating Contest,” MLE said in an official statement.

The organization further explained that it had made significant efforts to accommodate Chestnut and his management team in recent months. These accommodations included agreeing on an appearance fee and allowing him to compete in an unbranded hot dog eating contest on Labor Day.

“For nearly two decades we have worked under the same basic hot dog exclusivity provisions. However, it seems that Joey and his managers have prioritized a new partnership with a different hot dog brand over our long-time relationship,” the statement continued.

According to ESPN, Chestnut holds an impressive record at the Nathan’s Famous Hot Dog Eating Contest, owning the top 10 performances including consuming a staggering 76 hot dogs and buns in 2021 alone. He managed to down 62 franks and buns at last year’s event.

“Joey Chestnut is an American hero,” MLE’s statement concluded. “We would love nothing more than to have him at the Nathan’s Famous International Hot Dog Eating Contest, which he has dominated for years. We hope that he returns when he is not representing a rival brand.”

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Oprah Winfrey Hospitalized, Per Gayle King

According to her best friend and CBS news anchor Gayle King, Oprah Winfrey has been hospitalized.

During a broadcast on CBS Mornings, King announced Oprah was hospitalized after suffering from a stomach bug.

King shared, “She had some kind of stomach thing where stuff was coming out of both ends.”

“But needless to say, she ended up in the hospital, dehydration, she had an IV, so it was a very serious thing,” added King.

King assured viewers that Oprah would be okay and is currently recovering.

The news of Oprah being hospitalized comes just five months after she announced she has been using the weight loss drug Ozempic to shed some pounds.

Just in: Oprah Winfrey has been hospitalized for stomach issues according to her best friend Gayle King.

— The Calvin Coolidge Project (@TheCalvinCooli1) June 11, 2024

Per The Daily Mail:

Oprah Winfrey was hospitalized recently because of a stomach problem that left her excreting from ‘both ends,’ her best friend Gayle King revealed.

Gayle, 69, made the candid confession on Tuesday, adding that she hoped Oprah, 70, would not be upset by her indiscretion.

It comes fives months after Winfrey admitted to having used weight loss drugs, similar to Ozempic.

‘She had some kind of stomach thing where – stomach flu where stuff was coming out of both ends. I won’t get too graphic,’ said Gayle.

‘But needless to say, she ended up in the hospital, dehydration, she had an IV, so it was a very serious thing,’ the news anchor continued.

When she was asked about the current state of Oprah’s health, Gayle said: ‘She will be okay. She will be okay,’ on CBS Mornings.

Oprah Winfrey hospitalized for stomach issue that left her with ‘stuff coming out of both ends’ according to best friend Gayle King

— Daily Mail Online (@MailOnline) June 11, 2024


Oprah Leaves WeightWatchers, Sinks Stock Price After Admitting Truth About Weight-Loss Drug

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Biden Puts Conservatives on Notice: “If They Wanna Think to Take on Government if We Get Out of Line … Guess What? They Need F-15s! They Don’t Need a Rifle!” (VIDEO)

Joe Biden delivered a speech at Everytown’s Gun Sense University at the Washington Hilton after his son Hunter was found guilty of three federal gun felonies.

You just can’t make this stuff up.

Biden’s 20-minute speech was a total disaster. He incoherently rambled about banning ‘assault weapons.’

There is no such thing as an ‘assault weapon.’

He mocked the ‘tree of liberty’ Second Amendment supporters and threatened millions of conservatives.

“If they wanna think to take on government if we get out of line … guess what? They need F-15s! They don’t need a rifle!” Biden said.


BIDEN (slurring heavily): “If they wanna think to take on government if we get out of line … guess what? They need F-15s! They don’t need a rifle!”

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) June 11, 2024

This isn’t the first time Joe Biden has threatened millions of conservatives.

Biden previously threatened millions of Trump supporters at the National Action Network Martin Luther King, Jr. Day breakfast.

“I love my right-wing friends talking about how the tree of liberty is watered with the blood of patriots. If you want to take on the federal government, you need some F-15s. You don’t need an AR-15,” Biden said.

In August 2022 Joe Biden went off-script and threatened “right-wing Americans” in a speech in Pennsylvania.

“For those brave right-wing Americans… if you want to fight against the country, you need an F-15. You need something little more than a gun,” said Biden.

“I’m not joking!” he added.

Imagine the headlines if Trump said this about BLM.

The post Biden Puts Conservatives on Notice: “If They Wanna Think to Take on Government if We Get Out of Line … Guess What? They Need F-15s! They Don’t Need a Rifle!” (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

DEVELOPING: Mass Shooting Erupts in Downtown Atlanta at Peachtree Center Mall – Multiple Victims Injured and Taken to Hospital

Credit: @rawsalerts

Atlanta police have revealed that several people have been shot at Peachtree Center Mall in downtown Atlanta.

According to WSBTV, police and fire department officials have swarmed in front of the building while crime scene tape has been put up outside the entrance. The Peachtree Center building has been placed under lockdown.

One suspect has been taken into custody. There are unconfirmed reports regarding a second one at large.

Below is a video of the unfolding situation.


#BREAKING: Numerous law enforcement officers are on the scene after multiple people were shot at the Peachtree Center Mall⁰⁰#Atlanta | #Georgia

Currently, numerous law enforcement and emergency personnel are on the scene at the Peachtree Center Mall, which is on lockdown…

— R A W S A L E R T S (@rawsalerts) June 11, 2024

Mayor Andre Dickens posted on X that a short time ago, four people were shot in the food court, including the alleged shooter. He urged
residents to avoid the area.

Four people shot.

One is the alleged original shooter and he was shot.

All involved are still alive.

AFRD are on the scene rendering aid alongside APD.

Avoid the area.

— Andre Dickens (@andreforatlanta) June 11, 2024

Atlanta Police revealed that all victims were conscious and breathing when they were taken to the hospital.

No other information at this time has been released regarding the suspected shooter or victims according to FOX 5 Atlanta. The reason behind the shooting remains unknown as well.

Atlanta police have told local reporters the scene remains open and are urging residents to o monitor social media for further updates.

This is a developing story. Check back with TGP for updates.

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Creepy King Charles Painting Is Vandalized by Radical Animal Rights Activists, Gets a Cartoon Face and Speech Balloon!

Radical activists for animal rights have pulled a royal prank at the Philip Mould Gallery in London, where they vandalized the creepy new portrait of King Charles.

Animal Rising extremists have stuck a cartoon poster from the British stop-motion animated comedy Wallace and Gromit on the monarch’s face.

Also stuck was a speech balloon attacking the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, a charity in England and Wales which supposedly promotes animal welfare.

The disturbing painting is the first official portrait of Charles he became King and was ‘partly inspired by his history of environmental work’.

Daily Mail reported:

“One poster plastered over the portrait was of Wallace’s face and the other was a speech bubble reading: ‘No Cheese, Gromit. Look At All This Cruelty On RSPCA Farms!’

Animal Rising is calling on King Charles to suspend his support for the charity, of which he is the Royal Patron until they drop the Assured Scheme – which is there to protect animal welfare standards.”

Charles is reportedly a fan of the animation franchise, so the eco-alarmists want to ‘draw his attention to the horrific scenes on RSPCA Assured farms’.

“The action is an attempt by the group to raise awareness for their recent investigation into 45 RSPCA Assured farms where they allegedly found 280 legal breaches and 94 breaches of DEFRA regulations.

The activists claim to have found animal cruelty and suffering at each farm, including alleged scenes of dead and dying baby chickens, dead pigs left in farm walkways, and salmon being eaten alive by sea lice.”

Animal Rising was careful to add that ‘the posters were affixed using water sprayed onto the back so that they could be easily removed’.

King Charles became the RSPCA’s Royal Patron just last month. The charity mentioned his ‘huge passion for nature and regenerative farming and his continued support for the RSPCA and the future of animal welfare’.

Read more:

IN HELL? Charles III Unveils Creepy First Oil Portrait of Him as King – And People Are Freaking Out


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Biden Recalls Dubious Story About Going Through the “Wetlands of Delaware” and Telling Armed Fishermen He Wants to Ban Their Guns (VIDEO)

This never happened.

Joe Biden delivered a speech at Everytown’s Gun Sense University at the Washington Hilton after his son Hunter was found guilty of three federal gun felonies.

The attendees were left with an empty lectern one hour after Biden’s speech was supposed to begin.

He arrived ONE HOUR LATE to his speech.

Joe Biden’s 20-minute speech was full of gaffes and lies (as usual).

At one point Joe Biden recalled a dubious story about going through the “wetlands of Delaware” and confronting hunters and fishermen.

Biden claimed he told an armed fisherman he wanted to ban his “assault’ weapon.

There is no such thing as an “assault weapon.”

And this never happened.

“I came across a guy who was fishing and he said, ‘you want to take my gun.’ – and I looked at him and I said, ‘I don’t want to take your gun. You’re allowed to have a gun, but I want to take away your ability to use an assault weapon,” Biden said.

Biden continued, “And I said, guess what? If you need 12 to 100 bullets in a gun, in a magazine, you’re the lousiest shot I’ve ever heard.”


Biden recalls going through the "wetlands of Delaware" and telling citizens he wanted to ban their guns

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) June 11, 2024

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BIDEN’s BORDER JIHAD: Six Suspected Terrorists With ISIS Ties Arrested in New York, Los Angeles, and Philadelphia – Top Target Previously Released at Southern Border

Joe Biden’s callous indifference to American national security has led to suspected terrorists with ties to ISIS sneaking into America.

The New York Post exclusively revealed Tuesday that ICE officials arrested six individuals from Tajikistan in a sting operation over the last week after the FBI contacted the agency to warn it.

Sources revealed to the Post that that part of the investigation involved a wiretap which caught one of the now-arrested individuals talking about bombs.

One source also told the outlet they feared something as bas as the Boston Marathon bombing would have occurred had they not promptly apprhended the individuals.

“Remember the Boston marathon bombing? I’m afraid something like that might happen again or worse,” the source said.

The Post further revealed the target who subject to the wiretap was previously released by federal authorities at the southern border with a court date next year. Just imagine the blood on the Biden regime’s hands had the alien been able to carry out a massive terrorist attack.

The Gateway Pundit previously reported that FBI Director Chris Wray warned America tow month ago of a potential terror attack “which may be not that different from what you saw against the concert hall in Russia a few weeks ago from ISIS-K.”

The horrific concert attack left 144 people dead and many more injured.

DEVELOPING: SHOCK VIDEOS – Attack on Moscow Region Concert Venue Leaves More than 60 Dead and 100 Injured!

Wray explained to NBC News in April that there are “elevated fears about a coordinated terror attack in a public place” due to people being radicalized by the Israel/Gaza war.

“We are increasingly concerned [about] the potential for some kind of coordinated attack here in the homeland, which may be not that different from what you saw against the concert hall in Russia a few weeks ago from ISIS-K,” Wray said.

“We are increasingly concerned [about] the potential for some kind of coordinated attack here in the homeland, which may be not that different from what you saw against the concert hall in Russia a few weeks ago from ISIS-K,” Wray said.

Despite Wray's chilling words, the Regime was caught flatfooted anyway because they are too concerned with flooding the southern border with illegals in an effort to remake American society.

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Hunter Biden Convicted Of Jaywalking – Lunch Alert!

This Dick Morris Lunch Alert! is sponsored by Patriot Gold Group. Click Here to give me your thoughts and continue the discussion. Please forward this email to any friends or family who may be interested in viewing my video. Thanks…

In Sudden White House Scheduling Change, Biden Will Rush Back to Delaware After Son Hunter Found Guilty of Federal Gun Crimes

Joe Biden was scheduled to deliver a speech on gun control at 1:30 ET on Tuesday after Hunter Biden was found guilty of federal gun crimes.

Jurors on Tuesday returned a verdict in Hunter Biden’s criminal gun trial after three hours of deliberations.


Hunter Biden is facing 25 years in prison.

Joe Biden was supposed to deliver a speech at Everytown’s Gun Sense University at the Washington Hilton, but the attendees were left with an empty lectern one hour after his speech was supposed to begin.

He arrived ONE HOUR LATE to his speech.

Biden had a sudden schedule change. He will be rushing back to Wilmington, Delaware to be with his son Hunter.

Joe Biden will leave his gun control speech and head straight to Delaware rather than traveling back to the White House. He is set to depart the White House early Wednesday morning en route to Italy to attend the G7 Summit.

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Library That Fired Republican Makes Stunning Admission

This article originally appeared on

Guest by post by Bob Unruh

‘What happened next was a shocking violation’

A library that fired a Republican woman who encouraged members of her own party to run for specific elected offices has admitted to doing “violence” to the GOP member’s free speech rights.

And, while the firing already had been reversed previously, there’s now a consent order that makes official the disreputable acts of the Dudley-Tucker Library and the town of Raymand, New Hampshire.

The American Center for Law and Justice said it obtained the victory in federal court with the consent order with all the details of the library’s dismissal of Arlene Quaratiello, a GOP member of the state legislature.

It was because of she expressed her “conservative” views.

“As in many states, being a member of the state legislature is only a part-time position, and most state Reps. hold additional jobs. Our client was a librarian at a local library,” the organization reported.

“Rep. Quaratiello sent a letter to a local newspaper, endorsing conservative candidates for a public library position. She endorsed these candidates because they took the ‘controversial’ position that sexually explicit books should not be in the children’s section of the library. What happened next was a shocking violation of the First Amendment,” the report said.

“She was called to meet with Director [Kirsten] Corbett, a library trustee, and the town manager. They told her she was terminated ‘because of [her] lack of separation of personal/political values and agendas from DTL [Dudley-Tucker Library] policies, procedures, and occurrences’ and because she was ‘not able to maintain the separation between personal and library tenets,'” the ACLJ reported.

Quaratiello asked “if this meant that she was terminated for her political activity, and they confirmed it.”

But all of her “political” actions were on her own time, and using her own resources, the report confirmed.

“Eventually, the library restored our client to her job, but not before the library’s constitutional damage was done. They might have thought that doing so would mean they would not face any consequences for their conduct. Arlene went to a number of lawyers, asking them if anything could be done about what happened to her. However, because she had gotten her job back, the other lawyers said there was no case,” the ACLJ said.

It took on the project because her constitutional rights had been violated and there had been “no recognition of wrongdoing.”

“She was understandably concerned that something like this might happen again the next time she spoke out on a political issue – which obviously, as a state representative, she would do. Our lawsuit was about protecting the rights of citizens to speak out about the issues that affect all of us and ensuring a conservative voice can still be heard.”

The court document that is intended to end the dispute confirms that the library and its officials confirmed she had been terminated because “she engaged in off duty, public, expressive, political activity, outside the scope of her employment.”

The library also agreed to state, publicly, “The Dudley-Tucker Library regrets its conduct toward Quaratiello and the violation of plaintiff Quaratiello’s constitutional rights, and will remind, in writing, all personnel to refrain from engaging in disciplinary activity that punishes the First Amendment activities of employees. The Dudley-Tucker Library and Town of Raymond will take any other actions reasonably necessary to ensure this type of constitutional violation does not occur again.”

The library also is required to take other administrative actions to ensure that such violations don’t happen again, such as expunging any negative documents from the incident.

“She now has a court order explaining that her rights were violated and providing her explicit, extensive legal protection in case anything similar happens again,” the ACLJ reported.

Copyright 2024 WND News Center

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University of Minnesota Pauses Hiring of Professor Tapped to Lead Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies Who Called Israel’s War Against Hamas Terrorists a ‘Textbook Case of Genocide’

Raz Segal/Image: Video screenshot

The University of Minnesota has reportedly walked back plans to hire academic Raz Segal as the new head of the university’s Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies (CHGS).

Although they have not publically announced the decision, the university received public blowback after two members of the center’s advisory board resigned, citing, in part, Segals’s stance after the October 7 Hamas terrorist attacks.

In an article in Jewish Currents on Oct. 13, just days after October 7, Segal called Israel’s military operation against Hamas “a textbook case of genocide.”

Segal wrote, “The assault on Gaza can also be understood in other terms: as a textbook case of genocide unfolding in front of our eyes. I say this as a scholar of genocide, who has spent many years writing about Israeli mass violence against Palestinians.”

In a piece in NJ Spotlight News Segal suggested that complaints from Jewish students regarding campus safety amid unauthorized anti-Israel protests were “baseless” and that anti-Jewish student protesters “aren’t escalating anything” but are subject to “a vicious police attack against them.”

In the Los Angeles Times, Segal argued that the creation of the Jewish state “reproduced the racism and white supremacy that had targeted Jews for exclusion.”

According to The Jewish Insider, a  spokesperson for the University of Minnesota told the outlet that the director selection process was put on hold “to allow an opportunity to determine next steps.”

“Members of the university community have come forward to express their interest in providing perspective on the hiring of the position of Director of the Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies,” the spokesperson said. “Because of the community-facing and leadership role the director holds, it is important that these voices are heard.”

According to an internal email obtained by the Washington Free Beacon (WFB), on Friday, Minnesota’s interim College of Liberal Arts dean, Ann Waltner, extended an offer to Segal to serve as the center’s chair.

Almost immediately, French professor Bruno Chaouat and music professor Karen Painter announced their resignation from the center’s advisory board.

WFB shared both Chaouat and Painter’s resignation letters.

Chaouat wrote in part, “Professor Segal, by justifying Hamas’s atrocities five days after they occurred (via a perverse allegation that Israel was committing a genocide), cannot fulfill the mission of the Center.”

“He has failed to recognize the genocidal intent of Hamas. He does not understand that a movement like Hamas is inherently fascist and represents precisely what CHGS stands against.”

Painter wrote that Segal “has positioned himself on an extreme end of the political ideological spectrum with his publications on Israel and Gaza.”


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UNHINGED: Conspiracy Theorist Rachel Maddow Fearmongers About Trump Sending Her to Immigrant Camps

Screenshot: MSNBC/Youtube

Conspiracy theorist Rachel Maddow has once again outdone herself.

Maddow has joined the chorus of left-wing pundits claiming that a re-elected President Trump would use his power to target his critics.

In an interview with CNN’s Oliver Darcy, Maddow spun yet another wild conspiracy, this time alleging that Trump would imprison her if he wins the 2024 election.

Darcy, known for his own biased reporting, set the stage with a leading question: “Trump and his allies are openly talking about weaponizing the government to seek revenge against critics in media and politics, with some of his extremist allies even talking about jailing their fellow Americans,” he said.

“You’re one of his most notable critics on television. Are you worried that you could be a target?” he added.

Maddow responded with a tirade, seemingly losing grip on reality.

Here is the excerpt via Mediate:

“I’m worried about the country broadly if we put someone in power who is openly avowing that he plans to build camps to hold millions of people, and to ‘root out’ what he’s described in subhuman terms as his ‘enemy from within.’ Again, history is helpful here. He’s not joking when he says this stuff, and we’ve seen what happens when people take power proclaiming that kind of agenda.

I think there’s a little bit of head-in-the-sand complacency that Trump only intends to go after individual people he has already singled out. Do you really think he plans to stop at well-known liberals?

It also seems pretty clear that some people in politics might think they’ll be on the safe side — that they might even benefit from it — if they side with Trump. Ask Mike Pence about how that works out in the end.

When Trump invokes the Insurrection Act to deploy the U.S. military against civilians on his first day in office, do you think he then rescinds the order on day two?

For that matter, what convinces you that these massive camps he’s planning are only for migrants? So, yes, I’m worried about me — but only as much as I’m worried about all of us.”

This unhinged diatribe from Maddow is just another example of the extreme fearmongering tactics the left is resorting to as they face the possibility of Trump’s return to power.

The Gateway Pundit previously reported that far-left Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has claimed that Donald Trump is preparing to round up his political enemies if he wins election in November.

The Congresswoman made the remarks during an appearance on journalist Kara Swisher’s podcast, named On with Kara Swisher.

“I mean, it sounds nuts, but I wouldn’t be surprised if this guy threw me in jail,” she said. “He’s out of his mind. I mean, he did his whole first campaign around ‘lock her up.’ This is his motto.”

Ocasio Cortez- added that Trump would “round up” his political enemies once in office and that she was strongly supporting Joe Biden’s re-election campaign.

Read more:

AOC Says Trump Will ‘Round Up’ His Political Enemies, Throw Her In Jail If He Wins

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Trump’s Campaign Releases Statement on Hunter Biden Conviction

Source: Getty Images

Trump’s campaign took a moment to comment on the recent conviction of Hunter Biden, who was found guilty on all three felony charges related to gun possession after a three-hour jury deliberation. Hunter now faces up to 25 years behind bars.

Following the conviction, Trump’s campaign National Press Secretary, Karoline Leavitt, released a statement:

“This trial has been nothing more than a distraction from the real crimes of the Biden Crime Family, which has raked in tens of millions of dollars from China, Russia and Ukraine. Crooked Joe Biden’s reign over the Biden Family Criminal Empire is all coming to an end on November 5th, and never again will a Biden sell government access for personal profit.”

Screenshot: Team Trump

Matt Gaetz also weighed in on these charges, saying, “The Hunter Biden gun conviction is kinda dumb tbh.”

The Hunter Biden gun conviction is kinda dumb tbh.

— Matt Gaetz (@mattgaetz) June 11, 2024

The Oversight Project by The Heritage Foundation also released its own statement:

Hunter Biden is guilty. Everyone in the world has known that for a long time. Today a jury in Delaware found him guilty. But do not take the bait, I plead with you. The media is going to say this is the rule of law working. It’s even.

What’s happened with the lawfare with President Trump and all of their conservatives is now okay because because they got Hunter on this one thing. That’s not true. They charged him with the lowest level thing they could find, okay. This is about lying on a form to buy a gun, that he was addicted to drugs. Clear as day. Everyone knows that. They did not charge him with running an international pay-to-play influence peddling scheme with his father as the product. His father’s awareness of it with some of the most corrupt corners of the world, the CCP, the corrupt corners of Ukraine…

Any corrupt area you point to, the Biden family had some sort of business dealing. They picked the one crime that they could say had nothing to do with Joe, had nothing to do with acting as a foreign agent, and they charged him with that solely to make this kind of plea that now there’s things happening on both sides and everything’s okay.

That’s not true whatsoever. This is what they tried to get away with last summer when we threw a wrench in their plans. They went to court in Delaware and under the guise of tax and gun fraud, the Biden administration wanted to offer him a global plea that would have excused him for everything else he did involving his father and the rest of the Biden family.

The same thing is at play right now. This sets up for a potential global pardon where his father Joe could say I am pardoning this verdict against my son. And it’s going to include, guess what? Everything else that connects back to Joe. That’s what we need to be on the lookout for.

Joe Biden has repeatedly said that he will not grant a pardon to his son, Hunter Biden, should he be convicted of illegal gun possession or any other related charges. During a recent interview, when questioned about the possibility of pardoning his son, Biden’s response was concise and definitive: “Yes,” according to Politico.

We’ll see if Biden stands by his word. As Democrat Minority Leader Rep. Hakeem Jeffries said, “Biden commented as a loving father as I would hope any loving father would do.”

Biden also released his statement following the conviction of his son.

“I will accept the outcome of this case and will continue to respect the judicial process as Hunter considers an appeal. Jill and I will always be there for Hunter and the rest of our family with our love and support. Nothing will ever change that.”

Joe Biden Releases Statement After Son Hunter Found Guilty of All Three Gun Felonies

The post Trump’s Campaign Releases Statement on Hunter Biden Conviction appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Joe Biden Releases Statement After Son Hunter Found Guilty of All Three Gun Felonies

Joe Biden on Tuesday afternoon released a statement after jurors reached a verdict in Hunter Biden’s criminal gun trial.

Hunter Biden was found guilty of all three felonies. He is facing 25 years in prison.

Prosecutors proved that Hunter Biden was smoking crack when he purchased a firearm in 2018.

Joe Biden didn’t mention his son Hunter’s gun crimes. He kept his focus on Hunter’s drug addiction to garner sympathy.

“As I said last week, I am the President, but I am also a dad. Jill and I love our son, and we are so proud of the man he is today. So many families who have had loved ones battle addiction understand the feeling of pride seeing someone you love come out the other side and be so strong and resilient in recovery,” Biden said.

“As I also said last week, I will accept the outcome of this case and will continue to respect the judicial process as Hunter considers an appeal. Jill and I will always be there for Hunter and the rest of our family with our love and support. Nothing will ever change that.”

Joe Biden has repeatedly stated that he will not pardon his son Hunter.

Biden again said during an interview with ABC News that he would not pardon Hunter if he was convicted on the federal gun charges.

But will he commute Hunter’s sentence?


Joe Biden promised he would not pardon his son, convicted felon Hunter Biden.

Will he reverse course and pardon convicted felon Hunter Biden?

Or will he remain true to his word, and not pardon convicted felon Hunter Biden?

Convicted felon Hunter Biden awaits the answer.

— Western Lensman (@WesternLensman) June 11, 2024

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Biden Scheduled to Speak at Anti-Gun Event Just Hours After Drug Addict Son Was Convicted of Federal Gun Charges

Photo by Teresa Kroeger/Getty Images

President Joe Biden is scheduled to speak at a pro-gun control event just hours after his son, Hunter Biden, was convicted on federal gun charges.

Hunter Biden was convicted on Tuesday morning of all three felony charges stemming from the purchase of a revolver in 2018 when he lied on a gun-purchase form by claiming he was not using illegal drugs or a drug addict.

The president’s son is facing up to 25 years in prison.

The anti-gun summit is scheduled to take place at 1:30 p.m.

Biden’s scheduled to give remarks at a gun safety event in 2 hours

His son was just convicted of federal gun crimes

— johnny maga (@_johnnymaga) June 11, 2024

The Hill reports:

Biden will deliver remarks at Everytown for Gun Safety Gun Sense University, where the White House said he would tout the benefits of bipartisan legislation passed in 2022. Specifically, Biden will announce the Justice Department has charged more than 500 defendants for violating provisions around gun trafficking and straw purchasing.

The president is also expected to speak about creating the Office of Gun Violence Prevention at the White House and investments through the American Rescue Plan in local police departments.

Biden campaign spokesperson Kevin Munoz wrote in a memo on Tuesday, “Fighting gun violence is on the ballot this November, and we are campaigning on this issue.”

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Harvard Doctor Warns: Stock Up On These Meds Before They Are Gone

(Note: Thank you for supporting businesses like the one presenting a sponsored message below and working with them through the links below which benefits Gateway Pundit. We appreciate your support!)

Never heard of Dr. Feigi-Ding, Chief of COVID Task Force at the New England Complex Systems Institute?

This Harvard-educated epidemiologist was one of the very first scientists that called the trajectory of the COVID19 pandemic in January 2020.

Dr. Feigi-Ding is sounding the alarm bell again, now for Bird Flu.

Recent statements by the FDA Commissioner have been downright ominous:

[The] real worry is that it will jump to the human lungs where, when that has happened in other parts of the world… the mortality rate has been 25 percent.

Unlike the FDA and their fetish for vaccines, Dr. Feigi-Ding provides common-sense instructions on what we can do to be prepared, safe, and not reliant on the government: Stockpile effective prescription Oseltamivir (generic Tamiflu™):

You can get Oseltamivir (Tamiflu™ ) today without having to book an appointment with your old physician. Dr. Peter McCullough, Chief Scientific Officer at The Wellness Company, developed a Contagion Emergency Kit: a prescription-only stockpile of life-saving medications.

In response to the Bird Flu threat, he added Tamiflu to the Contagion Emergency Kit. The Kit, also containing ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, z-pak and budesonide, is built to prepare the public to the greatest extent possible. 

Dr. McCullough said:

“Out of an abundance of caution, we are adding Tamiflu to the Contagion Kit. Tamiflu is a safe medication approved treat Influenza type A, viruses like avian flu. We will continue to closely monitor this situation and make further recommendations as warranted.”

Hope isn’t a strategy. Take steps today to prepare for the next crisis and request life-saving prescription drugs from the comfort of your home.

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This kit is prescription-only – you can’t find it in any store. Simply fill out a short questionnaire after purchase and a trusted Wellness Company doctor will confirm your suitability and issue your prescription Contagion Kit.

The Wellness Company Contagion Kit contains: 

  • Azithromycin (generic Z-Pak) 250 mg – 12 tablets

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Never be caught without these critical drugs in your medicine cabinet. Protect yourself and your family with The Wellness Company’s Contagion Kit before the next emergency hits! 

Note: The information provided on this website is intended for informational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice or used as a substitute for professional healthcare guidance. It is your responsibility to comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and guidelines regarding the purchase, possession, and use of prescription medications.

The post Harvard Doctor Warns: Stock Up On These Meds Before They Are Gone appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Huge Victory for Doctors Fighting Biden Censorship

This article originally appeared on

Guest by post by Bob Unruh

‘This landmark ruling will be cited nationwide for decades to come’

The right to free speech also applies to physicians in America.

That’s the result of a recent decision by the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in pending litigation.

“AAPS can now pursue its claim against censorship by the Biden administration,” explained Jane Orient, M.D., the executive director for the Association of American Physicians & Surgeons.

The AAPS had sued three medical specialty boards after they threatened to take action against the board certifications of several physicians – solely for speaking out on medical controversies.

The threats, if carried out, could injure those physicians, as they need the certifications in order to practice their specialties.

But the punishments were over the physicians’ opinions on controversial issues, the organization reported.

Defendants in the case are the American Board of Internal Medicine, the American Board of Family Medicine, and the American Board of Obstetrics & Gynecology.

Additionally, Joe Biden’s homeland security secretary, is a defendant because of the government’s participation in the alleged censorship.

It was the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals that recently issued a decision that means the AAPS case can move forward.

“This influential court established the right to object in court to censorship of physicians’ speech on topics ranging from government COVID policies to abortion,” explained AAPS lawyer Andrew Schlafly.

The ruling held there is a constitutional “right to hear” that allows a sponsor of conferences, such as the AAPS Education Foundation to challenge censorship that chills presentations.

“This landmark ruling will be cited nationwide for decades to come,” Schlafly explained.

AAPS sued three boards for their “threatened actions against the board certifications of physicians because of speaking out on medical controversies.”

The Biden administration and its appointees, the pharmaceutical industry and the medical establishment long has promoted abortion as “health care,” when it in fact is the one medical procedure that is intended to destroy one of every two patients involved.

Further, the same interests promoted the experimental COVID shots mandated by both government and industry during the pandemic, shots that actually now have been proven to result in side effects up to and including death.

The ruling included a majority ruling from the 5th Circuit, plus a special concurrence from Judge James Ho, who explained the Constitution’s speech rights to those who insist on censoring those with views that differ from theirs.

“In America, we don’t fear disagreement – we embrace it. We persuade – we don’t punish. We engage in conversation – not cancellation,” he explained.

“We know how to disagree with one another without destroying one another. Or at least that’s how it’s supposed to work.”

Schlafly said, “With this landmark ruling in favor of the First Amendment, our country can end improper censorship of viewpoints,” Schlafly said.

Peter McCullough, M.D., a medical expert on the issue, explained, “Several medical credentialing boards instituted a COVID-19 Misinformation Policies in September of 2021 and have used them to censor and retaliate against academic and practicing physicians who performed research, clinical care, and presented their findings on the early treatment of acute COVID-19 and vaccine safety. The boards’ position is that they and the government agencies they agree with, hold agency over the truth. By establishing that power dynamic, member who disagree with them are spreading misinformation and can be convicted in closed panel meetings without the member being allowed to present their views based upon the data and evidence at hand.”

McCullough is an internist, cardiologist and epidemiologist holding degrees from Baylor University, University of Texas Southwestern Medical School, University of Michigan, and Southern Methodist University.

He manages common infectious diseases as well as the cardiovascular complications of both the viral infection and the injuries developing after the COVID-19 vaccine in Dallas, Texas.

He’s been published in more than 1,000 publications and has nearly 700 citations in the National Library of Medicine.

And he’s testified multiple times in the U.S. Senate, U.S. House of Representatives and other legislative bodies.

In a column online, he explained the court ruling “also invalidated Galveston Local Rule 6, by which that federal district court has infringed on plaintiffs’ right to amend their lawsuits. The 5th Circuit agreed with AAPS that this district court rule is contrary to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, and thus must be voided.”

Copyright 2024 WND News Center

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Hunter Biden, son of President Joe Biden.

Hunter Biden, son of President Joe Biden.

Jurors on Tuesday returned a verdict in Hunter Biden’s criminal gun trial after three hours of deliberations.


Hunter Biden is facing 25 years in prison.

The AP reported:

Hunter Biden has been convicted of all three felony charges related to the purchase of a revolver in 2018 when, prosecutors argued, the president’s son lied on a mandatory gun-purchase form by saying he was not illegally using or addicted to drugs.

Jurors found Hunter Biden guilty of lying to a federally licensed gun dealer, making a false claim on the application by saying he was not a drug user and illegally having the gun for 11 days.

He faces up to 25 years in prison when he is sentenced by Judge Maryellen Noreika, though first-time offenders do not get anywhere near the maximum, and it’s unclear whether she would give him time behind bars.

Hunter Biden declined to testify at his felony gun trial.

In September Hunter Biden was indicted on federal gun charges. He was indicted in a Delaware court on three counts related to his possession of a firearm while using drugs.

Prosecutors proved that Hunter Biden was smoking crack when he purchased a firearm in 2018.

According to text messages sent to Hallie Biden, Hunter Biden set up a drug deal with “Mookie” one day after he illegally purchased his gun on October 12, 2018.

One day after purchasing his gun on Oct. 12, 2018, Hunter Biden sets up a drug deal with “Mookie” at the 7/11 on Greenhill and Lancaster.

“He has my money mad I’m getting pissed,” Hunter texts Hallie Biden.

— Andrew Kerr (@AndrewKerrNC) June 3, 2024

A couple days later he went on a crack-smoking bender and passed out in his car.

Hunter proceeded to go on a bender and fell asleep in his car.

— Andrew Kerr (@AndrewKerrNC) June 3, 2024

The Gateway Pundit reported back in October 2020 that Hunter’s then-lover and deceased brother’s widow Hallie Biden tossed the gun in the trash. Hunter admitted this in an online conversation with his family when they accused him of inappropriate conduct in front of a child.

This is a breaking story…please check back for updates.

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Nevada Creates Online Voting System for Tribal Lands

The state of Nevada has introduced a new plan that will allow tribal lands to cast their ballots electronically.

ABC News reported members of the Walker River Paiute Tribe filed a lawsuit against the state of Nevada to expand voting rights for Nevada tribes.

As a result of the lawsuit, Nevada has initiated a new plan to allow members of tribal nations to cast their votes electronically.

In the new plan, people who live on a reservation “can receive a ballot electronically through an online system set up by the state and then return it electronically.”

Cal Boone, the tribal outreach coordinator for the Nevada Secretary of State’s Office, stated, “In past years, tribes didn’t have access to vote in multiple ways. You had to rely on the mail system to cast your vote or otherwise drive out to great lengths to vote.”

NEVADA rolls out ‘electronic voting’ on Reservations –

Tribal members in Nevada who live on a reservation or colony can receive a ballot electronically through an online system set up by the state and then return it electronically

— 17GEN4 (@RazeAxiom) June 11, 2024

Per ABC News:

Members of the Walker River Paiute Tribe have watched the boundaries of their land recede over time along with the waters of the lake that are central to their identity, threatening the cultural symbol that gave the tribe its name — Agai Dicutta, or Trout Eaters.

Not wanting to cede their voice, tribal leaders have been making a push for expanded voting rights. That effort includes filing a lawsuit on behalf of all Nevada tribes seeking polling places on tribal lands and access to early voting.

The state has now granted the Walker River Paiutes and other tribes in Nevada a new right that advocates hope will greatly expand voting access for a community that gained U.S. citizenship only a century ago.

The new process — the ability to cast ballots electronically — has the potential to significantly boost turnout among all tribes in Nevada. But what some see as a small measure of justice to equalize voting rights raises security concerns for others, with implications far beyond Nevada’s 28 tribal communities as the nation braces for what is expected to be another close and contentious presidential election in November.

Under the plan, tribal members in Nevada who live on a reservation or colony can receive a ballot electronically through an online system set up by the state and then return it electronically. While not speaking specifically about Nevada’s system, experts warn that such voting — when a completed ballot is sent back either by email, through an online portal or by fax — carries risks of ballots being intercepted or manipulated and should be used sparingly, if at all.

Electronic voting worries security experts. Nevada touts safeguards as it expands it to tribes – ABC News via @ABC

— Edward Corral (@Mredfromsa) June 11, 2024

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Popular 40-Year-Old YouTube Star Dies in an “Unfortunate Accident”

Credit: Getty Images for YouTube Shorts

An extremely popular YouTuber died suddenly under vague circumstances.

40-year-old Ben Potter, who is known as Comicstorian on the media platform, met his demise on June 8 in “an unfortunate accident” according to his wife Nathalie. She did not elaborate on what led to this “accident.”

As People Magazine notes, Potter had become famous for creating audio dramas of comic books on his YouTube account, discussing the Marvel and DC Universes. He had assembled over 3 million followers at the time of passing.

In her message to Ben’s followers on Monday afternoon announcing his death, Nathalie remembered him as a “loving and genuine” person loved by everyone around him.

Two days ago, on June 8th, my husband, Ben Potter, passed away in an unfortunate accident.

As a husband, a son, a brother, a friend, or even just a stranger, Ben was loving and genuine. He was someone who would listen and make time for his loved ones.

He would do his best to make everyone laugh and make sure they were okay. He was our rock and he’d reassure his loved ones whenever they needed it.

Nathalie then asked his followers to give her a period of privacy to grieve. She also vowed to help preserve Ben’s legacy.

He was my world and I need time to be with friends and family. I have so many things I need to figure out but firstly, I need to grieve. I ask that you respect my privacy as well as everyone else’s. Right now my priority is preserving everything he’s built and I don’t have any plans beyond that.

His channel was one of his greatest accomplishments, and while we all need our time to mourn him, I know he wouldn’t want it to end like this.

Ben spent over 10 years spreading his love and appreciation for his hobbies. It was through his love of exciting stories and well written characters that got him started on YouTube.

The team and I want to keep that going. To honor him by continuing to tell great stories by great people, as well as to keep the memory of our very own superhero alive.

Two days ago, on June 8th, my husband, Ben Potter, passed away in an unfortunate accident.

To many of you, he was Comicstorian, voicing stories from across multiple different mediums. To his loved ones, he was one of the best and most supportive individuals anyone could ask for.…

— Comicstorian/Mangastorian (@Comicstorian) June 10, 2024

Ben had posted nearly 4,000 YouTube videos in total and shared his last upload just one day before his passing.

Notable figures honored Ben after learning of his passing. O’Shea Jackson, Jr., the son of legendary rapper Ice Cube, was among those paying tribute.

“I am still taking my break from Twitter for personal reasons. But with the news I just got I have to come back say something,” Jackson, Jr. wrote. “Rest in Peace to Comicstorian. I’m heartbroken to hear this news.

“One of my favorite follows on YouTube, thank you so much for your work man I was a huge fan.”

“Prayers to his loved ones. Long live Ben Potter,” Jackson Jr. concluded. “Yall be good. Hold your loved ones tight. I’ll see yall soon I hope.”

I am still taking my break from Twitter for personal reasons. But with the news I just got I have to come back say something.

Rest in Peace to Comicstorian. I’m heartbroken to hear this news. One of my favorite follows on YouTube, thank you so much for your work man I was a…

— O’Shea Jackson Jr (@OsheaJacksonJr) June 11, 2024

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Defeated in European Elections, Macron May Resign if He Loses the Snap Parliamentary Vote – MSM Sets Out to Pit RN’s Le Pen and Bardella Against Each Other

Jordan Bardella, Emmanuel Macron, and Marine Le Pen.

The European Elections showed voters all around the continent rejecting the political establishment that drove the EU into the absolute mess it finds itself today: sagging economies, unchecked mass migration bringing societal chaos, and crippling ‘green’ policies endangering the very food security of nations.

It’s, therefore, no surprise that the so-called ‘far right’ is surging: the populist, nationalist, euro-skeptic, and anti-globalist forces – defending common-sense policies now deemed ‘radical’ and ‘dangerous’.

But probably the most symbolic victory in this historic electoral night was obtained by the French National Rally party of Marine Le Pen and Jordan Bardella.

The RN crushed the government in the election to such an extent that French President Emmanuel Macron immediately dissolved the national parliament and called snap elections on June 30 and July 7th.

Macron has made an enormous gamble because another defeat could mean the virtual end of Macron’s government – even though his mandate only expires in 2027.

French Radio Channel Europe 1 has reported – according to its sources – that Macron would be  discussing with his team the possibility of resigning from the presidency in case of another right-wing victory.

The resignation of the president is not a taboo. Yes, today we have to consider all scenarios,” claimed the channel’s source.

The Élysée Palace has denied the report, but the idea is on everyone’s minds, anyway.

Meanwhile, the RN prepares itself for power, and the mainstream media now has chosen its next task: to pit Marine Le Pen against young phenomenon Jordan Bardella, hoping that they mutually destroy themselves in furtherance of a lust for power.

Reuters reported:

“The RN’s strong showing […] is partly due to the formidable political tag team that Bardella and Le Pen have formed, experts said. They have fused youthful enthusiasm with battle-hardened experience to devastating electoral effect.”

We see how the right-wing success is described as a ‘devastation.’ It’s never something constructive in the MSM, but an implosion of sorts.

Globalism is appalled about RN’s win in every major age group. Overall, the Le Pen-Bardella outfit won 31.37% of the vote, more than double the Macron coalition’s 14.6%.

“Bardella will be the party’s candidate for prime minister in the upcoming early election to be held on June 30 and July 7, RN deputy chairman Sebastien Chenu said on RTL Radio on Monday.”

Reuters seems excited that ‘Bardella has often let himself down with unforced errors’.

“Le Pen might fret that as prime minister, Bardella’s inexperience could lead to charges of incompetence, potentially dooming her 2027 chances.

[…] Alternatively, if Bardella shines, Le Pen, 55, may fear being eclipsed by her young protégé.”

If Bardella looks more appealing or successful, there might be attempts to make him the 2027 presidential candidate, is the hope displayed in the article.

If they can’t win elections, all they can do now is hope that the right self-destructs.

Read more:

THE BIG GAMBLE: In France, What Are Macron’s Intentions on Calling Snap Elections After Crushing Defeat to Le Pen and Bardella’s RN on the European Parliament Vote?

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MSNBC’s Joy Reid Says Justice Samuel Alito Wants an American ‘Ethno-State,’ Wants to Bring Back Segregation (VIDEO)

By: Ben Kew

MSNBC’s resident wacko Joy Reid went on another of her unhinged rants about Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito, accusing the conservative jurist of seeking to turn America into an “ethno-state.”

Addressing the audience on her weeknight show The ReidOut, Reid argued that Alito had become “unrestrained” as left-wing activists seek to step up their attacks on the respected jurist.

“It feels like Alito is unrestrained at this point. He doesn’t care who knows that he wants to make the country into a Christian nationalist, you know, ethno-state or whatever it is he thinks he would create under this Handmaid’s Tale vision,” Reid said. “He doesn’t care if people know that he takes lavish vacations and the right doesn’t care.”

Reid went on to claim that Alito planned on voting to overturn Brown vs Board of Education, which ended racial segregation in America’s public schools.

“Just in reading through the litany of things that Alito has said in the past, he’s criticized the Warren court that’s the court that gave us all of the civil rights and women, people of color, immigrants, everything, the disabled, all of that came in the 20th century. You’ve now had Clarence Thomas question whether Brown v. Board went too far. This just tells me they’re gonna take a case to overturn Brown v. Board.”

“We have decisions coming Thursday and Friday,” she continued. “My assumption is they make Mifepristone illegal and give Trump absolute immunity. That’s my guess because Alito is saying that’s the plan.”

Just last month, Reid referred to Florida Rep. Byron Donalds as a prop “black guy” for the MAGA movement who is being used as “fake proof” of Trump’s support among African Americans.

“The one Black guy that Republicans love to roll out as fake proof that Black people, the Blacks, are MAGA, they’re MAGA,” she said at the time. “It’s a joke, and just as credible as when they said they were going to make that guy Speaker of the House.”

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42-Year-Old WNBA Veteran Diana Taurasi Takes Jab at Caitlin Clark for Not Making Olympic Team – Clark Bests Taurasi in Most Stats So Far This Year

42-year-old Diana Taurasi takes a dig at Caitlin Clark not making Olympic team.  Taurasi was selected to her 6th Olympic team. Clark bests Taurasi in most WNBA stats.

42-year-old WNBA veteran Diana Taurasi was asked about what she thought of the fact that basketball sensation Caitlin Clark was not making the US Olympic team this year.

Clark broke all records as a college player in scoring. She is currently besting most of the professional women in shooting and assists despite a disastrous team with a horrific coach.

Diana Taurasi took a dig at Clark for not making the team.

Diana Taurasi: Yeah, I mean, the roster is not out. So the one thing I can say is it’s always a hard team to make no matter what. You go down the line the last 20 years, and USA Basket is special. A lot of people sacrifice a lot of their time throughout the year in camps and in the junior basketball system. When the team’s announced, obviously, I’ll probably have more to say, but then we’ll have to wait.

USA Today reporter: Because you were young yourself, and tell me if I’m wrong, weren’t you named to the roster as soon as you graduated, right? You were young.

Diana Taurasi: After I won three national championships, I was named… Like anything, I was the youngest on that team by far. I had just amazing veterans that just took me under their wing really showed me the ropes. When I talk about Lisa and Sheryl and Dawn and Tina, I mean, talk about the Mount Rushmore of basketball, I was right there watching them in their every move, the way they prepared, how serious they took it. Not only that, I had to learn the ropes, too. I had to make sure I knew what place I was in and how I could help the team in any possible way. Like I said before, the game of basketball is all about evolving. It’s all about getting comfortable with your surroundings. College basketball is much different than the WBA than it is overseas. Each one almost is like a different dance you have to learn. Once you learn the steps and the rhythm and you have a skill set that is superior to everyone else, everything will fall in place.

Earlier on Monday Taurasi told disgruntled Clark fans to do their research!

Diana Taurasi: “Just do your research. Gather the facts. I think we’re in a day and age where anything that is said is taken for a fact or that’s the way it is, and I think we just got to make sure we know who’s good at basketball and who’s not.”

Here at The Gateway Pundit we did our research – and what we found was that Caitlin Clark, despite all of her obstacles, it ranked higher than Taurasi in a number of stats.

Caitlin Clark beats most of the seasoned veterans in statistics in her first year in the league with a pathetic team.

Via Joe Hoft and

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HILARIOUS: Even Dogs Can’t Stand Joe Biden! Watch This Dog Go Berserk When Biden Appears on TV, But Loves Trump! (VIDEO)

Screenshot: @bestdad_ceo/TikTok

It appears that even man’s best friend isn’t fond of sleepy Joe Biden.

A video is currently making the rounds on social media, showing a dog named Mollie reacting very differently to images of Donald Trump and Joe Biden on TV.

The video was originally posted on TikTok by user bestdad_ceo. His caption humorously questioned his pet’s political leanings: “Not sure what’s the political status of my dog but she goes crazy at the end… I think my dog is a pupublican.”

In the video, Mollie is perfectly content, sitting calmly while watching Donald Trump on television. However, the moment the channel is switched to display President Biden, Mollie’s demeanor changes dramatically. Mollie suddenly goes berserk, barking furiously and even charging at the television screen.


The entertaining clip quickly went viral, racking up an impressive 1.7 million views in a day.

The comment section did not disappoint. It was filled with witty remarks and tongue-in-cheek theories about Mollie’s political preferences:

One user quipped, “Dogs know evil.”

Another jested, “He can see the Lizard’s true form.”

Yet another chimed in with, “She knows it’s a skinwalker.”

A fellow TikTok user praised Mollie’s discernment, saying “Your dog is smarter than so many people that live in this country.”

And one commenter humorously suggested that Mollie should be given voting rights: “Let that dog vote…lol.”

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Republicans Must Confront the Democrats’ Fraudulent Voter Registration Manufacturing Operation and the Bloated Voter Rolls to Win in 2024

Without a doubt the key to the Democrat voter fraud is bloating voter rolls.

This was crystal clear when the Biden administration dispatched federal agencies to collect registrations.

And in February the Biden White House held a summit exclusively with far-left “voting rights groups” to execute plans to ‘register’ voters.

Democrat lawmakers and Joe Biden also fund suspect far-left groups that write up tens of thousands of voter registrations and turn them into county clerks in battleground states.

Guns, Burner Phones and Fake Registrations – The Buried Michigan Voter Fraud Scandal: GBI Strategies Director Gary Bell Had 70 Organizations Operating in 20 States in 2020 – TIED TO JOE BIDEN CAMPAIGN

Democrats also need these ballots mailed in so they can be completed and collected without scrutiny.

Once these ballots enter an election building or drop box, it’s game over.

Again - It is safe to say the Democrat strategy is two-fold:

1.) Bloat the voter rolls with millions of manufactured registrations
2.) Mail in the ballots of the manufactured registrations

The suspect ballots are then basically 'legitimate' ballots that pass audits. Stopping fraud should focus much farther upstream.

The bottleneck for Democrat fraud appears to be getting the collected ballots back into the system, in bulk. This was made evident in 2000 Mules. Republican efforts should look at ways to prevent bulk ballot delivery. Because registration is now done almost entirely online, they face little vetting. Demanding registration vetting might be a longer term strategy. It must happen.

There are several groups today that can identify likely fraudulent registrations. Check My Vote and Omega4America are two such organizations. These groups are able to identify fraudulent voters and fraudulent locations on a much broader scale than the GOP. It is not clear to this website if the Republican Party even has this on their radar?  If we find out the GOP is concerned about this issue we will update this report.


RNC Deputy Counsel Bill McGinley recently went on The War Room to discuss the Republican strategy this election cycle.

McGinley is asking for volunteers. No amount of poll watchers or counting watchers will stop fraud. It’s just too late. In fact, RNC poll watchers are trained to be passive as to not trigger a DOJ Civil Rights Department investigation. Examples: On election day 2022, PW’s were at the Maricopa MTEC warehouse. Inbound ballots arriving from every poll location and vote center were NOT counted, on purpose. Not knowing the number of ballots received allows for more to be injected. Poll watchers were also at Runbeck that same day. However, 35,000 extra ballots were processed by Runbeck. PW’s didn’t stop the fraud. The elections were stolen.

A few days before the 2020 election, leftist Judge Emmett Sullivan allowed USPS to also make bulk deliveries of completed ballots to Vote Centers. This was to expedite late-arriving ballots at the post offices. Oddly, Sullivan only allowed this in key swing states. Poll watchers stood by as people in plain clothes in old cars dumped trays of ballots at vote centers. It seems the crooks have baked the PW presence into their strategies and are not scared of them.

And Republicans also know the DOJ or FBI will not help stop the fraud. Just look at the GBI Strategies investigation!


McGinley asks people to vote early because “this allows us to spend our resources on those who have not yet voted”. This is a repeated talking point we believe is horrible advice. The left is ferocious in obtaining real-time insight into who voted. They use USPS, vendors, insiders, etc. This allows them to target those who has not yet voted. Does the right have similar data, partners, and complex modeling software - we really doubt it.

Even if they did, the GOP doesn’t seem to have the ground forces. For instance, Maricopa started mailing ballots on Oct. 12th 2022. One GOP voter had 9 door knockers show up at my residence over the next 15 days. Each was a Democrat operative, all from big labor. They had catchy company names like “America Works USA”. This is an ACLU operation, which came by twice. All were young kids being paid, not volunteers, each carrying $500 iPads to report in real-time on that voter. The only Republican marketing he received was 8 post cards (see below).


TGP has reported on the leftist company Uplift, which provides in-person voting totals in Arizona, updated every hour throughout election day. The Arizona GOP had no idea how they do this.

In 2020, Milwaukee Election Director Woodall-Vogg was giving nightly reports of the ballots received that day to the leftist group National Vote At Home Institute. This information was critical to targeting those who had not yet voted.

If the Republican plan is to just to request voter rolls from hundreds of election jurisdictions, that data could be days or weeks old by the time they get it. Jay Valentine should have insight on how the GOP will determine who has not yet voted.

The left and their vendors have worked closely with USPS who has the holy grail of ballot delivery information. Because ballots are coded differently than other mail, USPS knows exactly when a ballot was delivered via GPS on the carriers. They know who returned a ballot. The right has no vendors in the ballot tracking space, and no working relationship with USPS.

Numerous universities  including StanfordHarvardCalTechPrinceton, and MIT all have dedicated election departments who partnered with the left to provide election intelligence and modeling. The left has dozens of sophisticated election partners, including analytics from GfK MRICivisClarityBlueLabs, and many more.

Bill McGinley spoke about the two different models, where the left completely outsources their elections to hundreds of non-profits. The right still relies on the RNC, which could never manage the amount of relationships and activities needed to compete.

The clock is ticking. It is reasonable to believe the RNC will never be able to lead efforts in these areas.

The time is now for conservative groups to organize and plan how to identify and report fraudulent registrations. Conservatives must also develop a plan to confront and shut down the left's fraudulent registrations machine.

We must wise up and act accordingly.

Or this may be the last election of your lifetime.

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Tucker Carlson Investigation: FBI Interrogated and Purged Trump Supporters from Its Ranks – The Police State Is Real (VIDEO)

The FBI is now a secret police organization that targets, humiliates, and severs ties with pro-Trump members in its ranks.

Tucker Carlson interviewed Tristan Leavitt who is the president of the group Empower Oversight in his latest interview.

Tristan Leavitt is representing an anonymous FBI whistleblower who was suspended indefinitely without pay after the Agency discovered he attended the protests on January 6, 2021 at the Ellipse and US Capitol.

Mr. Leavitt describes how Trump supporters were targeted and interrogated by the FBI for holding conservative beliefs.

Transcript via Tucker Carlson:

Tristan Leavitt: one year ago, I testified alongside three of those other whistleblowers Steve Friend, Marcus Allen, Garrett O’Boyle in front of the weaponization committee. And at the time, the FBI had just released information that they had all had their security occurrences suspended. A couple of them revoked. And so, as we started that hearing, Delegate Stacey Plaskett opened by saying, “You know, Chairman Jordan, you’ve invited these people here who are a threat to our national security. How dare you?”

And now, a year later, we’ve been able to pull back the curtain and see the FBI’s documentation for why it did what it did with their clearances. And that’s the context in which we’ve seen this sort of questioning going on, asking people if they ever supported President Trump.

And mind you, it wasn’t just that they asked these individuals. These were interviews by the security clearance division of their fellow employees. So people who were compelled to answer, who had to either answer these questions from the secure division or have their own security clearance called into question. And they were asked, did you ever socialize with these individuals, what was your association with them, and then ask these extremely intrusive questions? And so that’s the context in which this very problematic set of questions came up.

And what we are hearing is that this may be just the tip of the iceberg, that there were many, you know, certainly there have been allegations out there that once people got swept into that security funnel, that there was a purge of FBI employees that had conservative views or had skepticism of the vaccine or just hesitancy to receive it.

And now, in black and white, we’ve uncovered those documents because of our clients security appeal, where we’ve been able to see the basis on which his colleagues were questioned. And this is extremely problematic…

Tucker Carlson: For Donald Trump’s support for the Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, our founding document. So these are disqualifying positions.

Tristan Leavitt: Well, it’s that’s clearly seems to be the case behind the scenes. Now, again, keep in mind this is not what was put into the security clearance suspension letter that our client received or that other whistleblowers we have represented received. It’s not what went into their revocation letters. So it’s only now, like I said, pulling back the curtain, that we see that it’s behind closed doors.

So it’s within this black box of secrecy, and it’s really this secret process that has no oversight from the outside. No generally no oversight from the inspector general, no oversight from Congress. That’s an environment that allowed this to flourish, because otherwise we never would have known about this had we not seen those backing documents, because, again, the proposals themselves didn’t reference any of these things that we would consider illegitimate. They just talked about whether someone engaged in violence, whether they broke laws on January 6th, and, you know, the things that stretched beyond that into personal political views or even even feelings about one’s own bodily autonomy, all of that was hidden in these documents. And now that we’ve ripped the mask off the FBI again, where we are certainly going to push the inspector general to see whether this happened in other cases, and we strongly expect that they will find that it did.

This is absolutely frightening.

And, to think, that Republicans just voted to build the FBI a brand new headquarters in Washington DC!

Watch the entire segment here.

New whistleblower documents show the FBI is every bit the politicized secret police force you feared it was.

— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) June 11, 2024

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WAYNE ROOT: President Trump, You’re the Greatest. But This Time We Disagree. Here’s Why I Support MAGA US Senate Candidate Dr. Jeff Gunter in Nevada.

Opinion by Wayne Allyn Root

There is no bigger and stronger supporter of President Trump in this country than yours truly, Wayne Allyn Root. I’ve been with DJT from before his first day in politics, and I’ll stand with him until the last day.

I have stood behind Trump, MAGA and America First through thick and thin. And obviously, MAGA voters can see that. In only a few short years, I’ve gone from CEO, businessman and Las Vegas oddsmaker, to the host of three conservative TV shows, as well as six years in a row on the TALKERS Heavy Hundred list, ranked as one of the most popular and influential nationally-syndicated conservative radio hosts in America.

I bleed MAGA red, white and blue.

And my roots (excuse the pun) are in Nevada. I understand Nevada GOP politics like no one else on the national level. All of my TV and radio shows are based in Las Vegas. No other national conservative media personality can say that.

So here is where I stand on the US Senate race in Nevada…

President Trump’s endorsement of Captain Sam Brown in Nevada’s GOP Senate primary has left many in the MAGA base upset, bewildered and disheartened. I don’t know President Trump’s reasons, but I think he got this one wrong. He’s human. It’s okay. We still love and appreciate you, President Trump. We just disagree on this one.

Dr. Jeff Gunter is the true MAGA and America First candidate, and our movement should rally behind him to ensure victory.

I understand national politics are based on “reality.” Often MAGA candidates have no money, or their resume is weak. And that results in President Trump endorsing the more “realistic” candidate, with big money backing, who gives the GOP the better chance to win. And I understand that.

This is not the case in Nevada.

Dr. Jeff Gunter has a very realistic chance to win in the general election. He is not poorly funded. He just put $3 million of his own money where his mouth is. And that was just for the primary. There is plenty more ready to be deployed for the general election.

And Jeff’s resume is not only better than Sam Brown’s by a country mile, it’s more impressive than 90% of GOP candidates in America. Jeff is a M.D., successful businessman, owner of over 20 dermatology clinics across the Southwestern United States, a specialized skin cancer surgeon, and President Trump’s former U.S. Ambassador to Iceland.

I’d call all of that a 5-star, All American, “Only in America” resume. Jeff is one of America’s best and brightest. His children have graduated from the great universities in America. That reminds me of Trump’s accomplished children.

But forget resumes. Jeff wins big on policy too.

Jeff’s motto is “Build the Wall, Deport Them All.” He loves my idea of firing 86,000 IRS agents and using the money to hire 86,000 ICE agents. Jeff bleeds MAGA.

Jeff wants to go to Washington DC to support Trump’s agenda in the U.S. Senate 100% of the time! Jeff has one over-riding goal…

To help President Trump make America great again.

Sam Brown is a good man. I appreciate his service to America. I greatly appreciate the sacrifices he has made in the line of duty. If he wins the GOP primary, I pledge to support him. Because having a wishy-washy, RINO Senator like Mitch McConnell, Mitt Romney, or Lisa Murkowski is still better than a liberal Democrat who supports the Obama-Biden tax and spend agenda 100% of the time (like Jacky Rosen- our current US Senator in Nevada).

But why would we settle for another Mitch McConnell or Mitt Romney?

We know Brown is a “McConnell Republican” because he is backed by Mitch McConnell’s money. And loads of corporate money. And the Senate GOP establishment- which is very RINO too. All of this smacks of DC Swamp and Deep State.

Last I checked, that’s not MAGA.

According to a recent article from Mediaite, Brown has a history of refusing to support President Trump. This alone should raise red flags for any true America First supporter.

Moreover, an undercover video exposed Brown’s campaign aides saying he is “establishment GOP” and he would not always support President Trump.

So, of course my first choice is Dr. Jeff Gunter. I’ll always support the most MAGA-friendly candidate- if they are well funded and have a good resume. Dr Jeff Gunter fits the bill.

Why did President Trump decide at the very last minute to support Sam Brown? Who knows? Maybe his advisors gave him bad information. Maybe he saw polls that showed Sam was in the lead. Maybe McConnell and his DC Swamp delivered millions in donations if Trump endorsed Sam. I get it. That’s politics.

I’ll never be mad at President Trump. He’s the G.O.A.T. (the greatest Republican of all time). And as the 47th President, he’ll become the greatest president of all-time too.

I just want him to have the most MAGA-friendly U.S. Senate behind him.

Dr. Gunter is the candidate who will truly fight for patriots, conservatives and MAGA. He understands the importance of the America First agenda and has the courage to stand up against corruption. He is not afraid to call out unethical behavior, and hold those in power accountable. This is the kind of leadership we need in Washington, D.C.

The DC Swamp and Deep State don’t like that. So, they’re undoubtedly spending tons of money, and using all their influence to stop Jeff.

I urge the MAGA base to rally behind Dr. Gunter, recognizing him as the genuine representative of our values. And the right person to go to the US Senate and support President Trump’s MAGA agenda.

While President Trump’s endorsement of Captain Sam Brown has caused confusion and disappointment, this is politics. It’s a rough and tumble game. I’m sure things went into this decision that I will never understand. We are all still friends. I stand 110% with President Trump.

But our opinions differ on this one. That can happen with friends. But to me it’s clear that Dr. Jeff Gunter is the true America First candidate.

On Election Day, let’s all stand by Dr. Jeff Gunter and ensure that our voices are heard loud and clear in Nevada and Washington DC.

HOT OFF THE PRESSES: Watch Wayne’s brand new TV Show, “The ROOT Reaction” weeknights at 10 PM ET/7 PM Pacific on Real America’s Voice TV, and Wayne’s weekend “America’s Top Ten Countdown” on Saturdays at Noon ET/9 AM PT on Real America’s Voice TV. Watch at, or at Rumble, Roku, Pluto, Apple, Dish TV Ch 219, or go to to watch.

The post WAYNE ROOT: President Trump, You’re the Greatest. But This Time We Disagree. Here’s Why I Support MAGA US Senate Candidate Dr. Jeff Gunter in Nevada. appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Washington Teens Charged With ‘Felony Vandalism’ For Leaving Skid Marks on LGBT Pride Mural – Face Up to a Decade in Prison!

By: Ben Kew

Three teenagers are facing up to a decade in prison for leaving skid marks with their electronic scooters on an LGBT mural in Spokane, Washington.

As reported by The Gateway Pundit earlier this week, three teenagers were arrested after being caught defacing the mural with skid marks using Lime scooters.

Now the Daily Mail reports that the teens face up to a decade in prison under the city’s hate crime laws:

Three Washington teens could face ten years in jail after being arrested for making skid marks on an LGBT rainbow road mural while riding e-scooters.

Nineteen-year-old Ruslan V. V Turko and two unnamed minors were arrested on Wednesday for first-degree malicious mischief after vandalizing the rainbow Pride mural that sits in front of Riverfront Park located in Spokane, Washington.

Turko appeared in court on Thursday, alongside legal counsel. Prosecutors requested a $15,000 bond that would cover the approximate cost of re-painting the mural. The teen was later released on his own recognizance on the condition that he does not return to the crosswalk, or the other suspects.

Lime, a company that rents electric bikes and scooters to members of the public, said in a statement they were appalled by the behavior and would “double down” on its support for Pride Month:

All of us at Lime condemn these vile acts in no uncertain terms. At a time when our teams at Lime are beginning pride celebrations around the globe, it is disturbing to see the hate taking place in Spokane.

Lime is taking immediate action against the perpetrators and doubling down on our support of Spokane Pride and Spokane Arts.

Lime is proud to put time and resources into celebrating Pride Month each year and supporting LGBTQ+ organizations working to uplift and protect queer people in cities around the world.

We will not let the hateful few spoil the joy of Pride Month in Spokane, and are grateful for those working to make Spokane more welcoming for all.

Although it is not clear what punishment the teenagers will face, it is clear that Washington’s leftist prosecutors will go out their way to try and destroy their lives.

Meanwhile, murderers, rapists, pedophiles, drug traffickers and many other despicable criminals roam the streets as part of the Democratic Party’s plan to destroy America.


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Musk Declares War on Apple: Threatens to Ban Devices Over “Creepy Spyware” AI Integration

Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla, SpaceX, and X (formerly Twitter), has declared war on big tech Apple.

The tech mogul threatens to ban Apple devices across his companies unless Apple abandons its plans to integrate OpenAI’s woke ChatGPT technology into its operating system.

Apple announced on Monday that it would be integrating ChatGPT into iOS, iPadOS, and macOS. This integration would allow users to access ChatGPT’s capabilities, including image and document understanding, without needing to switch between tools. Siri, Apple’s virtual assistant, could also tap into ChatGPT’s intelligence when necessary.

“We’re excited to partner with Apple to bring ChatGPT to their users in a new way. Apple shares our commitment to safety and innovation, and this partnership aligns with OpenAI’s mission to make advanced AI accessible to everyone. Together with Apple, we’re making it easier for people to benefit from what AI can offer,” said Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI.

“It’s personal, powerful, and private—and it’s integrated into the apps you rely on every day. Introducing Apple Intelligence—our next chapter in AI,” said Tim Cook, Apple’s CEO.

In response to Tim Cook’s announcement, Musk stated, “Don’t want it. Either stop this creepy spyware or all Apple devices will be banned from the premises of my companies.”

Don’t want it.

Either stop this creepy spyware or all Apple devices will be banned from the premises of my companies.

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) June 10, 2024

In a separate post, Musk added, “If Apple integrates OpenAI at the OS level, then Apple devices will be banned at my companies. That is an unacceptable security violation. And visitors will have to check their Apple devices at the door, where they will be stored in a Faraday cage.”

And visitors will have to check their Apple devices at the door, where they will be stored in a Faraday cage

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) June 10, 2024

Musk has expressed grave concerns about the potential privacy and security implications of Apple’s partnership with OpenAI. He believes that by handing over user data to OpenAI, Apple is effectively “selling [users] down the river” and has “no clue what’s actually going on” once the data leaves their control.

It’s patently absurd that Apple isn’t smart enough to make their own AI, yet is somehow capable of ensuring that OpenAI will protect your security & privacy!

Apple has no clue what’s actually going on once they hand your data over to OpenAI. They’re selling you down the river.

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) June 10, 2024

Elon Musk says it’s “not out of the question” that he might create his own phone or collaborate with other companies to develop one.

It is not out of the question

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) June 11, 2024

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Before yesterdayU.S.

Writers for SNL and Other Shows Now Working With a Pro-Biden PAC to Create Propaganda Aimed at Young Voters

Saturday Night Live used to be a comedy show for the whole country but like everything else in entertainment, has been taken over by the far left.

In recent years, the show has avoided making fun of Joe Biden because they’re terrified of doing anything that could be perceived as helping Trump.

They have acted like an arm of the Democrat party, but now they’re really becoming just that. Writers from the show, and other programs are working with a pro-Biden PAC to help create messaging (propaganda) aimed at young voters.

The Wrap reports:

‘SNL’ and ‘Parks and Recreation’ Writers Pitch Ads to Help Biden Reach Gen Z, Young Millennials

Hollywood creatives, including writers from “Saturday Night Live” and “Parks and Recreation,” have been meeting monthly for at least half a year to pitch ideas to Won’t PAC Down, a new super PAC that’s attempting to improve President Joe Biden’s relationship with young voters, Politico reported Sunday. The super PAC has brought on “millennial and Gen Z writers, directors and producers to help craft pro-Biden content that’s specifically engineered to sell an octogenarian candidate to typically disillusioned and hard-to-reach voters under 30.”

The first ads, all written for and by millennials and Gen Z, are expected to hit social media and the news media in July. Travis Helwig, a former head writer for Crooked Media, heads the writer room and emphasized to Politico that the organization does not intend to over-use celebrity endorsements as part of its strategy.

“There’s a big difference between putting a celebrity on camera and having them say, ‘if you liked me in ‘Madame Web,’ then you’re going to love voting,’ versus what we’re doing,” he explained. “We’re taking the best young writers and directors, who are the age and demographics of the people we’re targeting, using poll-tested messaging, and shaping it in a way that will resonate with young people and get them excited.”

Liberals in the entertainment industry tried to help Hillary Clinton back in 2016 and we all know how well that worked out.

They can’t even write funny jokes.

Good luck, hacks.

— Adrian Slade ⚡❌ (@adriansladeshow) June 9, 2024

Unfunny people no one watches working for Biden? That makes sense.

— Jack Cochran (@TheJackCochran) June 9, 2024

— Phil Labonte (@philthatremains) June 9, 2024

It will be fascinating to see what these writers come up with for old dementia Joe.

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New Poll Finds Trump Within Striking Distance of Biden in Blue Minnesota

A new poll that came out after the sham New York City verdict finds Trump inching up on Joe Biden in notoriously blue Minnesota.

This is amazing if you consider the state’s history. Minnesota hasn’t gone Republican in a presidential election since 1972. If Trump won there it would be historic and cause Democrats to lose it completely.

Perhaps the people of Minneapolis are tired of the rampant crime that has gotten out of control in recent years.

Breitbart News reported:

Poll: Trump Is on Biden’s Heels in Blue Minnesota After Conviction

Former President Donald Trump is within striking distance of President Joe Biden in blue Minnesota, according to a poll taken after his conviction in the Manhattan business records trial.

The Star Tribune/MPR News/KARE 11 poll, published Monday, finds that Biden leads with 45 percent of support among likely voters in a three-way race with Trump and independent Robert Kennedy Jr. Trump garners 41 percent of the response, followed by Kennedy Jr. at 6 percent. Biden’s edge on Trump falls just outside the ± 3.5 percentage point margin of error.

Another seven percent of respondents are undecided, while two percent would support another candidate.

The four-point margin between Trump and Biden underscores the 45th president’s competitiveness in a state that has gone blue in every presidential election for the past 50 years. Trump nearly won the state in 2016 against twice-failed Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, losing by just 1.5 percentage points.

“Biden’s lead over Trump is driven largely by a 45-point advantage in Hennepin and Ramsey counties,” notes the Star Tribune’s Ryan Faircloth. “Trump leads everywhere else, including in other counties of the Twin Cities area, where he was up 12 percentage points.”

Can you even imagine the left’s reaction if Trump won Minnesota?

New: President Joe Biden holds a 45-41% lead over former President Donald Trump in Minnesota, according to a new Star Tribune/MPR News/KARE 11 Minnesota Poll. But GOP voters are more enthusiastic about their candidate,

— Ryan Faircloth (@RyanFaircloth) June 10, 2024

.@StarTribune/@MPRnews/@KARE11 Minnesota 2024 Presidential Election Poll:

Joe Biden 45% (+4)
Donald Trump 41%
⚪ Robert F. Kennedy Jr. 6%
Undecided 7%

June 3-5, 2024

— Aron Goldman (@ArgoJournal) June 10, 2024

This can be done if people get out and vote. It would be worth it just to see Democrats and the media melt down.

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Joe Biden Falls Apart at Juneteenth Event: “She Know Long! She Knew Suhlongasuhijeruhhnied, Our Freedom Can Never Be Secured!” (VIDEO)

This is why Joe Biden’s handlers usually hide him for several days after he returns from an overseas trip.

Joe Biden completely fell apart Monday evening at the Juneteenth concert.

On Monday evening, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris hosted a Juneteenth concert featuring Gladys Knight and Patti LaBelle on the South Lawn of the White House.

Joe Biden, a lifelong racist, signed a law making Juneteenth a federal holiday in 2021.

No one knew what Juneteenth was until recently.

Just one year before making it a federal holiday, Joe Biden had no clue what Juneteenth was and he actually confused it with the Tulsa Massacre.

81-year-old Biden returned to the White House Monday evening after a 5-day trip to Paris, France, and immediately made his way to the South Lawn for the Juneteenth concert.

He looked exhausted.

Joe Biden was spotted sipping an orange drink (Gatorade?) just to stay awake.


This mysterious orange drink is the only thing keeping Crooked Joe Biden from falling into a deep slumber. Yikes!

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) June 11, 2024

Biden slurred through his speech. He completely fell apart.

“She know long! She knew suhlongasuhijeruhhnied, our freedom can never be secured!” Biden said.


BIDEN: "She know long! She knew suhlongasuhijeruhhnied, our freedom can never be secured"

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) June 11, 2024

Biden shuffled away after an embarrassing evening.


Biden shuffles off into the night following his exceptionally embarrassing display of cognitive deficiency at his own Juneteenth event

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) June 11, 2024

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Hamas Welcomes UN Security Council Ceasefire Resolution, Without Agreeing

Hamas welcomed, but did not accept, a United Nations Security Council resolution that passed Monday, introduced by the U.S., outlining the plan President Joe Biden presented last month for a ceasefire and hostage exchange.

The post Hamas Welcomes UN Security Council Ceasefire Resolution, Without Agreeing appeared first on Breitbart.

Right-Wing Dominance in European Elections Foreshadows Trends That Could Signal Massive Trouble for Biden, Boon for Trump

Former President Donald Trump and American Republicans feel buoyed by right-wing victories across Europe in this weekend’s European Parliament elections that shocked France and other nations, a possible foreshadowing of the U.S. electoral landscape similar to how the United Kingdom’s 2016 Brexit referendum preceded Trump’s victory here that year.

The post Right-Wing Dominance in European Elections Foreshadows Trends That Could Signal Massive Trouble for Biden, Boon for Trump appeared first on Breitbart.

Meacham: Joe Biden Has 'Honorably' Removed Himself from Hunter’s Trial

By: Pam Key · Pam Key

Historian Jon Meacham said on Monday on MSNBC's "Morning Joe" that he believed President Joe Biden has "honorably" removed himself from his son Hunter's gun charges trail.

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JUST IN: Judge Cannon Denies Trump Motion to Dismiss Some of Jack Smith’s Classified Documents Case – Here are the Details

Judge Aileen Cannon on Monday denied Trump’s motion to dismiss some of the charges in Jack Smith’s classified documents case.

President Trump and his co-defendant Walt Nauta filed a motion to dismiss charges related to obstruction and false statements.

Cannon denied the motion but removed a paragraph in Jack Smith’s superseding indictment.

This is the paragraph in Smith’s indictment Cannon has removed. She called Smith’s reasons for including this alleged incident in his indictment “not appropriate.”

— Julie Kelly (@julie_kelly2) June 10, 2024

Fox News reported:

The federal judge presiding over the classified documents case against former President Trump has denied a motion to dismiss some of the charges in the indictment.

Trump’s legal team had sought to throw out more than a half dozen of the 41 counts in the indictment, which accuses the former commander in chief of illegally hoarding classified documents from his presidency and conspiring with others to conceal sensitive files from the federal government.

The defendants had challenged counts related to obstruction and false statements, but U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon issued an order Monday saying that “the identified deficiencies, even if generating some arguable confusion, are either permitted by law, raise evidentiary challenges not appropriate for disposition at this juncture, and/or do not require dismissal even if technically deficient, so long as the jury is instructed appropriately and presented with adequate verdict forms as to each Defendants’ alleged conduct.”

Judge Aileen Cannon will hold an expanded hearing on the validity of Jack Smith’s special counsel appointment.

President Trump previously filed a motion to dismiss Jack Smith’s classified documents charges based on the “unlawful appointment and funding of Special Counsel.”

The evidentiary hearing is set for June 21.

Judge Cannon last month indefinitely postponed the classified documents case after Special Counsel Jack Smith admitted to tampering with evidence.

The Judge vacated the May 20, 2024 trial date. It may be several months until Judge Cannon sets a new trial date.

Jack Smith admitted the FBI messed with the boxes containing “classified” documents they seized from Trump and can’t be sure the order or the placement of the documents.

The DOJ previously assured the Court that the placement of classified documents as originally found had been maintained – THEY LIED!

The DOJ in August 2022 lied to the Court when they claimed the red, blue and yellow sheets shown in the viral photo of the classified documents indicated their classification status.

The FBI admitted they messed with Trump’s documents! The FBI used cover sheets as placeholders for the classified documents.

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CBS News Journo Dumbfounded by Poll Showing Wide Support for Deporting People in the Country Illegally (VIDEO)

This weekend on Face the Nation, Margaret Brennan of CBS News was completely confused by a new poll showing majority support for deporting people who are in the country illegally.

This is so typical for someone in the liberal media. They really have no idea what people think of issues like this one outside of their bubble.

Even people in Chicago are calling for deporting illegals. Has Brennan even been paying attention to what’s happening across the country?

FOX News reports:

CBS host shocked by poll showing 62% of registered voters support deporting all illegal immigrants

CBS News host Margaret Brennan on Sunday appeared perplexed by the results of a recent poll that showed majority support for deporting all illegal immigrants.

“Homeland Security says that President Biden has already deported or repatriated more people in the past year than any year since 2010. And then, depending on the details of what’s talked about on the campaign trail, some of what Mr. Trump talks about could be illegal,” Brennan said.

She continued, “It doesn’t seem practical, in some sense, to round up children. And then we know that the courts have questioned whether local authorities would have the ability to do it, and federal authorities don’t have the resources. So what exactly do people think they’re supporting?”

A CBS News/YouGov poll found that 62% of registered voters said they would support a government program that would deport all migrants living in the U.S. illegally. The poll, conducted between June 5-7, also found that a majority of registered voters supported Biden’s latest executive action at the southern border.

Watch the clip below:

Watch CBS host Margaret Brennan be completely shocked and in denial about her own network’s new poll that shows 62% of all Americans support a new government program to deport all illegal aliens in our country:

“What exactly do people think they’re supporting!?”

— Steve Cortes (@CortesSteve) June 10, 2024

Our media class is so out of touch with the rest of the country.

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Rudy Giuliani Smirks in Mugshot in Arizona Alternate Electors Lawfare Case


Last month Trump’s former lawyer Rudy Giuliani was arraigned on junk charges related to the Arizona alternate electors.

Rudy appeared remotely for his arraignment and pleaded not guilty to all nine charges, including conspiracy, fraud, and forgery.

Giuliani posted a $10,000 bond and had to appear in Phoenix, Arizona for his booking photo within 30 days.

The Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office released Rudy’s mugshot on Monday.

This is Rudy Giuliani’s second mug shot. He was previously indicted by crooked Fulton County DA Fani Willis.

In April, Trump 2020 alternate electors, GOP state legislators, former Arizona GOP chairwoman Kelli Ward and others were indicted by a state grand jury in Arizona.

A total of 18 people involved in the Arizona alternate electors plan were indicted by the Arizona grand jury.

Trump lawyers Christina Bobb, Jenna Ellis, Rudy Giuliani and John Eastman were indicted.

President Trump was named “Unindicted Coconspirator-1” in the indictment because he made a phone call about the ballot counting to former governor Doug Ducey.

Arizona’s Democrat Attorney General Kris Mayes announced the charges in April. She defended her witch hunt and the curious timing of the indictment – just months before the 2024 general election. Make no mistake, the charges are a warning shot to anyone who may want to challenge the 2024 election.

Giuliani was served with an Arizona indictment during his 80th birthday event in Palm Beach last month.

Goons from the Arizona attorney general’s office showed up at 11 pm and served Rudy indictment papers in front of his 75 birthday guests.

Photos of Rudy Giuliani at his birthday party in Florida tonight. I’m told guests had just finished singing “happy birthday” when agents served him paperwork on AZ fake elector charges.

Trump strategists Roger Stone/Steve Bannon were also present.

— Rachel Louise Just (@RLJnews) May 18, 2024

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PURE EVIL: Ohio Woman Accused of Stabbing Mother and Her Three-Year-Old Boy to Death Smirks and Giggles as Charges Read in Court (VIDEO)

By: Ben Kew

An Ohio woman accused of stabbing a beautiful three-year-old boy to death in a parking lot showed no signs of remorse as charges were read to her in court.

Bionca Ellis, 32, smirked and giggled as the judge read out the charges against her concerning the double stabbing of three-year-old Julian Wood and his mother who survived the attack.

As the judge deliberated on her bond, Julian’s father addressed the court.

“That day, one week ago, she took everything from us,” he said. “There’s nothing that could ever replace my son or anything that my wife and I, even our other kids, are going through. It’s horrendous. I really wish no bail. Period. Or extend it to the maximum limit possible that you can, at the very least. Just do whatever you can to keep this monster behind bars.”

PURE EVIL: Bionca Ellis, woman accused of stabbing 3-year-old Ohio boy to death in grocery store parking lot, smirks and giggles as the charges are read to her

(Video via WEWS)

— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) June 10, 2024

As previously reported by The Gateway Pundit, Ellis allegedly grabbed a knife from a thrift store and followed Margot Wood and her son around a grocery store before brutally stabbing them in a Giant Eagle parking lot in North Olmstead.

“The investigation into the motive in this attack is still ongoing, but everything learned thus far points that this was a random act of violence,” local police said at the time.

While Julian died from his injuries, his mother Margot was taken to hospital and treated for non-life-threatening injuries from which she is expected to recover.

Ellis is now facing one count of Aggravated Murder, two counts of Murder, two counts of Attempted Murder, two counts of Felonious Assault, one count of Endangering Children, one count of Tampering With Evidence and one count of Misdemeanor Theft.

Bail was eventually set at $5 million. Ellis is due back in court for a pretrial hearing next Monday.

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Furious Pelosi Rants on MSNBC, Dismisses Explosive New Video Admitting She’s Responsible for Lack of National Guard on J6!

Screenshot: MSNBC/Youtube

In a recent MSNBC interview, former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi dismissed the explosive new video that revealed her admitting she refused to secure the Capitol on January 6th.

The Gateway Pundit reported earlier that, as Pelosi fled the Capitol amid the chaos, she grilled her top staffer regarding the situation.

“We have a responsibility Terry. We did not have any accountability on what was going on there, and we shoud have,” Pelosi said.

“You’re going to ask me — in the middle of the thing when they’ve already breached the inaugural stuff — ‘should we call … the National Guard?’” Pelosi incredulously asked her chief of staff, Terri McCullough, while being escorted to Fort McNair. “Why weren’t the National Guard there to begin with?”


Since January 6, 2021, Nancy Pelosi spent 3+ years and nearly $20 million creating a narrative to blame Donald Trump.

NEW FOOTAGE shows on January 6, Pelosi ADMITTED:

“I take responsibility.”


— Oversight Subcommittee (@OversightAdmn) June 10, 2024

During her appearance on MSNBC, Pelosi was quick to brand the video as “revisionist history,” insisting that the real blame lies with former President Trump and his supporters.

“Well, because the fact is that the President of the United States, the former President and his tories, do not want to face the facts. They’re trying to do revisionist history on January 6th,” Pelosi said. “They know what happened that day. They know how serious it is and was and continues to have an impact on our country.”


JUST IN: Nancy Pelosi just went on MSNBC calling the video of her admitting SHE refused to secure the Capitol on January 6th “revisionist history.”

Nancy Pelosi hates you and thinks you are stupid. WOW!

— Alan Jacoby (@AlanJacobyJr) June 10, 2024

President Trump did not incite an insurrection, but rather called for peaceful protests. He also offered National Guard assistance multiple times prior to January 6th, but these offers were declined by Pelosi and other congressional leaders.

As reported back in 2021, Speaker Nancy Pelosi and GOP Leader Mitch McConnell refused National Guard support before the announced protests on January 6th.

This was well documented and explains why Democrats closed their bogus impeachment case against President Trump rather than allow the light of truth to shine down on the American public who would learn that it was Nancy Pelosi who failed to secure the US Capitol in January.

In a WaPo interview with the Washington DC police chief, Steve Sund, The National Pulse reports the outgoing police chief “believes his efforts to secure the premises were undermined by a lack of concern from House and Senate security officials who answer directly to Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate leader Mitch McConnell.”

DC Police Chief Sund Stated:

“Two days before Congress was set to formalize President-elect Joe Biden’s victory, Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund was growing increasingly worried about the size of the pro-Trump crowds expected to stream into Washington in protest.

To be on the safe side, Sund asked House and Senate security officials for permission to request that the D.C. National Guard be placed on standby in case he needed quick backup.

But, Sund said Sunday, they turned him down.”

John Falcicchio, chief of staff for D.C. Mayor Muriel E. Bowser admitted: “Literally, this guy is on the phone, I mean, crying out for help. It’s burned in my memories.”

This is just the latest example of the Democrats lying and blaming their failures on Donald Trump.

The Daily Caller reported on Pelosi’s failings prior to the January 6th storming of the US Capitol.

In the aftermath of the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, Former Sergeant at Arms Paul Irving recalled to House Admin how previous discussions with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her office factored in to his “blender of decision making,” according to three sources with direct knowledge of Irving’s talk with House Admin.

Pelosi’s office had previously impressed upon Irving that the National Guard was to remain off Capitol Grounds, Irving allegedly told House Admin. The discussions, which centered around “optics,” allegedly occurred in the months prior to the Jan. 6 riot, during a time when deployment of federal resources for civil unrest was unpopular with Democrats and many members of Congress.

The three sources who confirmed the discussion to the Daily Caller did so under the condition of anonymity, citing the fear of putting a chill on further witnesses to how the security situation unfolded Jan. 6.


PELOSI LIED! Former Capitol Police Chief Sund Testifies He Had 3 Calls with Pelosi on Jan. 6 – Pelosi Said They Never Spoke – But Sund Says He Has the Receipts! (VIDEO)

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HORROR: Illegal Alien Kills Mother, Daughter in Traffic Crash – Prosecutors Charge Him with Misdemeanors: ‘Moving Violation Causing Death’

Biden’s Border Bloodbath.

A beloved grandmother and great-grandmother were tragically killed in a car crash on M-53 in Shelby Township, Michigan last Thursday.

63-year-old Crystal Brunn and her 88-year-old mother were killed after Jose Eugeno Medina-Hernandez, an illegal alien, rear-ended a car, causing a multi-vehicle pileup.

According to reports, Jose Eugeno Medina-Hernandez was driving a box truck rented from Enterprise.

Prosecutors charged the illegal with misdemeanors: ‘Moving violation causing death.’

Jose Eugeno Medina-Hernandez, 33

Michigan News Source reported:

The aftermath of a tragic M-53 collision in Shelby Township has left the community reeling, with the added revelation that the alleged perpetrator, Jose Eugeno Medina-Hernandez, is an illegal immigrant.

On Thursday, June 6, 2024, Medina-Hernandez, a 33-year-old resident of Westland, was behind the wheel of a box truck traveling southbound on M-53 when he rear-ended a Buick Verano around 12:30 p.m., setting off a chain reaction involving two additional vehicles.

The impact claimed the lives of the occupants of the Buick, 88-year-old Nancy Richmond and her daughter, 63-year-old Crystal Brunn, both senior citizens, who were pronounced dead at the scene. The incident also closed southbound M-53 for several hours.

According to the Macomb County Prosecutor’s office, Medina-Hernandez was charged with two counts of Moving Violation Causing Death (one year misdemeanors and a $2,000 fine). He was arraigned in 41A Shelby Twp. District Court on Friday where Magistrate James Verploeg set bond at $250,000 cash/surety.

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AWKWARD: Biden Looks Like a Zombie as Everyone Dances at Juneteenth Celebration (VIDEO)

On Monday evening, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris hosted a Juneteenth concert featuring Gladys Knight and Patti LaBelle on the South Lawn of the White House.

“In 2021, President Biden signed bipartisan legislation establishing Juneteenth as the nation’s newest Federal holiday, so that all Americans can feel the power of this day, learn from our history, celebrate our progress, and recognize and engage in the work that continues,” the White House boasted.

81-year-old Biden returned to the White House Monday evening after a 5-day trip to Paris, France, and immediately made his way to the South Lawn for the Juneteenth concert.

Biden looked exhausted.

He awkwardly stood still as everyone around him danced. It looks like his drug cocktail was wearing off.


Why isn't Biden moving?

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) June 11, 2024

Joe Biden made Juneteenth a federal holiday because it is the only instance in 100 years when racist Democrats were not persecuting or killing blacks.

Joe Biden, a lifelong racist, signed a law making Juneteenth a federal holiday in 2021.

No one knew what Juneteenth was until recently.

Barack Obama never tweeted about Juneteenth and he never gave a speech about the event.

Just one year before making it a federal holiday, Joe Biden had no clue what Juneteenth was and he actually confused it with the Tulsa Massacre.


Joe Biden doesn't know what Juneteenth is:

"He’s going down to Texas on Juneteenth, right? The first major massacre … of the Black Wall Street, right?"

1. President Trump is going to Texas today, not June 19
2. Juneteenth is about emancipation
3. The massacre was in Oklahoma

— Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) June 11, 2020

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THE PELOSI INSURRECTION: “MY STORY HASN’T CHANGED!” -Officer Sund Responds to Pelosi’s Lies About National Guard (Video)

Chief Steven Sund and serial liar Nancy Pelosi

New footage was released on Monday from the House Oversight Committee of Nancy Pelosi taking responsibility for the January 6, 2021, protests and rioting at the US Capitol.

Nancy Pelosi: “I take responsibility.”


Since January 6, 2021, Nancy Pelosi spent 3+ years and nearly $20 million creating a narrative to blame Donald Trump.

NEW FOOTAGE shows on January 6, Pelosi ADMITTED:

“I take responsibility.”


— Oversight Subcommittee (@OversightAdmn) June 10, 2024

As The Gateway Pundit previously reported, former Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Washington DC Mayor Muriel Bowser were both warned about the security situation prior to January 6th and both of them turned down National Guard troops at the US Capitol that day.

Pelosi and Mayor Muriel Bowser turned down thousands of National Guard troops at the Capitol on January 6 for political reasons.

Chris Wray’s FBI also refused to notify the Trump administration and his cabinet secretaries that they believed there could be violence like the mass protests at the Capitol that took place that day.

Nancy Pelosi also refused the National Guard at the US Capitol due to “politics,” but that is just her excuse. What did she know in advance?

Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund previously testified that he asked House and Senate security officials for permission to request that the D.C. National Guard be placed on standby in case he needed quick backup. But they both turned him down.

Pelosi was not honest about their communications – she lied.

On Monday night Chief Steven Sund responded to the video released earlier on Monday by the Oversight Subcommittee.

Officer Sund slammed Pelosi for her statement on J6 for the cameras saying she was “surprised” the National Guard was not at the US Capitol after she denied President Trump’s request to have National Guard at the Capitol that day!

Officer Steven Sund: Pelosi was surprised we didn’t have National Guard on Jan6?? I was denied National Guard support multiple times before January 6, and repeatedly for 71 minutes ON January 6. MY STORY HASN’T CHANGED!

Pelosi was surprised we didn’t have National Guard on Jan6?? I was denied National Guard support multiple times before January 6, and repeatedly for 71 minutes ON January 6.
MY STORY HASN’T CHANGED!@RepLoudermilk @oversightadmn

— Chief Steven Sund (@ChiefSund) June 10, 2024





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MEAN GIRLS: WNBA Celebrates New Attendance Records and Ratings – Forgets to Mention TOP 10 GAMES Were Caitlin Clark Games – Pretends She Doesn’t Exist

The MEAN GIRLS were back out in force today.

Over the weekend, the it was announced that women’s basketball sensation Caitlin Clark would not be included on the US Women’s Basketball team in the 2024 Olympics.

The greatest collegiate player in history, who broke nearly every men’s and women’s basketball scoring and assist records while at the University of Iowa, will not be on the team.

Pot-smoking Russian felon Brittney Griner, who had only played in one game at the time of selection and scored 11 points this year, will be on the team!

Diana Taurasi, who has played on six Olympic teams, made the 2024 squad at age 41. She’s needed.

But not the greatest female basketball sensation of all time, Caitlin Clark.

No player on the Olympic team has scored more 3-pointers this year in the WNBA than Caitlin Clark.

And only one woman on the Olympic team has more assists than Clark this WNBA Season.

The Gateway Pundit earlier reported on the selection committee for the women’s USA basketball team for the 2024 Paris Olympics, including several notable figures in the women’s basketball world.

REVEALED: Here Are the Five Women Who Made the Insane Decision to Keep Caitlin Clark Off of the 2024 Olympic Team – Was This a Racist Decision or Just Jealousy?

On Monday, to add insult to injury, the WNBA celebrated their record crowds and TV viewers this year.

And they continue to gaslight the American public.

These women just can't muster the strength to be honest with the American public.

The WNBA reported:

–League Also Sets New Records for Merchandise Sales, Social Media Engagement, League Pass Subscriptions and App Downloads with Triple-Digit Growth Across All Categories–

NEW YORK, June 10, 2024 – The WNBA’s unprecedented growth continues as the league, which just tipped off its 28th season on May 14th, finished May with its highest attended opening month in 26 years and its most-watched start of season across each network ever: ABC, ESPN, ESPN2, CBS, ION and NBA TV.

The WNBA also saw complementary viewership marks amongst diversified audiences. Notably, viewership grew 60% year-over-year among people of color, with the most-represented demographics in that category – Hispanic and Black fans – notching a 96% and 67% year-over-year growth in viewership, respectively. Additionally, Tip-Off Week presented by CarMax saw a 124% increase in Under 35 viewership and a 139% growth in young girls tuning in.

From preseason through the end of May, the 2024 rookie class contributed meaningfully on the court and continued to drive fan engagement. Throughout Tip-off Week, four of the five moments that drove the most engagement on social channels featured highlights of Indiana Fever’s Caitlin Clark, Chicago Sky’s Angel Reese, Los Angeles Sparks’s Cameron Brink or Las Vegas Aces’ Kate Martin. WNBA merchandise sales are seeing a 236% increase year-over-year, with Clark, Reese and Brink ranking in the top five for jersey sales during the first week of the season.

The growth of diverse audiences is also resulting in deepened and more frequent single-user engagement across digital platforms. WNBA App monthly active users is up 613% year-over-year, and League Pass subscriptions more than tripled in the first two weeks of the season with the highest average minutes watched in league history.

“What’s happening now in women’s basketball is confirmation of what we’ve always known: The demand is there, and women’s sports is a valuable investment,” said Chief Growth Officer Colie Edison. “We’re encouraged by growing engagement across all our verticals, especially as we welcome new and diverse audiences into our fandom. The WNBA continues to experience sustained growth as our league embraces this heightened momentum.”

Additional highlights for start of season include:


Approximately 400,000 fans attended WNBA games since the tip of the season through the end of May, the most through the first month of the season in 26 years. More than half of all WNBA games were sellouts, which is a 156% increase from last year.

Additionally, WNBA arenas were filled to a 94% capacity, up 17% from last year.


Across ABC, ESPN, ESPN2 and CBS, WNBA games are averaging 1.32 million viewers, nearly tripling last season’s average (462,000 viewers). Additional individual network highlights include:

  • ESPN2: The Opening Night matchup featuring the Indiana Fever vs. the Connecticut Sun (May 14) averaged 2.12 million viewers across ESPN2, ESPN+ and Disney+, peaking at 2.34 million viewers, making it the most-watched WNBA game on Disney platforms ever.
  • ABC: The Indiana Fever vs. the New York Liberty (May 18) on ABC averaged 1.71 million viewers, making it the most-viewed WNBA game on ABC ever and the second-most-viewed game across Disney networks ever (behind only this year’s Opening Night matchup featuring the Indiana Fever vs. the Connecticut Sun on ESPN2).
  • WNBA Countdown on ABC and ESPN2 has averaged 741,000 viewers, up +211% vs. last year’s full season Countdown average across ABC/ESPN/ESPN2.
  • ESPN: The Connecticut Sun vs. Indiana Fever (May 20) averaged 1.56 million viewers, making it the most-viewed WNBA game on ESPN ever.
  • CBS: In the Network’s first game of the season, the New York Liberty vs. the Minnesota Lynx (May 25) averaged 704,000 viewers, making it the most-viewed WNBA game on CBS ever.

Additionally, ION and NBA TV set new viewership highs during the start of the 2024 season.

  • ION:  ION, in its second-year airing WNBA games, saw its most-viewed WNBA game ever when the Indiana Fever vs. the Los Angeles Sparks averaged 724,000 viewers on May 24. ION’s average WNBA game viewership has increased by 51% households, comparing Weeks 1-3 of the 2023 season to Weeks 1-3 of the 2024 season.
  • NBA TV: The Los Angeles Sparks vs. the Indiana Fever (May 28) averaged 356,000 viewers, making it the most-viewed WNBA game on NBA TV ever. *Subsequently surpassed by the Fever at Liberty game (June 2) that averaged 430,000 viewers, making it the most-viewed WNBA game on NBA TV ever.


Since the start of the season, has already set the record for the most single-season sales in store history as overall transactions are up 756% versus the same time period last year.  

WNBA Social Media

WNBA social channels garnered 157 million video views through the first week of the season, the most viewed WNBA tip-off week on social media ever and up 380% vs. last year.

WNBA League Pass

May set an all-time high for WNBA League Pass subscriptions with a 335% increase vs. last season.

Now here is the rest of the story they are not telling you.

Caitlin Clark is responsible for 10 of the top 10 attended games this year.

The top 9 most attended games in the WNBA this year. Notice anything?

— Padres…Mucho Stress (@friar_stan) June 6, 2024

20,000 fans came out to see Caitlin Clark play in Washington DC on Friday - more fans than were at the NBA playoff game on Friday night!

The numbers are in...

Friday's game at @CapitalOneArena was:

The highest attendance (20,333) for a regular season @WNBA game since 1999
The most fans at any WNBA game since the 2007 Finals
The 7th highest attended WNBA game in history

— Washington Mystics (@WashMystics) June 9, 2024

Caitlin Clark holds the record for the TV viewers.

Caitlin Clark's jersey was sold out the night she was drafted into the WNBA.

And, according to the numbers from the list above -- Caitlin Clark and the Indiana Fever have played before over 180,000 fans this year!

The 11 other teams in the league played before the other 220,000-250,000 fans.

So why all the hate WNBA?

Why can't you just be honest?

You're not fooling anyone.

Attendance at non-Caitlin Clark WNBA games this past weekend:


Attendance at Caitlin Clark WNBA games this past weekend:


— PhillySports24/7 (@MoreyBall76) June 7, 2024

They want to play pretend but aren't fooling anyone!

A riddle wrapped in an enigma inside a mystery.

— wonofaf (@FafOnow) June 10, 2024

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Mike Cernovich: Ben Carson As Trump’s VP Offers “Assassination Insurance”

Producer and author Mike Cernovich has offered his take on who Trump should tag as his Vice President.

Regarding who Trump should pick as his Vice President, Cernovich wrote, “Ben Carson is also a great selection as JD Vance is needed in the Senate. DeWine (Covidian) will appoint his replacement. GOP might not even keep the Senate. Not good to lose strong players.”

“Carson is loyal to Trump, would provide much-needed assassination insurance, and doesn’t remove a strong player from the board,” added Cernovich.


Trump’s VP choice. Ben Carson is also a great selection as JD Vance is needed in the Senate. DeWine (shitlib Covidian) will appoint his replacement. GOP might not even keep the Senate. Not good to lose strong players. Carson is loyal to Trump, would provided much needed…

— Cernovich (@Cernovich) June 10, 2024

As The Gateway Pundit previously reported, Dr. Carson was one of seven people vetted by the Trump campaign as a potential Vice President pick for Trump.

This isn’t the first time Cernovich has warned the importance of Trump’s VP pick.

In June, Cernovich wrote, “The only “safe” VP for Trump is the one who keeps him assassination proof. Regime wants to kill him. Tim Scott as VP. Wray and Garland would be salivating. I hope people understand this moment.”

The only “safe” VP for Trump is the one who keeps him assassination proof. Regime wants to kill him. Tim Scott as VP. Wray and Garland would be salivating. I hope people understand this moment.

— Cernovich (@Cernovich) June 3, 2024

Last week, Carson joined CNN to discuss election integrity going into the 2024 election.


CNN Anchor Asks Potential Vice President Dr. Ben Carson if He Will Accept 2024 Election Results and His Response is Perfect (VIDEO)

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Liberal Reporter’s Secret Recording of Justice Alito a Nothing Burger (AUDIO)

The secret audio recording of conservative Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito captured by liberal journalist Lauren Windsor is a giant nothing burger.

It is all hands on deck to force Justice Alito to recuse himself from President Trump’s immunity case and J6 cases currently awaiting rulings from the Supreme Court.

Alito recently told Democrat Senators that he would NOT recuse from the cases after it was revealed his wife flew an upside-down flag at their Virginia home after the 2020 election.

The left is trying to make an upside-down flag a thing.

According to Alito, the flag was a reaction to “F*ck Trump” yard signs posted by neighbors and verbal attacks toward his wife, rather than a political statement.

“I had no involvement whatsoever in the flying of the flag,” Alito told the Times. “It was briefly placed by Mrs. Alito in response to a neighbor’s use of objectionable and personally insulting language on yard signs.”

Alito’s nasty leftist neighbor also called his wife Martha-Ann a “c*nt.”

The left has been putting pressure on Alito to recuse from high-profile Trump cases, but he refuses to cave to their demands.

Liberal reporter Lauren Windsor secretly recorded Justice Alito at the Supreme Court Historical Society’s annual dinner on June 3.

“I don’t know that we can negotiate with the left in the way that needs to happen for the polarization to end,” Lauren Windsor said to Alito at the event. “I think that it’s a matter of, like, winning.”

“I think you’re probably right,” Alito replied. “On one side or the other — one side or the other is going to win. I don’t know. I mean, there can be a way of working — a way of living together peacefully, but it’s difficult, you know, because there are differences on fundamental things that really can’t be compromised. They really can’t be compromised. So it’s not like you are going to split the difference.”

The left claims the secret recording is proof Alito isn’t a ‘neutral umpire’ – but in reality his comments are a total nothing burger.


Sam Alito x John Roberts x The Undercurrent

1/ Justice Alito admits lack of impartiality with the Left, says: “One side or the other is going to win.”

— Lauren Windsor (@lawindsor) June 10, 2024

The Rolling Stone obtained the audio from liberal reporter Lauren Windsor:

The recording, which was provided exclusively to Rolling Stone, captures Windsor approaching Alito at the event and reminding him that they spoke at the same function the year before, when she asked him a question about political polarization. In the intervening year, she tells the justice, her views on the matter had changed. “I don’t know that we can negotiate with the left in the way that needs to happen for the polarization to end,” Windsor says. “I think that it’s a matter of, like, winning.”

“I think you’re probably right,” Alito replies. “On one side or the other — one side or the other is going to win. I don’t know. I mean, there can be a way of working — a way of living together peacefully, but it’s difficult, you know, because there are differences on fundamental things that really can’t be compromised. They really can’t be compromised. So it’s not like you are going to split the difference.”

Windsor goes on to tell Alito: “People in this country who believe in God have got to keep fighting for that — to return our country to a place of godliness.”

“I agree with you. I agree with you,” replies Alito, who authored the Supreme Court’s 2022 Dobbs decision, which reversed five decades of settled law and ended a constitutional right to abortion.

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IRELAND FOR THE IRISH: First Ever Candidate for the Irish Freedom Party Elected to Dublin Council

Image: Video screenshot

Like many European countries that are watching their cultures erased by mass immigration, the Irish people have had enough.

In May, thousands of citizens in Ireland took to the streets in a demonstration against unchecked mass migration.

On Monday, in a milestone in Irish politics, the first-ever candidate for the Irish Freedom Party (IFP), Glen Moore, was elected to the Dublin County Council.

Overnight, history was made as Glen Moore became our first ever elected councillor.The first of many! Well done Glen. We are all very proud of you. @moorsey100 #LE24 #Irishfreedom

— Irish Freedom Party (@IrexitFreedom) June 10, 2024

He is joined by Independent candidates Malachy Steenson from North Inner City and Gavin Pepper from Ballymun-Finglas.

A New Ireland under construction.
Congratulations to Malachy Steenson elected Dublin City Councillor for his beloved East Wall / Dublin Inner City. Nationalist Ireland is rising up again. Tús maith leath na hoibre. #Irishfreedom In the pub now celebrating. ) @MalachySteenson

— Hermann Kelly (@hermannkelly) June 9, 2024

Congratulations to @MalachySteenson. He has spoken at many of our protests and led the protests against the asylum scam in Dublin. Well done!

— Irish Freedom Party (@IrexitFreedom) June 9, 2024

More fantastic news as Gavin Pepper gets elected. Its an historic day for nationalists around the country!

— Irish Freedom Party (@IrexitFreedom) June 9, 2024

The National Party’s (NP) Patrick Quinlan was elected from Blanchardstown-Mullhuddart. 

Congratulations to Patrick Quinlan, our first elected representative.

— The National Party | An Páirtí Náisiúnta (@NationalPartyIE) June 10, 2024

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WILD VIDEO: Rodeo Bull Jumps Out of Arena and into Crowd During Sold-Out Event – Then Goes on Violent Rampage Throughout the Grounds

Credit: Danielle Smithers
/ABC News

A bizarre scene unfolded over the weekend in a small Oregon town during a bull-riding event that is sending shockwaves across America.

KOIN 6 News reported that a rodeo bull named Party Bus managed to leap out of the arena during the final event of the Sisters Rodeo Saturday night around 9:45 P.M., to the shock of the sold-out crowd of 5,600 people.

The beast struck a handful of fans in the stands before going on an angry rampage through the rodeo grounds and injuring more attendees.

Danielle Smithers, one of the spectators, captured the shocking incident on tape.

The bull races around the track in the footage as Lee Greenwood’s “God Bless the USA” plays over the loudspeakers. To the crowd’s horror, the beast then charges directly toward the arena fence and leaps six feet over it.

The bull then barrels down the grounds and makes its way toward a woman wearing a red shirt. The animal flips the lady so violently that she lands directly on its head before the beast spears her with its horns.

She falls to the ground and gets trampled by the bull as it dashes into the parking lot while attacking another spectator.


NEW: Wild bull jumps over the fence into the crowd at an Oregon rodeo, runs over people in the concession area.

As "God Bless the U.S.A." played in the background, the bull 'Party Bus' jumped over the fence to take its anger out on spectators and garbage cans.

Two people were…

— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) June 10, 2024

Smithers spoke with KOIN 6 afterward, detailing exactly what she saw unfold while filming the crazy event.

“I capture him completely going over the gate and disappearing,” Smithers said. “Then there’s this huge pause in the zone he came out of.”

“It seems like people go right back to waving their lights, almost like they’re not really sure what to do.”

Sisters Rodeo confirmed that four individuals were injured during the incident. Two people, including the woman trampled by the beast, were transported to the hospital due to injuries.

A sheriff’s deputy was also injured amidst the chaos. The hospitalized individuals were released the following day.

Rodeo officials told Fox News that this was the first time a bull had ever escaped from a Sisters Rodeo event.

“It’s the first time we’ve ever had this happen in Sisters Rodeo history. I talked to our Scott contractors that have that bull, and they said it’s just highly unusual, very rare, they have seen very little of this in their entire career. They’ll see it on their own farm once in a while, just in their own pens, but never had this happen at a rodeo, it’s just very, very rare,” Brian Witt, vice president of Sisters Rodeo said.

The radio announcer immediately activated the emergency response plan after the animal escaped according to Sisters Rodeo officials. Livestock professionals promptly responded and safely secured the bull in a livestock holding pen.

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Chancellor Scholz HUMILIATED in German European Elections – His Social Democrats Come in Third Place – AfD Surges To Second Spot – Opposition Calls for Early Elections

Olaf Scholz is the most unpopular German Chancellor in the last decades, and his ‘traffic light’ coalition is an unmitigated mess.

So it was widely expected that the European Elections would be bad for his center-left Social Democrats (SPD), and good for the AfD right-wing opposition.

But the aftermath of the vote saw MSM calling it ‘a disaster’, ‘a humiliation’ for Scholz. And worse, voices have been raised demanding that the embattled Chancellor call early elections, like France did – which he is refusing, for now.

Even his party is calling it a ‘bitter defeat’.

It was SPD’s worst outcome ever in a national election, with 13.9 %. Greens dropped to 11.9 % and the FDP came in at just 5.2 %.

The right wing AfD (Alternative for Germany), even with all attacks, came out ahead of the governing parties with 15.9%.

Conservatives Christian Democrats (CDU) and the allied Bavarian Christian Social Union (CSU) together won 30% of the vote.

The European elections were a test of approval for Scholz.

And he filed it badly.

Deutsche Welle reported:

“CDU leader Friedrich Merz and CSU leader Markus Söder are calling for new elections in Germany. After a CSU executive meeting in Munich, Söder said that the European elections were a ‘vote against the traffic light coalition” and a ‘clear vote of no confidence’ in the Chancellor.

Söder said Scholz had lost his legitimacy and the confidence of the electorate. ‘Olaf Scholz is a king without a country’, he said. If the traffic light government carries on like this, ‘people will be deeply frustrated’.”  

But his coalition is not considering new elections. The next Bundestag election are to be held in the fall of 2025.

It’s fairly obvious that Scholz would be out of office if he called new elections, as the chancellor is elected by a majority of MPs in the Bundestag.

Read more:

MADNESS: Germany Declines Taliban Offer to Repatriate Afghan Migrants Convicted of Heinous Crimes

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Idaho Farmers Issue Stark Warning About Nationwide Consequences After State Government Issues Order to Shut Off Their Water Supply: “Farms and banks will fail!” [VIDEO]

Two Idaho farmers, in a desperate attempt to save their crops and those of their fellow farmers, have issued a frightening warning about how the Idaho government has shut off the water to a half million acres of farmland.

On Thursday, the East Idaho News reported that the Idaho Department of Water Resources Director Mathew Weaver issued a curtailment order that requires 6,400 junior groundwater rights holders who pump off the Eastern Snake Plain Aquifer to shut off their water.

The South Fork of the Snake River runs for more than 60 miles across southeastern Idaho. | Courtesy of Bureau of Land Management

The popular Wall Street Apes “X” account tweeted a video featuring two Idaho farmers who warned of catastrophic outcomes if the Idaho government is allowed to shut off the essential water supply to farmers.

Here is the tweet and accompanying video: 

WOW American Farmer Blowing The Whistle On US Government

JUNE 2024, Idaho Farmer’s Water Is Being Shut Off. “A water shutoff order on literally a half million acres of farmland. — A lot of these farmers, and this impacts about 6,400 water users.”

“Property like this will become worthless. Without water, the land doesn’t have any value here.”

“The state of Idaho has put a water curtailment order, which is basically a water shutoff order on literally a half million acres of farmland.

— But a lot of these farmers that are farming this land have already invested thousands of acres, thousands of dollars per acre to grow potatoes. Good morning everyone. My name is Trevor Belknap. I operate a family farm, a fifth generation family farm in the Snake River Valley of eastern Idaho. I just wanted to visit with you for a minute about the impacts of the water curtailment order that’s been issued by Director Weaver from the Outer Department of Water Resources.

The situation which we find ourselves is about as bad as it gets. Not only will we be out of business, many other businesses will be highly impacted and you as my friends and neighbors will also be impacted because we’re so interconnected.

If the ag economy in eastern Idaho fails, which it surely will if this containment order is in place, it can remain in place, we’ll dry up and blow away just like it did back in the dust bowl of the 30s. Banks will fail. Equipment dealers, car dealers, gas stations, grocery stores, all rely on the ag economy that’s here in eastern Idaho. The children in our schools, how many of them belong to families who work in some form of ag industry in eastern Idaho?

It’s horrible. And we need to fix it. And I would propose to you that it is not a water problem, it’s a management problem. Because we have water. Reservoirs are full. The mountains are covered in snow. The river’s been flowing well.

So why now? Why, after we’ve planted our crops, we have crops in the ground that are already growing. Now, in the middle of June, they pull a curtailment order to say you must cease pumping water. The cost is huge. An acre of potatoes costs upward of $4,000 an acre to grow. How will that ever be recovered? They will not grow without water. And what will that do to everyone else that’s reliant upon us in this area and the state of Idaho?

What will the counties do for roads and bridges, police departments, ambulances, and hospitals that rely on tax the tax base? Property like this will become worthless. Without water, the land doesn’t have any value here.”

WOW American Farmer Blowing The Whistle On US Government

JUNE 2024, Idaho Farmer’s Water Is Being Shut Off. “A water shutoff order on literally a half million acres of farmland. — A lot of these farmers, and this impacts about 6,400 water users.”

“Property like this will…

— Wall Street Apes (@WallStreetApes) June 10, 2024

From Magic Valley – In Idaho, water issues are governed by what is called the doctrine of prior appropriation, which means the older senior water rights have priority over the newer junior water rights. When there isn’t enough water to go around, the senior water rights get priority while the junior rights get curtailed, or shut off.

Generally, surface water users in Idaho have more senior water rights, while groundwater users have junior water rights.

For example, the Twin Falls Canal Co. holds senior water rights that date back to 1900. On the other hand, the groundwater users affected by Thursday’s Idaho Department of Water Resources curtailment order hold junior water rights dating back to 1954.

Curtailment is coming into play because, in April, Weaver issued a water methodology order that predicted a water shortage of 74,100 acre-feet of water to the Twin Falls Canal Co.

The SOSs being sent to the American public by these farmers is an eery reminder of how easily and quickly our local, state, and federal governments, which are supposed to represent the will of the people, can control our food sources simply by picking winners and loser when it comes to who gets life-sustaining water and whose right to water will be restricted or in the case of the Idaho farmers, cut off.

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Jurors Leave Courthouse After Day One of Deliberations in Hunter Biden Gun Trial – Deliberations to Resume Tuesday

Hunter Biden, son of President Joe Biden.

Hunter Biden, son of President Joe Biden.

The jury in Hunter Biden’s criminal gun trial began deliberations Monday afternoon after the defense rested.

Hunter Biden declined to testify at his felony gun trial.

In September Hunter Biden was indicted on federal gun charges. He was indicted in a Delaware court on three counts related to his possession of a firearm while using drugs.

Hunter is facing up to 25 years in prison and $750,000 in fines.

Jurors went home Monday evening after day one of deliberating. Jury deliberations will resume on Tuesday, the Associated Press reported.

As the jury break for deliberations in the Hunter Biden federal gun trial, attorney Paul Kamenar says the evidence against Hunter is “overwhelming.”

Hunter faces up to 25 years in prison and $750,000 of fines according court documents.

— Daniel Baldwin (@baldwin_daniel_) June 10, 2024

The Associated Press reported:

Jurors have begun deliberating on the gun charges against Hunter Biden.
President Joe Biden’s son Hunter is accused of lying about his drug use on a federally required form when he bought a gun in 2018.

During closing arguments, prosecutors told jurors that there was “overwhelming” evidence against Hunter Biden and that he chose to lie and violate the law.

But Biden’s defense attorney Abbe Lowell said prosecutors lacked firm evidence for much of their case, and said they treated the case like a magic trick, using circumstantial evidence in an effort to direct the jury’s focus away from the whole picture.

A jury comprising six men and six women had been chosen to oversee the case to decide the fate of Hunter Biden. Among the 12 panelists and four alternates, nine are African-American, and all four alternates are women.

Prosecutors destroyed Hunter Biden in their opening statement on day one of the federal criminal gun trial.

“It doesn’t matter who you are, or what your name is,” prosecutor Derek Hines said on Tuesday. “No one is above the law.”

Prosecutors on Tuesday told the court that Hunter Biden bought the firearm while he was smoking crack every 15 minutes.

Hallie Biden, Hunter Biden’s dead brother’s wife-turned-girlfriend, testified at Hunter’s criminal federal gun trial last week and said Hunter smoked ping-pong ball-sized crack rocks.

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Plane Carrying Vice President of Malawi Goes Missing, Plane Has Gone Off Radar

A plane carrying Malawi’s vice president and nine went missing on Monday morning.

The military plane carrying Malawi Vice President Saulos Chilima took off from Lilongwe, the capital of Malawi, at 9:17 a.m. on Monday but failed to land at its designated designation.

ABC News reported that the flight was scheduled only for 45 minutes, but Chilima’s plane had been missing for several hours.

Malawi authorities have reported the plane has gone “off the radar,” and a search operation has commenced.

Malawian President Lazarus Chakwera’s office released a statement that read, “All efforts to make contact with the aircraft since it went off radar have failed thus far,”

DEVELOPING: More than 7 hours after it should have landed, a plane carrying Malawi’s vice president Saulos Chilima is still missing.

“All efforts by aviation authorities to make contact with the Aircraft since it went off the radar have failed thus far,’ authorities say

— Larry Madowo (@LarryMadowo) June 10, 2024

Per ABC News:

A military plane carrying Malawi’s vice president and nine others went missing Monday and a search is underway, the president’s office said.

The plane carrying 51-year-old Vice President Saulos Chilima left the southern African nation’s capital, Lilongwe, at 9.17 a.m. but failed to land as scheduled around 45 minutes later at Mzuzu International Airport, about 370 kilometers (230 miles) to the north.

Aviation authorities lost contact with the plane when it “went off radar,” according to a statement from Malawian President Lazarus Chakwera’s office. Chakwera ordered a search operation and canceled a trip to the Bahamas, his office said.

“All efforts to make contact with the aircraft since it went off radar have failed thus far,” it said.

Chakwera was informed of the missing plane by Gen. Valentino Phiri, the head of the Malawian armed forces. The president ordered national and local authorities to “conduct an immediate search and rescue operation to locate the whereabouts of the aircraft,” his office said.

Another World Leader Accident.

“The plane carrying Malawi’s Vice President, Saulos Chilima, went off the radar and cannot be tracked. Search and Rescue under way…”

— Liz Churchill (@liz_churchill10) June 10, 2024

This is a developing story…

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Millionaire Banker Jonathan Kaye Claims Self-Defense: Says He Was Assaulted and Hurled Anti-Semitic Slurs by Four ‘Queers for Palestine’ Protesters Before Viral Punching Incident

Credit: Daily Mail

Millionaire investment banker Jonathan Kaye is claiming self-defense after being caught on camera punching a woman during a Pride parade in Brooklyn.

The Gateway Pundit reported earlier that Jonathan Kaye, 52, a Managing Director at Moelis & Company, a global investment bank, was caught on video striking an unnamed woman during a Pride rally in Brooklyn last weekend.

The video footage, which has since gone viral, shows Kaye delivering a powerful right hook to an unnamed woman, causing her to stumble and fall to the ground. The New York Police Department reportedly has no information on this assault as of yet, according to the New York Post.

The 10-minute clip posted on social media platform X suggests some form of altercation before the recording. However, it does not provide any context for the events leading up to the exchange.


JUST IN: The man who went viral for punching someone in the face, says he was a victim of four “Queers for Palestine” protesters who allegedly assaulted him.

Moelis & Co banker Jonathan Kaye is claiming he was “attacked” before being caught on film throwing a punch.

Kaye says…

— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) June 10, 2024

According to sources close to Kaye, the confrontation began when Kaye encountered a group of four protesters from ‘Queers for Palestine’ as he was returning from dinner.

Kaye reportedly warned the protesters that they were “on the wrong side” before the situation escalated rapidly. The group allegedly began to taunt Kaye, hurling anti-Semitic insults and throwing a mysterious liquid at him.

“You could say that he initiated it, but he didn’t,” a source told Daily Mail, adding, “He fell or he was chest bumped, and can’t remember that bit. But he ended up on the pavement with them four over him. He got up and swung at one as he was trying to escape, and then he ran.”

“You can clearly see in the video, if you slow it down, that he’s wet because they were throwing liquids at him. That video clip is cut and doesn’t show the entire thing. He’s never had one issue in his entire life never been arrested or anything. It was a super anti Semitic attack of four individuals ganging up against one Jewish man. It’s left him completely traumatized.”

Daily Mail reported:

They also claim that the footage shows Kaye covered in liquid, with a stain on his back, in the now-viral video.

Pictures obtained by show Kaye’s clothes soaked in a red liquid, which he believes was Gatorade, and blood pooling around his ankle after he was shoved to the floor.

Kaye was recorded throwing a punch at the unnamed woman during a pride parade in Brooklyn on Saturday evening, although there has not been an official probe launched by the NYPD.

Posters with his face, home address and cell phone number have been plastered in the area close to his $4million four-bedroom townhouse in pricey Park Slope, as neighbors erupted and demanded the father-of-three be arrested.

Defending the banker, who works as a Managing Director at Moelis & Company, a leading investment bank with offices in Midtown Manhattan, the source said the whole thing was ‘super anti-Semitic’.

Moelis & Company announced that they have launched an internal investigation, according to Bloomberg.

“We have become aware that one of our employees was involved in a serious incident in Brooklyn on June 8,” Moelis said Sunday in an emailed response to questions from Bloomberg. “We take this matter very seriously and are conducting an investigation.”

According to Moelis’ website:

Jonathan Kaye is a Managing Director at Moelis & Company where he leads the global Business Services franchise. Under his leadership, this franchise has become a recognized global leader having advised on over 100 transactions across the sector.

Jonathan has worked in the investment banking industry for 20 years with a specialized focus on divestitures, mergers, acquisitions and control and non-control investments. His expertise and coverage areas include industrial, white collar and technology-enabled services across a range of end markets and delivery models. Jonathan maintains extensive relationships with private equity investors, private and public strategic companies.

Jonathan holds a B.A. from Tufts University and graduated cum laude from the Duke University School of Law. He also attended the Fletcher School of Law & Diplomacy where he studied International Affairs and Security.

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BREAKING: John Fetterman and Wife Injured in Car Crash, Hospitalized After Fetterman Slams Into Chevy Impala

Democrat Senator John Fetterman (PA) and his wife Gisele Fetterman, were injured in a car crash Sunday morning in Maryland and transported to a nearby hospital.

According to reports, John Fetterman was driving and crashed his vehicle into the back of a Chevy Impala.

“According to a preliminary investigation, a Chevrolet Traverse and a Chevrolet Impala were both traveling west on I-70 when for unknown reasons, the Traverse struck the rear of the Impala,”
Maryland State Police said in a statement.

“A passenger in the Traverse and the operator of the Impala were transported by ambulance to War Memorial Hospital in West Virginia for treatment of their injuries,” authorities said.

John Fetterman suffered a bruised shoulder.

Senator Fetterman and his wife were released from the hospital after treatment for minor injuries.

No citation was issued.

ABC 11 News reported:

Pennsylvania Sen. John Fetterman (D) and his wife were involved in a car crash over the weekend in western Maryland.

The crash happened shortly before 8 a.m. Sunday in the westbound lanes of Interstate 70 at Interstate 68 in Hancock.

Maryland state police say Sen. Fetterman was driving a Chevy Traverse when, for an unknown reason, he hit the back of a Chevy Impala.

Sen. Fetterman and his wife, Gisele, were taken to nearby War Memorial Hospital in West Virginia to be evaluated.

Sen. Fetterman was treated for a bruised shoulder and released, according to a statement from his office.

Recall that John Fetterman suffered brain damage after he had a massive stroke in May 2022.

The Pennsylvania Democrat also spent two months at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center receiving treatment for clinical depression after having a stroke.

Fetterman’s condition is so bad that he had to use Google Meet during his interview with New York Magazine because it offers a closed-captioning feature.

Why was John Fetterman driving?

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Fani Willis’ YSL RICO Trial Goes Off the Rails After Rapper Young Thug’s Attorney Arrested Mid Trial! (VIDEO)

Fani Willis’ YSL RICO trial went off the rails on Monday after rapper Young Thug’s lawyer was held in contempt and jailed mid-trial.

Brian Steel, the attorney representing Young Thug, AKA, Jeffrey Williams, and other defendants in a sprawling RICO case was jailed for contempt.

Steel was reportedly held in contempt for not revealing his source who told him what happened in an ex parte hearing this morning, according to Law & Crime.

Judge Ural Glanville held Brian Steel in contempt for not disclosing a source for a private conversation that involved a witness and the State.

“I’m going to give you five minutes. If you don’t tell me who it is, I’m going to put you in contempt,” Judge Glanville said to Brian Steel.

Steel replied, “I don’t need five minutes.”

After a short recess, the judge gave the attorney one more chance.

“Mr. Steel, I’m going to ask you again. I need you to tell me how you got this information. This is so sacrosanct to have a conversation in my chambers parroted to you,” the judge said.

The deputy walked over to Brian Steel and whispered in his ear before he was taken into custody.


BREAKING: WATCH – Here is the moment #YoungThug‘s attorney Brian Steel was taken into custody for contempt. The deputy whispered in his ear (I assume he told him he wouldn’t cuff him.) He was held in contempt for not revealing his source that told him what happened in an ex…

— Cathy Russon (@cathyrusson) June 10, 2024

The judge had a secret meeting with the prosecutors!

This is an utter disgrace

Glanville has let his pride interfere with judicial temperament in my view

Brian Steel is one of the most reputable lawyers you will ever find

Judges can’t just jail lawyers for doing their job

Judges can’t have secret meetings with DAs either

— Phil Holloway ✈ (@PhilHollowayEsq) June 10, 2024

This trial has been a total circus since day one.

Earlier this year a top prosecutor from Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis’ office screamed at the judge overseeing the RICO trial of rapper Young Thug.

Assistant District Attorney Adriane Love shouted at Judge Ural Glanville on Wednesday after she was told she wasn’t properly handling the RICO case against Young Thug, AKA, Jeffrey Williams, and other defendants.

“Well, then you all should have gotten yourself together beforehand,” the judge said to Love.

The judge continued, “Have a seat, madam! Have a seat! You better exclude that and next time, make sure you’re prepared!”

“You continue to engage in this pattern of behavior, you don’t want to accept my ruling, and I know you’re trying to be an advocate, but at some point just stop,” the judge said to Adriane Love. “Just stop. I made my ruling.”

Adriane Love shouted over the judge and argued her office was handling evidence properly.

“Judge, we talked to them [the defense] this morning about that and attempted… I talked to them earlier this week!” Love screamed. “Your honor, so the court punishes the state because the defense—”

The judge interrupted Love: “I’m not punishing anybody, but prior preparation prevents poor performance.”

Love shouted back: “We prepared, judge! That’s why I sent them what I sent them last week! A whole week and a half ago! Two weeks, your honor!”

What a dumpster fire!


The #YSLTrial is next level absurd#FaniWillis may have to bail her prosecutor out of jail before this is over

You can’t just scream at a judge and not expect to go to jail

I’m unsure how she’s not there now

— Phil Holloway ✈ (@PhilHollowayEsq) April 17, 2024

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Inside J6 With Larry Stackhouse in First Interview by Recently Released J6er – Incredible Insight Into Hopelessness and Despair Many J6er’s Suffer

Last week on Inside J6 brought to you by Blessed.News and The Gateway Pundit, J6er Larry Stackhouse joined us for his first-ever public interview after finishing his sentence.

Stackhouse discussed being present at the rally with the fiancé of J6er and Blessed.News founder Jake Lang, who has been locked up for over 1200 days without a trial.

Stackhouse witnessed first-hand the abuses and incitements that day that began with the shooting of tear gas, pepper balls, and other munitions into a peaceful crowd that was singing, chanting, and praying.  He also was in the immediate vicinity of Derrick Vargo, who was pushed off a 30-foot railing by a police officer, falling several stories and suffering a broken leg.  Stackhouse witnessed the police not necessarily helping Vargo but rather forming a perimeter around him.

The DC police officer who pushed Vargo was identified as Officer Bryant Williams and, like Lt. Michael Byrd, who shot Ashli Babbitt, has not been charged, despite recklessly endangering Vargo by pushing him rather than pulling him over the railing to safety.  Vargo posed no threat as the balcony was full of police officers who could have dealt with him once pulled over.

Stackhouse also gives an intimate look into the personal sufferings endured by himself and many other J6ers, including being let out of jail with no money, no phone, and a complete abandonment from those closest to them after being labeled as “domestic terrorists” and “insurrectionist” by a narrative-driven Mockingbird Media.  Stackhouse was not charged with any violence on that day and was only in the Capitol for eight minutes after being allowed entry by Capitol Police.

Capitol Police CCTV security video shows Derrick Vargo pushed from a ledge by police on the NW steps on #Jan6.

— Joe Hanneman (@EpochJoe64) November 18, 2023

Please consider supporting our J6ers who are still suffering in the American Gulag by donating to their commissary accounts at

You can also support Larry Stackhouse at

You can follow The Gateway Pundit, Jake Lang, and The CannCon Podcast on Rumble.

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THE PELOSI INSURRECTION: New Video Reveals Pelosi Taking Responsibility for Unprotected US Capitol on Jan. 6 – After She Called Off National Guard

New footage was released on Monday from the House Oversight Committee of Nancy Pelosi taking responsibility for the January 6, 2021, protests and rioting at the US Capitol.

Nancy Pelosi: “I take responsibility.”


Since January 6, 2021, Nancy Pelosi spent 3+ years and nearly $20 million creating a narrative to blame Donald Trump.

NEW FOOTAGE shows on January 6, Pelosi ADMITTED:

“I take responsibility.”


— Oversight Subcommittee (@OversightAdmn) June 10, 2024

As The Gateway Pundit previously reported, former Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Washington DC Mayor Muriel Bowser were both warned about the security situation prior to January 6th and both of them turned down National Guard troops at the US Capitol that day.

Pelosi and Mayor Muriel Bowser turned down thousands of National Guard troops at the Capitol on January 6 for political reasons.

Chris Wray’s FBI also refused to notify the Trump administration and his cabinet secretaries that they believed there could be violence like the mass protests at the Capitol that took place that day.

Nancy Pelosi also refused the National Guard at the US Capitol due to “politics,” but that is just her excuse. What did she know in advance?

Capitol Police Chief Steve Sund previously testified that he asked House and Senate security officials for permission to request that the D.C. National Guard be placed on standby in case he needed quick backup. But they both turned him down.

Pelosi was not honest about their communications.

PELOSI LIED! Former Capitol Police Chief Sund Testifies He Had 3 Calls with Pelosi on Jan. 6 – Pelosi Said They Never Spoke – But Sund Says He Has the Receipts! (VIDEO)

John Solomon from Just The News released an explosive report in 2022 that revealed Capitol Police were first warned about possible violence at the January 6th protests TWO WEEKS before the planned rallies.

Pelosi, Mayor Bowser, and other government officials turned down the National Guard anyway. It's as if they "hoped" for an "insurrection."

Solomon says the DHS and District of Columbia were made aware of online threats of violence two weeks before the protests and rally.

Nancy Pelosi later refused to turn over her communications surrounding January 6. And Democrats later destroyed evidence from their interviews with officials involving the January 6 riots.

According to PJ Media - The U.S. Senate knew Nancy Pelosi had more to do with the U.S. Capitol breach on January 6, 2021, than anything President Trump did that day. Indeed, Nancy Pelosi could be crowned Queen of the Mob, since her actions led to the crashing of the perimeter fences, general dysfunction, and deaths of Trump supporters that day.  Pelosi was more responsible for the marauding mob at the Capitol that day than anything President Trump did to “incite” his huge crowd of supporters.

And in April, DC National Guard whistleblowers testified that the Pentagon, under the direction of Mark Milley, refused to deploy the National Guard that day until after 5 PM.

Pelosi blocked the National Guard from protecting the Capitol that day - Mark Milley blocked the National Guard from deploying until after 5 PM.

It was ALWAYS the Pelosi insurrection. 

You can imagine what we have yet to learn about Pelosi and Milley's actions that day that left the US Capitol open and unprotected! 

New footage recently released shows Nancy Pelosi admitting responsibility for what happened at the Capitol on #january6th. @JakeLangJ6

— Thomas Tatum (@JackSmart007) June 10, 2024

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Europe Lurches Against Populism – Lunch Alert!

This Dick Morris Lunch Alert! is sponsored by Patriot Gold Group. Click Here to give me your thoughts and continue the discussion. Please forward this email to any friends or family who may be interested in viewing my video. Thanks…

DEVELOPING: Russia Reportedly Opens New Front in Ukraine’s Northern Sumy Oblast – Chechen Special Forces With Former Wagner PMC Fighters Involved in the Offensive (VIDEOS)

Russian Chechen leader Ramzam Kadyrov has announced that Spetsnaz special forces have opened a new front in the war in Ukraine, and conquered the border village of Ryzhevka, in the Sumy region.

The reports are that the Ukrainian defenders suffered significant losses and would be retreating.

Ryzhevka, located on the border with Russia’s Kursk region, would be the first loss in Ukraine’s Sumy region.

Russian Federation assault squads reportedly broke through the Ukrainian border, activating the long-awaited (and much dreaded by Ukrainians) Sumy offensive.

Some geolocated posts in X seem to confirm this breakthrough, but Kiev is so far denying this, and the Russian Ministry of Defense hasn’t officially called it yet.

The Defense Post (with AFP) reported:

“Kadyrov said fighters from his Akhmat battalion ‘together with servicemen from other Russian units carried out tactical operations and liberated another settlement from the enemy’.

‘It is the village of Ryzhivka, which is on the border with the Kursk region’, the Chechen leader said in a post on Telegram.

‘As a result of large-scale planned offensive actions, the Ukrainian side suffered significant losses and was forced to retreat’, he added.”

Watch: Russian assault squads break through the Ukrainian border, reportedly activating the long-awaited Sumy offensive.

Russian assault squads broke through the Ukrainian border, activating the first steps of the long-awaited Sumy offensive. Supported by Akhmat Mortars and Artillery Liberated the vilage some of the artillery preparation outside of the tank fire. I could geolocate@GeoConfirmed

— Призрак Омска ☦ ☭ (@OmskRedArmy) June 10, 2024

Images vastly shared online appear to show fighters of the Wagner PMC group included in the Chechen Akhmat battalion near the administration of Ryzhevka.

Former Wagner PMC fighter holds the group’s banner near the administration of Ryzhevka.

Some pro-Ukrainian X accounts do not deny the developments, but rather say that Ryzhevka has been a ‘grey zone’ under Russian fire control for many months.

But it has long been expected by Ukrainian military that such an offensive was imminent.

Watch: Ukrainian Azov chief of staff Bogdan Krotevich says in 2024 Russian will invade Kiev again, from Sumy, Chernigov regions, and possibly Belarus.

‼⚡Azov chief of staff Bogdan Krotevich says in 2024 Russian will invade Kiev again, from Sumy, Chernigov regions, and possibly Belarus. Look at Dmitry Gordon’s face as he realizes the horror that awaits.

— SIMPLICIUS Ѱ (@simpatico771) January 28, 2024

This is a developing story.

Read more:

WATCH: Putin Says There’s ‘No Need’ to Use Nuclear Weapons to Win the War in Ukraine

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Mob of Looters Ransack AutoZone Store in Lawless California (VIDEO)

Screenshot: Onscene.TV/abc7

A mob of looters targeted and ransacked an AutoZone store in South Los Angeles, California.

Fox 11 reported that at least three businesses were targeted within a four-mile radius. Officials are scrambling to determine if these crimes were coordinated.

The chaos reportedly began with a street takeover that rapidly escalated into a full-blown store takeover around 4 a.m. on Monday.

Video footage from the scene revealed cars performing donuts in the intersection before dozens of spectators allegedly smashed the glass front of the AutoZone store.

Once inside, the mob ripped open a metal fence and proceeded to loot and vandalize the store.

The video also showed many stolen items being dropped as the suspects fled from the scene.

Upon arrival, police engaged in a pursuit with one suspect who eventually surrendered to authorities in the El Segundo area.

A search of the suspect’s vehicle yielded an estimated $11,000 worth of stolen items from AutoZone.

These items were subsequently returned by the police, according to Fox 11.


A large crowd broke into and looted an AutoZone store in South Los Angeles overnight and the chaos was all caught on video.

— ABC7 Eyewitness News (@ABC7) June 10, 2024

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“It’s All Bullsh*t” – Leaked Documents Reveal Joe Biden’s Executive Order on Asylum Seekers is a Total Scam

Joe Biden’s new executive order for asylum seekers is a total scam.

Joe Biden last Tuesday held a fake border security press conference on his new asylum ‘restrictions’ from the East Room.

More than 15 million illegal aliens – mainly military-age males – have invaded the US on Biden’s watch.

Joe Biden took 94 executive actions in his first 100 days in office to destroy the border.

Now he’s acting like the savior with his new ‘asylum restrictions’ – only asylum is STILL AVAILABLE to thousands of illegal aliens every single day released into the US.

According to The New York Post, Biden’s new border ‘crackdown’ will still allow at least 1.8 million illegals to enter the US every year.

Leaked internal documents reveal thousands of illegals are ‘exempt’ from Joe Biden’s executive order.

NEW: @FoxNews has obtained an internal Border Patrol memo sent to agents in San Diego sector after President Biden’s executive order took effect, instructing them to release single adults from all but six countries in the eastern hemisphere & classifying them as “hard” or “very…

— Bill Melugin (@BillMelugin_) June 9, 2024

Excerpt from The New York Post:

Tens of thousands of migrants from countries including China and Venezuela could be exempt from the Biden administration’s ‘tough’ new border restrictions — because their home countries refuse to accept them back.

A memo seen by The Post reads: “Single adults and family units who are very hard to remove (such as countries which do not permit charter repatriation flights) … may be considered for processing of Expedited Removal or placed into section 240 removal proceedings.”

In plain English, ‘section 240 removal’ means “they’re released,” into the US, a Border Patrol source told The Post — explaining such migrants will be given a court date and allowed to pursue asylum, which typically take years to resolve.

“It’s all bulls–t,” a DHS official told The Post of the Biden administration’s new restrictions.

“They [migrants who can’t be deported] are not included in that 2,500 number, the language was ambiguous for a reason.”

Sources told The Post in total there were roughly 10,000 migrants in Border Patrol custody Thursday, with agents apprehending 4,000 illegal migrants on Wednesday alone, according to Fox News.

It’s business as usual at Biden’s open border.

More than 1,300 illegal aliens flooded over the US border into San Diego, California in ONE DAY following Biden’s executive order on asylum seekers.

“Absolutely nothing has changed down here as a result of this executive order,” Fox News reporter Bill Melugin said.

Border Patrol mass released hundreds of illegals to the street in San Diego on Friday.


NEW: Once again, we witnessed Border Patrol mass release hundreds of migrants from around the world who crossed illegally. Dropped off at a trolley station in San Diego. When you hear DHS say “removal proceedings”, it often means released with a future court date.

— Bill Melugin (@BillMelugin_) June 7, 2024

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Warmonger Lindsey Graham Just Says the Quiet Part Out Loud on the True Motive Behind Ukraine Aid — And It is Not Ukrainian’s Freedom (VIDEO)

Screenshot: Face the Nation/YouTube

For years, GOP neocon Senator Lindsey Graham has fervently advocated for military escalation, seemingly craving a full-scale war with nuclear-capable Russia.

His latest comments finally expose the real intentions behind the massive U.S. aid to Ukraine: not the lofty goal of Ukrainian freedom, but a calculated geopolitical and economic gambit.

Timeline of Lindsey Graham’s Push for War with Russia:

  • January 2023: Graham praised France’s decision to provide Ukraine with light armored vehicles but declared it insufficient. “The goal for 2023 is to arm the Ukrainians with the weapons needed to militarily defeat the Russian invaders. This includes heavy, modern tanks,” Graham stated, urging the Biden administration to fulfill President Zelensky’s request for Western tanks to “defeat the Russians in Ukraine sooner rather than later.”
  • March 2023: Graham has suggested opening fire on Russian fighter jets that intercept US drones, after one such encounter ended with an MQ-9 Reaper plunging into the Black Sea: “What would Ronald Reagan do? He would start shooting down Russian planes threatening our assets,” he said during a Fox News interview.
  • May 2023: During a visit to Ukraine, Graham assured President Zelensky that despite Republican campaign rhetoric, Senate Uniparty members would continue to supply Ukraine with endless weaponry. “The Russians are dying. It’s the best money ever spent,” Graham said in a live discussion with Zelensky.
  • July 2023: Shortly after endorsing the Biden regime’s controversial decision to send cluster bombs to Ukraine—a move widely condemned as a war crime—Graham expressed his unyielding support: “We must provide the Ukrainians the tools they need to evict the Russian invaders.

In a recent interview on Face the Nation, Graham confirmed what many have suspected about the real motivation behind the U.S.’s strong support for Ukraine: it’s not the lofty principle of freedom, but rather a significant economic interest in Ukraine’s enormous mineral resources, estimated to be worth $10 to $12 trillion.

“What did Trump do to get the weapon slowing? He created a loan system. They’re sitting on $10 to $12 trillion of critical minerals in Ukraine. They could be the richest country in all of Europe. I don’t want to give that money and those assets to Putin to share with China,” Graham said.

“If we help Ukraine now, they can become the best business partner we ever dreamed of, that $10 to $12 trillion of critical mineral assets could be used by Ukraine and the West, not given to Putin and China. This is a very big deal how Ukraine ends. Let’s help them win a war we can’t afford to lose. Let’s find a solution to this war. But they’re sitting on a gold mine to give Putin $10 or $12 trillion dollars of critical minerals that he will share with China is ridiculous.”


Ukraine has trillions of dollars worth of critical minerals in their country.

Vladimir Putin cannot be allowed to access that money and those resources because he will share it with China.

— Lindsey Graham (@LindseyGrahamSC) June 9, 2024

During the interview, Graham added that he supported the idea that the United States should “go after the Russian assets all over the world, take the money from the sovereign wealth funds of Russia and give it to Ukraine.”

“There’s $300 billion sitting in Europe from Russian sovereign wealth assets that we should seize and give to Ukraine. We have Russian money in America we should seize. We should make Russia a state sponsor of terrorism under US law.” Graham added, ‘When I suggested that to President Zelensky, he lit up like a Christmas tree.'”

Watch the full video:

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Participation Trophy Alert: Actor John Leguizamo Runs Full Page Ad in NY Times Urging Emmy Voters to Pick Non-White Candidates

John Leguizamo/Image @JohnLeguizamo/Instagram

Far-left actor John Leguizamo ran a full-page ad in Sunday’s edition of The New York Times to push Emmy voters to choose “non-White nominees.”

Leguizamo shared photos of the ad on X and wrote, “I know everyone one is exhausted about inclusion but not us who are not included. So that’s why I took this add out in the NYTimes. White peoples are only 58.9% of the population but over represented in top positions across the board. They are the decision makers in tech, banking, corporations, medicine and streamers and Hollywood! America is better when it is inclusive. It is more profitable. It is more creative! Let’s not give up. I’m still woke! Are you?”

I know everyone one is exhausted about inclusion but not us who are not included. So that’s why I took this add out in the NYTimes. White peoples are only 58.9% of the population but over represented in top positions across the board. They are the decision makers in tech,…

— John Leguizamo (@JohnLeguizamo) June 9, 2024

The letter, which capitalizes every race but the one he holds in contempt, reads:

Dear Hollywood,

Please let this be the year we finally embrace change.  The year we truly find Equity, and see artists of color represented across not just one category, but ALL categories.

I know you’re tired of hearing words like “inclusivity” and “diversity” -treading water while you try to understand how to put actions behind these sentiments.

Look no further!  There are hundreds of prolific non-white artists who deserve to be considered for Awards this year, not because they are simply- Black, Brown, Indigenous or Asian but because they are truly great…exceptional artists who have achieved that greatness with a foot on their neck for far too long.

Let this be the start of a new era.

Let us not continue to white was our Awards shows. Instead let this year be the catalyst that inspires the Next Generation of minority and underrepresented artists…a generation who might fiannly see a reflection of themselves on that stage and think….

“If they can, maybe I can too….”

Your peer,

John Leguizamo

In April, Leguizamo had an epic meltdown, which concluded with him destroying a piñata after he discovered that President Trump is making gains with Hispanic voters.

Credit: Daily Show Youtube Screenshot

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WAYNE ROOT: I’m a Witness to History. Democrats Don’t Understand It Yet, But President Trump Just Clinched Victory in Nevada. And If Trump Wins Nevada, He Wins the Presidency.

By Wayne Allyn Root

I am blessed. I was a witness to history this past weekend in Las Vegas.

Because I believe President Donald J. Trump just clinched victory in Nevada. And most political experts believe whoever wins Nevada will win the presidency.

I was in a unique position to see it all. President Trump was in Las Vegas for a weekend of big campaign events. I was honored to be an opening speaker for President Trump on both Saturday and Sunday.

Saturday night President Trump wowed a star-studded crowd of Nevada GOP donors. About 1,000 donors attended the event at the exclusive Ahern Hotel in Las Vegas- owned by business mogul Don Ahern and his wife Carolyn. The event was opened by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton and myself. Then Don Ahern had the honor of introducing President Trump.

Sunday morning President Trump held an outdoor public rally at a park in Las Vegas. It was over 100 degrees. The media predicted a low turnout in such intense heat. But 10,000 to 15,000 turned out. The lines were a mile long to get in. It was a remarkable display of support and loyalty to President Trump. Nevada loves Trump!

I was an opening speaker for the massive Trump Sunday rally as well. You can watch my speech here:

The most unique takeaways of this remarkable weekend were…

First, I had the chance to spend time with President Trump both days. Democrats have tried to destroy him. He is superhuman. No other man in world history could face such persecution and come out stronger. The man looks and sounds fantastic. He is in great spirits- despite never-ending witch-hunts, rigged trials, the preposterous guilty verdict, and the prospect of facing prison when sentenced in July. How is this possible?

God works miracles.

I keep saying Trump is touched by God. He is “the chosen one.” Chosen by God to take the slings and arrows for all of us. This past week was the proof. Trump raised an all-time record $400 million dollars in a week after the guilty verdict. Folks, this is a miracle. This is God at work!

But it’s not just about money. It’s about love. The crowds at both Vegas events were huge and enthusiastic. People love President Trump. And that love makes Trump stronger. That’s the key to his superhuman strength and mindset.

Second, I was one of the few to witness both events up close and personal. The Saturday night fundraiser with 1,000 doners could not have been more different than the Sunday rally outdoors in the intense heat. One event featured an audience of wealthy donors in fancy suits and dresses. The other had an audience of working class and middle-class voters in shorts and T-shirts.

Yet both these very different audiences treated President Trump with the same love, passion, and reverence. The love and passion for Trump was the same among rich donors, lawyers, doctors, CEOs, bankers and Ivy Leaguers, as among a crowd of working-class casino employees the next day. They all see Trump as a hero sacrificing his life to make America great again. Both groups understand he’s taking the arrows for us.

Patriotic Americans from all walks of life appreciate Trump and feel his pain. We bleed for Trump.

The media can’t change that. Rigged judges and juries can’t change that. A guilty verdict can’t change that. Actually, all of that makes our bond stronger!

There was one more remarkable takeaway from the weekend- Trump’s teleprompter broke from the first minute he walked on the stage at the massive Sunday rally. Trump was forced to speak off the top of his head, with no notes, for over an hour. He was at his best without teleprompter.

The man is 78 years old on Friday (Flag Day). His schedule would exhaust any 20-year-old. He faces prison. And he didn’t miss a beat with a broken teleprompter. He wasn’t even phased. Trump is amazing and remarkable- for any age. Nothing stops Trump. He is relentless!

Please imagine Joe Biden with a sudden broken teleprompter. He’d mumble, curse, call for Jill, turn the wrong way, trip and stumble off the stage. End of event.

Now to the most important part of the story. Clueless Democrats don’t understand it yet, but Trump just clinched Nevada.

Trump announced at his Sunday rally that once elected as the 47thpresident of the United States, he will eliminate taxes on tips for service workers. That means working class Nevadans like waiters, waitresses, hostesses, concierges, bellhops, and car valets will no longer pay taxes on tips. The entire Las Vegas operates on tips. Trump just won most of their votes.

Trump just gave every service worker a raise. Who’d be dumb enough to vote against that? A vote for Trump is a vote for keeping more of your hard-earned money. Trump just won over the Las Vegas union rank and file.

Before Trump’s announcement, he was already up 6 to 12 points in Nevada. Nevada loves Trump. Both events this weekend prove that!

But with this announcement, Trump just clinched victory in Nevada. Afterall, Nevada has the highest percentage of service workers in the nation. And most political experts believe whoever wins Nevada wins the presidency.

But there are millions of service workers in all 50 states. Trump just promised all of them higher take home pay! That should put Trump over the top in every battleground state, not just Nevada.

Trump proved again he fights for working Americans. Biden and Democrats fight for illegal aliens.

I predict this weekend goes down in history as the turning point in the 2024 presidential campaign.

I am blessed to have been a witness to all of it. I am a witness to the greatness of Trump.

HOT OFF THE PRESSES: Watch Wayne’s brand new TV Show, “The ROOT Reaction” weeknights at 10 PM ET/7 PM Pacific on Real America’s Voice TV, and Wayne’s weekend “America’s Top Ten Countdown” on Saturdays at Noon ET/9 AM PT on Real America’s Voice TV. Watch at, or at Rumble, Roku, Pluto, Apple, Dish TV Ch 219, or go to to watch.

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SHOCK POLL: Reality Bites! – 84% of Americans Believe They Will Be Worse Off Under a Second Joe Biden Term

Steve Bannon and Raheem Kassam on The War Room

Raheem Kassam joined Steve Bannon on Monday morning to discuss the latest YouGov presidential election poll.

Raheem scoured the latest poll and found this shocking nugget in the cross tabs: 84% of Americans believe they will be worse off under a second Joe Biden term.

That means EVEN DEMOCRATS know life will suck under a second Biden term!

Steve Bannon: Democrats are in trouble. You’re never going to see Tester or Sherrod Brown or these guys on a stage with Joe Biden because he is the cooler, brother. Your thoughts?

Raheem Kassam: Yeah, so it absolutely is showing up in the US numbers as well now. These numbers, by the way, are getting buried by the corporate media when they report these things out. At the National Pulse, we have an analysis up this morning about some of the most critical numbers in the YouGOve and CBS poll, a 2,000-person poll, with a 3.2% margin of error. In that, 84% of Americans, likely voters, have said that they expect to be worse off under a second Biden term. That is to say that they expect it financially, things to either get worse or stay on the same downward trajectory as they are currently. 84% of Americans! These are unprecedented, depressive numbers that are going towards the… And they are totally, totally an indictment of Joe Biden and his economic campaign.

Steve Bannon: Hang on, hang on, hang on, hang on, give me that number. What is that number you just said? It’s not 84%?

Raheem Kassam: Yeah, that is 84 %. Eighty-four. Nearly 90%.

Steve Bannon: Hold on. 84% of the… of the American people don’t agree on anything. 84% of the people say that they will be in the same shape, a down to trajectory, or worse, under Biden economically, if he gets a second term?

Raheem Kassam: That is correct!

You cannot win an election with these numbers unless you cheat. There is no way!

Via The War Room:

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U.S. Government PSYOP Needs to be Zeroed Out and Re-started Under Constitutional Principles

Special Operation Forces Week in Tampa is the premier gathering event for all things related to Special Operations.  On May 9, 2024, at the most recent event in Tampa, there was a session on “Operations in the Information Environment (OIE) Symposium”.  This title is simply another name for Psychological Operations (PSYOP).

Having been to the PSYOP Course at Ft. Bragg (now Ft. Liberty) in 1984, this panel caught my attention.  The name, functional areas, doctrine and tactics have evolved a bit since PSYOP was first introduced in the 1950s to fight Soviet Communism that was on a post-World War II rampage to topple the Western System.  The Doolittle Report, the founding strategy and document for the CIA roles and missions, emphasized the need for methodologies and capabilities to tell the American story and defeat the aggressive Soviet propaganda efforts.  PSYOP was key to the early CIA and the nascent American military special operations community.  It was quite effective in those early and heady days of a battle for survival against Communism.

At the 2024 OIE Symposium, the speakers bemoaned the poor state of American OIE (i.e. PSYOP).  The discussion emphasized the vague term “Dis-information”, seemed more concerned with Russia than China, and blamed “right-wing threats” for the Biden Administration having to cancel the Department of Homeland Security’s attempt to establish a Dis-information Board.  The themes and issues raised by the speakers answered their own questions and concerns.  Dis-information is now a Deep State code word for U.S. citizens exercising First Amendment rights.  The Dis-Information Board was being led by a self-confessed Mary Poppins of Dis-Information, Nina Jankowicz, who immediately after being fired disappeared to the international hotspot of Deep State “Dis-Information” experts, London.

2012 Smith-Mundt Update pivoted the messaging of the American Government toward the American People – and criminalized dissent

Having spent years in Army PSYOP units, I’ve struggled to understand this radical transformation of what was once considered a noble and high art form to counter the cancerous communist propaganda effort.  As opposed to what many think, the essence of PSYOP was very simple, tell the truth.  That’s the way it was in the early days of the CIA and the U.S. Military.  Things changed over the years, but it was the 2012 Smith-Mundt Update that inserted a radical change that has led to these dark current times.  I was in Government during the debate and drafting of the Smith-Mundt Update.  Although I had been trained for years that U.S. Government information should not be pointed toward the American people, the language seemed innocuous.  Why not share this information with the American People?  They already paid for it, so why hide it from them?

Well, one indicator was the double reverse, triple fake out projection tactics by Deep State Scions such as “Foreign Policy” the mouthpiece for one of the centers of globalism, the Council on Foreign Relations.  The headline in Foreign Policy was, “U.S. Repeals Propaganda Ban, Spreads Government-Made News to Americans,” in response to the Smith-Mundt update.  This was the same hysterical, AOC-level angst that in hindsight was the projection of their intent.  Before the 2016 and 2020 elections, the Democrats were a dither over Election Result manipulation.  Always pay attention to the rants of the Left – it usually is an advance reveal of what they intend to do to others.

Global Engagement Center at State Department is focused on spying on Americans instead of telling the American side of the story

The GEC traces its lineage to U.S. Embassy “Reading Room,” one of the incredibly effective information tools of the U.S. Government during the early days of the Cold War.  That was then, this is now.  Daniel Kimmage was the GEC speaker at Special Operations Week.  He is a perpetual careerist gadfly at the State Department since the Obama-Kerry days and a fanboy of the Russia Russia Russia gang.  Consider him a balding “Mary Poppins Dis-Information Expert” along the lines of Nina Jankowicz with a mustache and beard (Kimmage, not Jankowicz at last check)  Or perhaps a better expression – he is the Rob Malley of the Dis-information world – the disgraced State Department negotiator who is under FBI investigation for working for Iran.

The GEC is the subject of the Texas Attorney General, who is pursuing them in a Federal filing (naming one of my former co-workers) for giving money to non-profits such as the University of Washington (my undergraduate alma mater), Stanford, the Atlantic Council, and this London based Group, the Global Dis-Information Index (GDI) for creating lists of Americans to be targeted, censored, and silenced.  The GEC has been pummeled by the Inspector General of State Department – but curiously praised for the GEC efforts on countering dis-information on the efficacy of the COVID vaccine – the most recent IG report released before the groundswell of safety findings against the vaccine.  Senator Ted Cruz is one of many legislators firing off sharp statements and release of inside documents by the GEC.

Practitioners have to believe in America, be politically agnostic, and have a known moral starting point and belief system

The bemoaning at Special Operations Week by the PSYOP experts was at least partially a projection.  The adults in the room in charge of the current PSYOP have been part of the cabal weaponizing the U.S. Government message against the American People.  The American Constitutional Republic, although not perfect, is the best form of governance created in human history.  The American Government needs a way to tell its story to foreign audiences but not target, censor, and silence American Citizens.

To successfully tell this story, practitioners need to believe in the American Constitutional Republic, be agnostic on domestic political matters, and have a faith foundation, recognizing the Judeo-Christian foundation of the American system.  Without this, they are merely bellowing partisans, no different than any other Baghdad Bob or Mary Poppins of Dis-information throughout history.

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JUST IN: Hunter Biden Declines to Testify in Criminal Gun Trial

Closing arguments will begin Monday afternoon after Hunter Biden declined to testify in his criminal gun case.

“Closing arguments will begin at about noon ET after Hunter Biden chose not to testify in his federal gun case,” ABC News reported.

“The defense rested without him taking the stand, after which prosecutors presented a brief rebuttal case, then the judge gave the jury their initial instructions.” the outlet reported.

In September Hunter Biden was indicted on federal gun charges. He was indicted in a Delaware court on three counts related to his possession of a firearm while using drugs.

Hallie Biden, Hunter Biden’s dead brother’s wife-turned-girlfriend, testified at Hunter’s criminal federal gun trial on Thursday.

Hunter Biden smoked ping-pong ball-sized crack rocks according to Hallie Biden.

According to text messages sent to Hallie Biden, Hunter Biden set up a drug deal with “Mookie” one day after he illegally purchased his gun on October 12, 2018.

One day after purchasing his gun on Oct. 12, 2018, Hunter Biden sets up a drug deal with “Mookie” at the 7/11 on Greenhill and Lancaster.

“He has my money mad I’m getting pissed,” Hunter texts Hallie Biden.

— Andrew Kerr (@AndrewKerrNC) June 3, 2024

A couple days later he went on a crack-smoking bender and passed out in his car.

The Gateway Pundit reported back in October 2020 that Hallie Biden tossed Hunter’s gun in the trash in a Delaware grocery store parking lot. A man who routinely rummages through trash cans discovered Hunter Biden’s gun and handed it over to law enforcement.

Prosecutors on Tuesday told the court that Hunter Biden bought the firearm while he was smoking crack every 15 minutes.

On Thursday Hallie Biden told the court that Hunter smoked ping-pong ball-sized crack rocks.

BREAKING: Closing arguments will begin shortly after Hunter Biden chose not to testify in his federal gun case. The defense rested without him taking the stand, after which prosecutors presented a brief rebuttal case.

— ABC News (@ABC) June 10, 2024

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THE BIG GAMBLE: In France, What Are Macron’s Intentions on Calling Snap Elections After Crushing Defeat to Le Pen and Bardella’s RN on the European Parliament Vote?

RN’s Jordan Bardella and Marine Le Pen, French President Emmanuel Macron.

As it was widely expected, unpopular French President Emmanuel Macron got crushed in the polls by Marine Le Pen’s National Rally (RN) in the European Parliament vote.

The RN party is expected to get around 32% of the vote, more than twice that of the president’s Renaissance party.

But what was NOT expected is that following the major defeat, Macron would pull a BIG gamble by calling snap parliamentary elections.

He announced the dissolution of parliament and said the two rounds of voting would take place on 30 June and 7 July, mere days before the Paris Olympics.

BBC reported:

“Mr. Macron made the dramatic and surprise decision in a televised address from the Élysée Palace an hour after voting closed and exit polls had been declared in France’s EU elections.

His decision came not long after National Rally’s 28-year-old leader, Jordan Bardella, had openly called on the president to call parliamentary elections.

‘I have heard your message’, the president told French voters, ‘and I will not let it go without a response. France needs a clear majority in serenity and harmony’, he said, adding that he could not resign himself to the far-right’s progress “everywhere in the continent”.

While he still has years in his train-crash second term, which was filled with a general lack of success, Macron has no majority in the parliament.

While the European vote does not affect national politics, it seems as if Macron has decided that to keep on working through his mandate without a new popular consultation would be a wrong choice.

The snap parliamentary elections are separate from the presidential elections that will be held in 2027.

“Ms. Le Pen, who has twice been defeated by Mr. Macron in presidential elections, immediately reacted, saying her party was ‘ready to exercise power, ready to put an end to mass immigration.'”

Macron’s decision to call a snap election is a big surprise for the country and carries considerable risk for Macron.

Analysts suggest he had seen this coming and planned his response in advance.

“Without a majority, getting any bill through the National Assembly is already a struggle. With most of the country now so clearly against him, any new legislation – for example the upcoming budget – could have proved explosive.”

So Macron’s gamble is one in search of clarity: if RN has the votes, they should be given the chance to govern.

Will we soon see Prime Minister Marine Le Pen or Jordan Bardella?

The Guardian reported:

“The president said the decision was a ‘serious and heavy’ one, but that he could not resign himself to the fact that ‘far-right parties are progressing everywhere on the continent’.

He described it as ‘an act of confidence’, saying he had faith in France’s voters and ‘in the capacity of the French people to make the best choice for themselves and for future generations’.

Macron added: ‘I have confidence in our democracy, in letting the sovereign people have their say. I’ve heard your message, your concerns, and I won’t leave them unanswered’.”

Maybe he thinks two and a half years in government until the next Presidential election may be enough to render right-wingers unpopular too.

Read more:

Sacré Bleu! – Marine Le Pen Trounces Emanuel Macron EU Elections – Macron Calls for Snap Election Later This Month

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Trump to Sit For Virtual Probation Interview After Conviction in Bragg’s ‘Hush Money’ Lawfare Case

Alvin Bragg, President Trump (Getty Images); Juan Merchan (Law)

President Trump on Monday will sit for a virtual probation interview after a jury returned a guilty verdict in Alvin Bragg’s ‘hush money’ lawfare case.

Trump will appear on the Zoom call with his lead lawyer Todd Blanche.

President Trump was found guilty on all 34 felony counts in Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg’s ‘hush money’ lawfare trial.

Judge Merchan told jurors they did not have to agree on a crime. This is unheard of in US history. The jury only had to agree something bad happened. This, of course, is completely unconstitutional.

The sentencing was set for July 11 – Three days before the Republican convention!

President Trump’s lawyers will submit their sentencing recommendation on June 13.

NBC News reported:

Former President Donald Trump is scheduled to sit for a virtual interview on Monday with a New York City probation officer from his home at Mar-a-Lago with his attorney Todd Blanche at his side after he was found guilty on all counts in the hush money trial against him last month, three sources familiar with the matter told NBC News.

The pre-sentencing probation interview will be done over a special virtual network with added security measures, and the interviewer will be a female, according to two sources with knowledge of the situation. The call is not expected to be held over Zoom, those sources added.

Trump, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, was convicted last month on all 34 felony counts of falsifying business records in the historic case. The probation interview is required by the court as part of the former president’s pre-sentencing report.

Judge Juan Merchan, who is presiding over the hush money case, permitted Blanche to be present for the probation interview after prosecutors did not object. The Trump defense team is scheduled to submit their sentencing recommendation on June 13.

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Rhode Island Chef Behind Viral 2020 DNC Video is Backing President Trump in 2024

Chef John Bordieri joins Fox & Friends First to discuss support for President Trump in 2024. Image/Video screenshot

The reality of how disastrous Joe Biden is for American families and American businesses is hitting hard.

John Bordieri, the executive chef at Iggy’s Boardwalk in Warwick, Rhode Island, went viral in 2020 after making a video appearance during the Democratic National Convention.

In 2020, Bordieri was dubbed the “calamari ninja” for standing clad in all black and holding a platter squid on a Rhode Island beach during the video roll call of states that formally made Joe Biden the party’s presidential nominee.

My home state of Rhode Island went full on for the virtual DNC roll call, standing on the beach, declaring us the “Calamari Comeback State” and featuring a ninja with a plate of squid. Very on brand, RI!

— Lucia Vancura (@luciavancura) August 19, 2020

Ahead of the 2024 convention, however, he does not expect to hear from Democratic party leaders about a repeat appearance in the spotlight because this year, he is backing Donald Trump.

During an appearance on Fox & Friends First on Monday, he shared,”[We need someone to run] the United States like a business and to help the people who live here – creating jobs, keeping lower prices, and seeing the whole bottom line work out for everybody.”

He told co-host Carley Shimkus, “I just always believe business is business. The politicians… I don’t want to dis them or anything, but you always hear they’re going to make up stories, and they are going to help you, and they’re going to do this, they’re going to do that for you. I think Donald Trump did an awful lot while in office for the four years he was here.”

From Fox News:

Like many Americans, he says the economy is his top concern, citing home prices, high interest rates and inflationary pressures on businesses.

“I feel for the kids of my son’s age and stuff like that who want to buy a home right now. They’re going to pay for these overinflated prices, have high interest rates, and it’s going to crush them,” he continued.

“They need to make a ton of money, more so than what they’re making right now, or even what I’m making right now. You need more money just to stay on top of things. Everything’s just going up in price over and over.”

Continuing on that note, he claimed that prices are going up on a “weekly” and sometimes “daily” basis, and hikes in supply costs have rendered the Rhode Island eatery little choice but to raise their prices or cut back in some areas to avoid gouging customers.


Watch the latest video at

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Reality Check for ‘Queers for Palestine’ Delivered Directly From Palestinian Leaders-“Homosexuals Should Be Thrown Head First From The Rooftop Of The Tallest Building:”

Since the October 7 Hamas terrorist attacks against civilians, groups like “Gays for Palestine” and “Queers for Palestine” have become a vocal and visible part of pro-Hamas rallies on American college campuses and in protests in the streets of American cities.

Recently, “Queers for Palestine” blocked the exit to Disney World in Orlando, Florida, while chanting“Free, free Palestine!” and holding up banners.

And while these groups may passionately and enthusiastically yell anti-Semitic genocidal chats like “From the River to the Sea,” perhaps they should take a beat and really listen to what prominent Palestinian Islamic, political, and cultural figures really think about them.

MEMRI shared a collection of statements from Palestinian leaders, which state, in the strongest terms, that the Palestinian people “will not accept a single homosexual” on the land of Palestine and that homosexuals “should be thrown head first from the rooftop of the tallest building.”

MEMRI reports:

Jenin Islamic Scholar Abd Al-Rahman Al-Zayoud: In Islamic Society, Homosexuality And Lesbianism Are Punishable By Death – September 17, 2023

“What is the local culture? The Islamic culture. If this call clashes with the local culture, the laws and covenants of the United Nations – which call for homosexuality – must be followed. So what do they want from us? What do they want from this society that follows the Islamic culture, which sees homosexuality and lesbianism as punishable by death? They want us to respect this and strip us of our religion.”

Al-Aqsa Mosque Imam Mohammed Saleem Ali In Homophobic Diatribe During Friday Sermon: The Palestinian People Will Not Allow A Single Homosexual On Our Land; Such Perversion Brings The Wrath Of Allah On Us All – July 6, 2022

“Our Muslim Palestinian people will not accept a single homosexual openly declaring his abomination. Will you allow a single homosexual on the land of Jerusalem and Palestine? Will you allow that? No. Our people will not allow there to be institutions that promote this abomination, on the blessed, and pure land of Palestine.”

Palestinian Islamic Scholar Sheikh Yousef Abu Islam: Homosexuals Should Be Thrown Off Rooftops, Stoned To Death; Allah Will Punish Us Like Sodom If We Don’t Fight This Abomination – June 26, 2022

“Allah punished male and female adulterers [only] with flogging or stoning, but when He decided to punish homosexuals, He said that they should be thrown head first from the rooftop of the tallest building, and then they should be stoned from the top.”

Hey Queers for Palestine! Muslim man says that Palestinian suffering has been hijacked by the LGBTQ community for a political agenda and says he doesn’t want support and solidarity “from a bunch of degenerates.”

The Left eats their own. Let them fight!

— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) June 5, 2024

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Celebrity Chef On Doing Business in Broken California ‘”I Will Not Open Another Business in California Until They Actually Fix Things”

Chef Andrew Gruel explained why he would not open new businesses in California.

California, led by radical leftist Gov. Gavin Newsom,  is doing everything it can to destroy businesses in the state.

The Gateway Pundit reported that restaurants across the state have cut at least 10,000 jobs since Democrat lawmakers mandated a $20 minimum wage, according to the California Business and Industrial Alliance.

Beloved restaurant chain Rubio’s Coastal Grill is closing 48 locations in California due to the rising cost of doing business.

Homelessness and crime are rampant in the state, forcing businesses to increase security measures.

Recently, celebrity chef Andrew Gruel told Varney & Co., “I will not open another business in California until they actually fix things on a go-forward basis.”

Fox News reports:

Gruel attributed the restaurant industry’s economic troubles to numerous California policies; the most unsettling among them being crime.

“Allowing all of these crimes has really ripped apart the social fabric that we know of as the foundation of businesses. And then businesses have had to suffer because of all the crime in their surrounding communities. Business goes down. The regulations have piled up,” he explained on Wednesday.

“It’s almost as if the bureaucrats, many of whom were working remotely, sat at home just trying to make up insignificant regulations that restaurants and retail would ultimately have to follow.”

Gruel also addressed the devasting consequences of California’s tax policies and minimum wage hikes.

“You can’t tax your way out of this, but for some reason, the governments continue to think that they can. And the businesses and the restaurants are the ones that are ultimately paying through that black hole, which there’s never an end.”

Gruel explained, “If they were paying their workers $17 an hour, and now they’re up to $20. At 30 workers a week, 40 hours a week, that’s only $1,200 extra dollars times three, $3,600. Well, the payroll taxes on that alone will make it at least $5,000 to $6000 a week. 52 weeks over. That’s $300,000 a year.”


Watch the latest video at

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Elon Musk Drops a Truth Bomb on the Leftwing Extinctionist Movement

The globalists had a difficult weekend. Far-right parties, also called centrists, were victorious in the EU elections on the continent in country after country.

The far left globalists saw their grip on power collapsing.

Reality got in the way. The far left today lives on fantasies and destruction of order not just in the United States but in Western Europe.

The people had enough.

Following the elections on Sunday Peter Sweden, a Gatewya Pundit contributor, posted this analysis on X

Peter Sweden:  HUGE NEWS Green parties are COLLAPSING all over Europe in the EU elections. The right-wing parties opposed to the woke agenda, open borders and Net Zero have seen massive wins.

That’s when Elon Musk chimed in and dropped a reality bomb.

Elon Musk: The “right-wing” agenda today is just the centrist agenda of 20 years ago. The left has become an extinctionist movement.


Green parties are COLLAPSING all over Europe in the EU elections.

The right-wing parties opposed to the woke agenda, open borders and Net Zero have seen massive wins.

— PeterSweden (@PeterSweden7) June 10, 2024

This is not the first time Elon explained his politics. Previously, Elon posted this explainer on where he stood politically. He correctly describes the left’s lurch to insanity and suffering.
(Not sure about the date of this post on X.)

And Elon Musk explained what he thought of George Soros with Joe Rogan and his extinctionist policies – “He fundamentally hates humanity – he’s doing things to erode the fabric of civilization.”

“In My Opinion, He Fundamentally Hates Humanity – He’s Doing Things to Erode the Fabric of Civilization” – Elon Musk Blasts George Soros During Joe Rogan Interview (VIDEO)

Elon understands the Soros game.

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Modi Sworn in for Historic Third Term as India’s Prime Minister

After landing a spacecraft on the moon, championing a Hindu renaissance and leading India’s fast-growing economy, Narendra Modi has been sworn in as Prime Minister for a historic third term in a grand ceremony at the presidential palace in Delhi.

Modi came out on top of the ‘mammoth’ elections that mobilized almost a billion voters.

The leader of the Bharatiya Janata Party took his oath and said he would ‘do right to all manner of people without affection or ill-will’.

BBC reported:

“Mr. Modi’s BJP-led National Democratic Alliance won the general election with 293 seats, a much lower margin than predicted by exit polls.

[…] Thousands of guests have been attending his inauguration at Delhi’s presidential palace. Among them are the heads of neighboring Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, and the Maldives – but not Pakistan or China.”

Heavy security was put in place in the capital Delhi with more than 2,500 police officers deployed.

After he was sworn in by President Draupadi Murmu, Modi vowed to uphold the sovereignty and integrity of India, to govern with ‘true faith and allegiance to the constitution’.

“He said: ‘I will do right to all manner of people in accordance with the constitution and the law without fear or favour’.”

Modi is the second Indian PM to win a third consecutive term, after the country’s first prime minister, Jawaharlal Nehru.

“Mr. Modi thanked voters for their mandate, and said he would ‘do everything’ to eradicate corruption and poverty. ‘Empowering the poor and middle class is our priority’, he said.”

Associated Press reported:

“This is the first time the BJP under Modi has needed support from its regional allies to form a government after a decade of commanding the majority in Parliament.

Final election results released Wednesday showed Modi’s BJP won 240 seats, well below the 272 needed for a majority. Together, the parties in the NDA coalition secured 293 seats in the 543-member lower house of Parliament.”

Modi is a proud Hindu nationalist, considered a champion of the country’s Hindu majority – 80% of India’s 1.4 billion population.

Under his premiership, India is seeing rapid economic growth and an improvement of India’s global standing.

Read more:

A BILLION VOTERS HAVE SPOKEN! Indian PM Modi Scores a Gigantic Win in the World’s Largest Democratic Election Where Voter ID Is Required, and Will Serve Historic Third Term








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New Unelected Haiti Prime Minister Garry Conille Spent the Night in the Hospital After ‘Mystery Illness’

Haiti’s new unelected prime minister, Garry Conille, is now in stable condition after being hospitalized for an ‘unspecified illness’ on Saturday afternoon.

Conille was rushed to hospital after suffering breathing problems.

Reuters reported:

“‘Following a week of intense activities, the Prime Minister had a slight illness on the afternoon of Saturday June 8, 2024 and went to the hospital for treatment’, his office said in a statement. ‘His situation is stable for the moment’.

Reuters images showed several ambulances and police officers outside a hospital in a suburb of the capital Port-au-Prince where Conille was reportedly undergoing treatment.”

Conille briefly led the country over a decade ago and was most recently a former regional director at UNICEF, the United Nations children’s agency.

“He was named interim prime minister on May 29 by a transition council with the mandate to restore stability and take back control from violent gangs.”

The equally unelected transition council is expected to hold elections before Feb. 7, 2026.

The last elected leader in Haiti, President Jovenel Moise, was assassinated in 2021.

In a YouTube video, Conille said that he felt well.

He said that his government will, besides the security, also prioritize issues like health care.

CBS News reported:

“In his video, Conille said: ‘The whole time I was at the hospital, I was thinking of something: People that need to go to the general hospital can’t get there (due to widespread violence). People who need health care can’t afford it’.”

Conille was outside the country, serving as UNICEF’s regional director for Latin America and the Caribbean.

He arrived in Haiti on June 1, after a transitional council selected him as the new PM.

“The new prime minister has an arduous task ahead of him, having to quell rampant gang violence while helping lift Haiti out of deep poverty, with inflation reaching a record 29%, according to the latest data available.”

The rebel gangs control at least 80% of the capital, Port-au-Prince, and have forced more than 360,000 people from their homes.

“The Haitian government is now awaiting the U.N.-backed deployment of a police force from Kenya and other countries.”

Conille was in good spirits in the video released yesterday (9).

“‘I hope that by early next week we can have a government in place’, he said. ‘I am doing everything we can so we can get out of this crisis’.”

Read more:

HAITI HELL: Unelected Transition Council Chooses THIRD Prime Minister in a Month, a UN Official Linked to the Clintons

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Trump Blasts Biden for Hiring 88,000 IRS Agents to Target Middle Class and Hardworking Americans

At a high-energy rally in Las Vegas on Sunday, President Donald Trump introduced a bold initiative aimed directly at service workers—promising to abolish all taxes on tips should he return to the White House.

“This is the first time I’ve said this,” Trump announced, “and for those hotel workers and people that get tips, you’re going to be very happy. When I get back into office, we are going to eliminate taxes on tips. We’re going to do that right away, first thing in office.”

Trump portrayed his proposal as a necessary relief for service industry workers who heavily rely on tips to supplement their income.

“You do a great job of service; you take care of people,” he continued. “And I think it’s something that really is deserved.”

“So those people that have jobs in restaurants, whatever the job may be, a tipping job, we’re not going after for taxes anymore. This will be ended,” he announced.

Trump Champions the Working Class — Proposes Elimination of All Taxes on Tips (VIDEO)

Trump’s approach starkly contrasts with the current administration’s policies, which he argues place undue financial strain on service workers.

In a fiery post on Truth Social, Trump slammed Biden for increasing the taxation burden on tips and for the controversial hiring of 88,000 IRS agents—a move that targets these hardworking Americans unfairly.

"I am the only Candidate who has ever called for delivering relief to our wonderful Service Workers by NOT TAXING THEIR TIPS," Trump wrote. "It was my idea that Tips should not be taxed, and only I will GET IT DONE - And do it IMMEDIATELY upon my return to the White House."

"Crooked Joe Biden has taken the totally opposite approach, trying to TAX more and more of their Tips, even hiring 88,000 IRS Agents to collect! In fact, Crooked Joe substantially increased the Reporting Requirements for Workers (2023!), and would go still further if I wasn’t here to watch."

"Biden could never, and will never, get done what I’ve proposed - Just like he never got Student Loan Forgiveness done. With Biden, it’s ALL TALK, AND NO ACTION. Hopefully Rank and File Union Members, Union Leadership itself, and Workers all over the Country, both Union and Non-Union, will support Donald J. Trump, because I’m NO TALK AND ALL ACTION! TRUMP KEEPS HIS PROMISES, AND STANDS WITH OUR GREAT WORKERS. PROMISES MADE, PROMISES KEPT!" he wrote.

Screenshot: @realDonaldTrump/Truth Social

Last year, under Kevin McCarthy, the House of Representatives voted 221-210 to repeal funding for 87,000 IRS agents.

However, only 1,740 of the 87,000 IRS agents were removed.

“Of the $80 billion Democrats appropriated to the IRS over ten years, the “deal” rescinds $1.9 billion. You read that right. That’s the kind of “get” that’s so good McCarthy agreed to increase the debt ceiling $4 trillion,” said Rep. Dan Bishop (R-NC).

“Kevin says we can fight again NEXT year to rescind another year of the IRS $80 billion … but he simultaneously prevented that “fight” by agreeing to suspend the debt ceiling for TWO years. So there will be 85,260 more IRS agents rather than 87,000 to eat you alive. Big win.,” he added.

The Gateway Pundit reported last month that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is threatening to come after individuals or organizations who question Joe Biden or the federal government’s “ability to govern,” it has confirmed.

According to a report from independent journalist Ken Klippenstein, the IRS is planning to expand its investigative interests to those who threaten the federal government’s “ability to govern” or present a “threat to the public safety or national security interests of the United States.”

The IRS demanded a further $20 billion from Congress to further expand its operations.

According to IRS Commissioner, Daniel Werfel, the agency needs the money in order to fund technology upgrades and improve its customer service. He also confirmed plans to hire a further 14,000 employees over the next few years, with an estimated workforce of 102,500 by 2029.

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Top Cancer Charity Apologizes for Using ‘Cervix’ to Describe Female Body Part Instead of Trans-Inclusive Term ‘Front Hole’

Credit: Getty Images

The Canadian Cancer Society (CCS) has come under fire for yielding to the forces of political correctness, issuing an apology for using the term “cervix” in its health guidelines aimed at LGBTQ+ community members who are biologically female, according to a report by True North.

This move reflects a concerning trend of medical institutions caving to the pressures of ‘woke’ culture, sacrificing clarity and accuracy in health communications for the sake of political correctness.

“Anyone with a cervix can get cervical cancer. Almost all cervical cancer cases are due to HPV infection. HPV is spread through sexual contact including sexual intercourse, genital skin-to-skin contact and oral sex, regardless of gender or sexual orientation… If you have a cervix and have ever had sexual contact with anyone, regardless of gender or sexual orientation, you should start having regular Pap tests by the time you’re 25,” the website reads.

The charity mentioned the word “cervix” eight times on its website, including a disclaimer explaining their choice of language.

The disclaimer indicated that while the term “cervix” is medically accurate, it might not resonate with or be embraced by all readers, acknowledging that terms like “front hole” might be preferred by some.

“We recognize that many trans men and non-binary people may have mixed feelings about or feel distanced from words like “cervix.” You may prefer other words, such as “front hole.” We recognize the limitations of the words we’ve used while also acknowledging the need for simplicity. Another reason we use words like “cervix” is to normalize the reality that men can have these body parts too,” the disclaimer reads.

The Gateway Pundit previously reported that a cervical cancer trust was also under fire for disgustingly suggesting that people call vaginas “bonus holes” to avoid offending transgender people.

Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust, based in the UK, suggested the language in 2020 — but it just went viral after it was noticed by people and posted to Twitter.

“Bonus hole – an alternative word for the vagina. It is important to check which words someone would prefer to use,” the glossary on the trust’s website states.

British gender-critical writer Julie Burchill accused LGBT activists of erasing women by adopting terms such as “bonus hole” and “front hole” as trans-friendly alternatives to “vagina.”

“Both ‘bonus hole’ and ‘front hole’ are recommended as trans-friendly alternatives to vagina. Trans ideologues have long tried to erase or appropriate any word that is specific to females – from woman to mother and now vagina. And they have gained a foothold in our schools and in our media. Now gynaecological-health providers are swallowing the stupid pills, too,” Burchill wrote in a 2023 essay, according to True North.

More from the Daily Mail:

Many commenters quickly flocked to social media to respond to the non-profit’s stance.

‘Cervix! I have a damn cervix. This is just gross. You will never receive another donation from me,’ one said.

Another wrote: ‘How uncaring are you to ignore the identity, biology amd [sic] feelings of people who actually have a cervix. You need to be ashamed.’

Tom Quiggin, a former military intelligence officer and intelligence contractor for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, also commented on the statement.

‘It may be time to walk away from the Canadian Cancer Society. They have lost the plot,’ Quiggin said on Friday.

Another commenter said: ‘I guess the Canadian Cancer Society doesn’t want our donations. Why else would they insult women like that.’

The viral Twitter account Libs of TikTok also said that the charity’s statement was ‘beyond parody.’

‘UNREAL. In order to be “inclusive,” the Canadian Cancer Society will no longer use the term “cervix” and instead us the term “front hole”. Beyond parody,’ the account said.

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Millionaire Investment Banker Caught on Camera Assaulting Woman During Brooklyn Pride Festival (VIDEO)

Screenshot: @hellosami/X

A millionaire investment banker was caught on camera assaulting a woman on the streets of New York City.

Jonathan Kaye, 52, was caught on video striking an unnamed woman during a Pride rally in Brooklyn last weekend.

The video footage, which has since gone viral, shows Kaye delivering a powerful right hook to an unnamed woman, causing her to stumble and fall to the ground. The New York Police Department reportedly has no information on this assault as of yet, according to the New York Post.

Kaye is currently employed as a Managing Director at Moelis & Company, a prestigious investment bank located in Midtown Manhattan, according to the Daily Mail.

The 10-minute clip posted on social media platform X suggests that there was some form of altercation prior to the recording. However, it does not provide any context for the events leading up to the exchange.

“So why did your managing director Jonathan Kaye punch a black woman at Brooklyn Pride yesterday?” the post reads.


So why did your managing director Jonathan Kaye punch a black woman at Brooklyn Pride yesterday?

— sami (@hellosami) June 9, 2024

Indie reporter Talia Jane of The New Republic shed some light on the incident on her X account.

She wrote, “Yesterday as people were leaving Brooklyn Pride, an investment banker at Moelis named Jonathan Kaye assaulted multiple women—breaking one woman’s nose and sending two to the ER.”

According to Jane’s sources, Kaye reportedly initiated the confrontation by calling passersby “idiots.” When one woman questioned his remarks, he allegedly “turned around & started attacking people.”

According to sources close to Kaye, per the Daily Mail, the confrontation began when Kaye encountered a group of four protesters from ‘Queers for Palestine’ as he was returning from dinner.

Kaye reportedly warned the protesters that they were “on the wrong side” before the situation escalated rapidly. The group allegedly began to taunt Kaye, hurling anti-Semitic insults and throwing a mysterious liquid at him.

Jonathan Kaye (Credit: Moelis)

In response to the incident, Moelis & Company confirmed that Kaye is indeed the man seen in the video and announced that they have launched an internal investigation, according to Bloomberg.

“We have become aware that one of our employees was involved in a serious incident in Brooklyn on June 8,” Moelis said Sunday in an emailed response to questions from Bloomberg. “We take this matter very seriously and are conducting an investigation.”

According to Moelis’ website:

Jonathan Kaye is a Managing Director at Moelis & Company where he leads the global Business Services franchise. Under his leadership, this franchise has become a recognized global leader having advised on over 100 transactions across the sector.

Jonathan has worked in the investment banking industry for 20 years with a specialized focus on divestitures, mergers, acquisitions and control and non-control investments. His expertise and coverage areas include industrial, white collar and technology-enabled services across a range of end markets and delivery models. Jonathan maintains extensive relationships with private equity investors, private and public strategic companies.

Jonathan holds a B.A. from Tufts University and graduated cum laude from the Duke University School of Law. He also attended the Fletcher School of Law & Diplomacy where he studied International Affairs and Security.

This story has been updated with additional information.

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South Texas Judge Overturns City Council Election Due to Voter Fraud and Allegations of Fake Addresses on Voter Registrations

Incumbent David White (L); Gerardo Lozano (R) (Credit: Facebook)

A visiting judge has overturned the results of the November 2023 Edinburg City Council election, declaring Gerardo “Gerry” Lozano the rightful winner over incumbent David White, reported.

The lawsuit, brought forward by challenger Gerardo “Gerry” Lozano, contested the narrow victory of incumbent David White, alleging widespread irregularities, including illegal assistance to voters and the use of fake addresses in voter registrations.

The central issue in Lozano’s suit involved allegations against ‘politiqueras’, paid campaign workers accused of illegally aiding voters both in-person and through mail-in ballots. Some accusations extended to voters allegedly using fake addresses on their voter registrations.

The court’s findings revealed that these politiqueras assisted numerous voters who did not meet the legal criteria for such help. According to myRGV, citing Texas Election Code, assistance at the polls is strictly reserved for voters who are either illiterate or physically incapable of filling out ballots on their own. This assistance can extend to physically disabled voters eligible for curbside voting.

In his ruling, Senior Judge Jose Manuel Bañales confirmed that several voters received unlawful help filling out their ballots and participated in unauthorized curbside voting. Notably, the judge highlighted instances of individuals voting curbside from a van, despite being physically able to enter the polling place.

After conducting a three-day bench trial, Judge Bañales determined that more than a dozen illegal votes had been cast for incumbent David White, surpassing his narrow victory margin.

Bañales stated in his final judgment, “The Court heard the evidence and arguments of counsel and found that it could ascertain the true outcome of the election, that the number of illegal votes which were cast for Contestee David White exceed Contestee David White’s ten vote margin of victory in said election, that by subtracting the illegal votes from the official total for David White, Gerardo “Gerry” Lozano obtained more votes in said election than David White.”

As a result of this finding, Bañales declared Gerardo “Gerry” Lozano as the winner of the election for City Commissioner Place 4.

“The judge disqualified, I believe, 26 votes that were cast in the Edinburg City Commission (sic) race in November of 2023. And out of those 26, he found that 15 had voted for Mr. White,” Lozano’s attorney, Gilberto Hinojosa, told Dina Arévalo for myRGV.

White, a career law enforcement officer and one-time Edinburg police chief, voiced his disagreement with the trial’s outcome and stated he would be appealing.

Gov. Greg Abbott weighed in on this new development, saying, “Election results overturned in a local race in Texas because of ‘illegally-cast’ votes. Voter fraud is real and must be stopped. Texas will strengthen laws that crack down on illegal voting.”

Election results overturned in a local race in Texas because of ‘illegally-cast’ votes.

Voter fraud is real and must be stopped.

Texas will strengthen laws that crack down on illegal voting.

— Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX) June 8, 2024

In related news, in May 2024, The Gateway Pundit reported that a Bexar County visiting judge ordered a new election for the 180th District Court seat in Harris County, Texas. This ruling comes after Republican candidate Tami Pierce narrowly lost to Democrat DaSean Jones by a mere 449 votes in the November 2022 election.

Republican Tami Pierce continues to contest the election results in court, asserting that “improper or illegal votes were counted” and that the election was “riddled with errors.”

The court found that 1,430 illegal votes were cast, making it impossible to ascertain the true winner of the election. Furthermore, an additional 321 votes were incorrectly tallied due to an extended voting hour, a mishap attributed to an official error by the Harris County Elections Administration Office.


RIGGED ELECTION? Harris County Judge Orders New Election for 180th District Court Seat After Controversial 449-Vote Loss — Nearly 1,500 Votes Cast Illegally

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DISGUSTING: Joe Biden Steals Ronald Reagan’s Speech at Normandy Beach on D-Day Anniversary – VIDEO

Joe Biden steals Ronald Reagan’s historic D-Day speech on Normandy Beach. Truly disgusting.

Old Joe Biden traveled to France this weekend for the festivities surrounding the Anniversary of the D-Day invasion on June 6, 1944.

Before Joe Biden arrived in France his aides were hoping his visit would remind Americans of Ronnald Reagan’s famous speech on Normandy Beach on the 50th Anniversary of D-Day.

Boy, did it!

Joe Biden basically stole Ronald Reagan’s historic speech, written by Peggy Noonan, and delivered it in front of the world leaders.

Clay Travis and Buck Sexton spliced the two speeches and put them together.

This is Joe Biden’s latest act of plagiarism. Of course, the mainstream media ignored this like all of the others.

The plagiarizer in chief Joe Biden.

Biden steals from Ronald Reagan’s famous speech at

— Citizen Free Press (@CitizenFreePres) June 8, 2024

This is nothing new for Joe Biden.

Biden has been lying for so long Johnny Carson called him out!

Not his first time Listen

Natural Born Liar, Joe Biden.

— Donna Marie (@sabback) June 7, 2024

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Missing Mother of Four Found Inside Belly Of 20-Foot Python – After Being Swallowed Whole

By: Ben Kew

A missing woman in Indonesia has been found deceased in the most disturbing of circumstances.

The 45-year-old mother of four was found dead inside the belly of a 20-foot reticulated python after her husband reported her missing when she failed to return home after walking through woodlands to sell food at a market in central Indonesia’s Sulawesi province.

CBS News reports:

The husband of 45-year-old Farida and residents of Kalempang village in South Sulawesi province discovered her on Friday inside the reticulated python, which measured around five meters (16 feet).

The mother-of-four had gone missing Thursday night and failed to return home, forcing a search effort, village head Suardi Rosi told AFP.

Her husband “found her belongings… which made him suspicious. The villagers then searched the area. They soon spotted a python with a large belly,” said Suardi.

“They agreed to cut open the python’s stomach. As soon as they did, Farida’s head was immediately visible.”

Graphic footage obtained by TMZ appeared to show locals opening up the snake’s body and finding the missing woman.

According to the Natural History Museum, the reticulated python is the longest snake in the world, regularly reaching over 6.25 metres in length and is longest of the 39 species in the family Pythonidae.

“Reticulated pythons live in southeast Asia and while they are typically found in rainforests, woodland and grasslands, their habitat preference seems to depend on their location,’ the Museum notes.

“In Myanmar, these non-venomous snakes have only been found in pristine forest, whereas in Singapore, Indonesia and Malaysian Borneo they’ve also been recorded in sewers.”

The poor woman is not the first victim of such a snake attack and almost certainly not the last.

Last year, a farmer in the Tinanggea district of Southeast Sulawesi was strangled by an eight-meter-long python as it attempted to devour him, leading residents to kill the snake.

In 2022, a woman named Jahrah, 54, was collecting rubber in Jambi province when she went missing. Her body was discovered inside a swollen python two days later.


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Tren de Aragua: Violent Transnational Venezuelan Gang Entered USA Through Southern Border

(Photo: Peruvian National Police)

Members of Congress have requested that Tren de Aragua, a violent Venezuelan gang now operating across the United States and throughout Latin America, be designated as a transnational criminal organization.

According to retired general Óscar Naranjo, a former vice president of Colombia and chief of the Colombian National Police, Tren de Aragua is “the most disruptive criminal organization operating nowadays in Latin America, a true challenge for the region.”

Tren de Aragua originated from construction labor unions in Venezuela and was later headquartered in the country’s Tocorón prison, which they controlled. Inside the prison, Tren de Aragua leaders lived in luxury.

When federal police raided the prison last year, they discovered the gang had amenities like a swimming pool, cable TV, air-conditioning, a center for horse racing bets (hipódromo), and a discotheque that sold alcohol and drugs. Astonishingly, they were also operating a bank that could accept deposits from outside the prison and paid 20% interest.

The gang, heavily armed with automatic weapons, managed operations from their cells, including extortion, drug trafficking, human trafficking, bribery, and murder. Although the police raid dismantled the prison headquarters, Tren de Aragua has only faced a temporary setback and continues to expand its operations into North and South America.

The gang is considered the strongest in Venezuela, with at least 4,000 foot soldiers. In 2015, they formed an alliance with Primeiro Comando da Capital (First Capital Command – PCC), a Brazilian criminal organization, allowing them to expand their operations throughout South America. Now, they operate not only in Venezuela but also in Bolivia, Colombia, Chile, and Peru.

In Colombia, they run sex trafficking networks and have clashed with the National Liberation Army, using heavy weapons like assault rifles and fragmentation grenades. They exploit internally displaced Colombians, migrants, and the desperately poor, subjecting them to debt bondage, forcing them to work off their debts in brothels.

Recently, there has been a significant rise in the activity of the Tren de Aragua in the United States. This gang’s expansion into the U.S. is partly attributed to increased migration from Venezuela, with many gang members entering through the southern border.

Between October 2022 and 2023, the U.S. Border Patrol detained 38 suspected Tren de Aragua members attempting to enter the country. Ironically, the violence perpetrated by Tren in Venezuela and across South America, with dismembered bodies turning up in Colombia and Chile, has led to an increase in illegal immigration, as people flee to escape the gang’s brutality.

Tren de Aragua has reportedly established a presence in several major U.S. cities, including New York, Chicago, Atlanta, Miami, Washington, D.C., and Baton Rouge, where the group operated a sex trafficking ring. Members have been arrested for carrying loaded firearms, violent crimes, and running sex trafficking networks.

In Chicago, confirmed Tren de Aragua member Adelvis Rodriguez-Carmona was arrested for his involvement in a drive-by shooting in the Little Italy neighborhood. The New York Police Department has identified Tren de Aragua as being involved in a series of cell phone thefts throughout the city.

Bernardo Raul Castro-Mata, a Tren de Aragua member, entered the U.S. illegally from Venezuela. He shot two police officers in New York and was a suspect in several robberies in Queens.

His gang-related tattoos are recorded in U.S. law enforcement databases. Many lawmakers and law enforcement officials argue that these tattoos should be used as grounds to bar individuals from legal immigration to the U.S.

Johan Jose Cardenas Silva, wanted in Peru for conspiracy and assault, was arrested in New York for criminal possession of a weapon and intent to sell controlled substances. Lawmakers feel that being wanted by a foreign police department should also be grounds for preventing someone from legally immigrating to the U.S.

In Miami, Tren de Aragua member Yurwin Salazar, an illegal alien also wanted by police in Venezuela, was charged with first-degree murder, armed home invasion, kidnapping, and carjacking, including the killing of a retired Venezuelan police officer. This case underscores the danger of allowing known and vicious criminals into the country and highlights how violence from Latin America is being exported to the U.S.

According to U.S. immigration officials, no one knows how many Tren de Aragua members have already entered the U.S.

U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Representative María Elvira Salazar (R-FL) led colleagues in sending a letter to President Joe Biden, emphasizing the urgent need to dismantle the Tren de Aragua gang.

The letter stated, “If left unchecked, they will unleash an unprecedented reign of terror, mirroring the devastation it has already inflicted in communities throughout Central and South America, most prominently in Colombia, Chile, Ecuador, and Peru.”

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